

C1168 Gone

Knowing that the message from Klea was his last warning, Emery decided to end the fight. Directing his darkness and light spirit energy into his two respective swords, Emery released his strongest sword attack using both his swords.

[Omega Strike]

As if the sun and night made their appearances together, two extraordinary phenomena manifested in the form of a boundless curtain of darkness and a peerless pillar of light as the two swords in Emery's hand swung.

A massive explosion occurred in the facility, separating and creating distance between the two of them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Emery cast [Aegis of the Void], creating a barrier that isolated him from the outside world. In the next instant, his figure disappeared as he teleported through the passageway to the surface using [Blink], leaving behind the thunderous roars of an angry magus.

"You coward!!"

With his experience with the spell so far, Emery calculated that his [Aegis of the Void] should be able to stop the magus, and give enough time for him to get away from this place.

But then, he still couldn't afford to relax as he knew that as soon as he walked out of the warehouse, he would have to face multiple defense systems that would surely bombard him right on the spot.

It was at times like this that Emery was grateful that he was able to use spatial spells. Using a succession of [Blink] and [Spatial Gate], he should be able to avoid the fate of his body being riddled by countless projectiles and headed straight for where Klea and Chumo were.

However, just as he was about to exit the warehouse and cast the spell, Emery quickly retraced his steps.

It was because he could see that the ship Klea informed him had already arrived. It hovered in the sky right above the South Outpost, with the two magus already coming out and flying towards the warehouse.

To buy more time to escape, Emery decided to once again use his [Shapeshifting].

This time, instead of taking the look of Magus Jorah again, Emery transformed into the dark elf magus.

After his transformation finished, Emery finally walked out of the warehouse. He quickly faced the two magus with an agitated look on his face saying, "There is an intruder! Quick go inside and help me find him!"

Faced with the sudden request, it was apparent that the two were confused for a moment. But eventually, they nodded their heads and headed to the warehouse. Seeing that, Emery added his words, "Go now! I need to chase one that escaped!"

As soon as their figures disappeared into the warehouse, Emery's face changed as he could sense that the dark elf magus was already ascending to the surface. The other party seemed to have broken through his spell much faster than he had predicted.

Without further ado, he quickly gathered his spirit energy and cast [Seed Bomb].

Numerous spheres formed of darkness energy swiftly materialized around Emery's body before he waved his hand, sending them towards not the warehouse, but instead at the spaceship hovering above.

Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!!

A huge explosion occurred in the vast expanse as the spaceship was destroyed into pieces and engulfed in blazing flames.

The reason Emery chose to attack the ship was because it was the only threat that could match the distance his Spatial Gate spell could reach. Hence by blowing up the ship, Emery and his friends would have a much higher chance to escape safely.

The explosion naturally attracted the attention of many as all three magus swiftly came out from the warehouse, staring at Emery in great fury.

Unfortunately for them, by this time, Emery had cast a Spatial Gate that would take him straight to his friends located a few miles away.

"See you again later." He said, waving his head as he stepped into the portal.


Even from such a distance, Emery could clearly hear the anger within the magus' screams.

Stepping out, Emery arrived right next to his friends and quickly said, "We have to get going now!"

Thanks to his Spirit Reading, he knew that the dark elf magus had dashed in his direction, with multiple dark chains flying across the treacherous landscape of the Wasteland, hunting him like a pack of hyenas.

Unfortunately for the magus, he was still a few hundred meters too far. By the time the chains arrived, Emery and his two friends had already jumped into the portal. They had gone, leaving behind Magus Conleth who was still being shackled onto the ground by the blades.

"Arrghh!! They managed to escape!" said the dark elf in anger, as he stared fiercely at the captured magus.

Intimidated by the other party's gaze, Magus Conleth pleaded innocent. "Please, believe me, I didn't tell them anything!" to which the magus scoffed coldly.

"Hah! The fact that you are still alive speaks more facts than your words!"

In his anger, the dark elf magus formed the energy blade on his hand before swinging it. Blood spurted into the air as a head flew and rolled on the desert sand, the headless body lifelessly fell soon after.

Even so, the irritation the dark elf felt did not seem to have lessened as he couldn't sense Emery anymore.


Less than an hour later, a communication line was established between the Southern Outpost and the Nexus Space Station. The contact seemed to be initiated by the latter's side as the words used to start the exchange.

"Lord Kasin, as requested, we have prepared another Replicator for your use. It should arrive in 5 to 6 hours."

Within the command room of the South Outpost Emery had just infiltrated, the dark elf magus was seen sitting on his seat. The man was Kasin Zahdoc, known as Keeper of the Shadow, and was a dark elf that Baron had assigned in the project with the Nexus faction.

He was greatly feared as well as respected by his enemies and allies alike, to the point that the Principal himself did not dare to speak harshly with him.

Staring at the face that appeared on the screen, the dark elf seemed to be still annoyed with what had just happened one hour ago.

"Principal, tell me how much does the Magus Alliance know about us and this project?"

"Don't worry, Lord Kasin. We have blocked all means of communication, so no one should yet know about our situation here. I assure you that everything will be back to normal after we take care of those envoys."

It was apparent that the Principal tried to pacify the elf magus with his words. Alas, the latter wasn't slightly amused by it as he said, "Hah! Don't lie to me, Principal. Even if you blocked all channels, this can't be hidden for long now it's been exposed. We can't take any chances, this project needs to be accelerated."

A gloomy expression appeared on the Principal's face for a few seconds before he eventually said, "Alright, I agree."

"Good! That's what I like to hear; you have 48 hours, Principal." The elf magus said, his expression stern.

"Of course, Lord Kasin."

"Oh, I also want those humans." hatred was evident in his voice. "Send them to me. Death or alive it doesn't matter, just make sure I receive them."

The reply came a second later. "We will give our best, Lord. Our drones are tracking them right now."

"Good, I will be waiting."

When the line was finally cut off, the Principal's face had completely turned pale as he turned around. He swept his gaze and looked at his ministers, who all shared the same troubled look as him.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do but do as he was told.

First, the Principal summoned his confidant Magus Garnet, ordering the magus to prepare a team dedicated to capture the envoys. However, knowing the abilities Emery and the others had and that they only had three magus available, most of them weren't very optimistic about the operation.

In this dilemma, voices of complaints began to be heard.

"Huh, does he really need to kill Conleth? I really don't like this," said one of the ministers. What's more, the same sentiment seemed to be shared by most of the significant people present in the hall.

At this, the Principal turned to look at his strongest magus and said, "For now, killing the envoy is not a priority. I want you to bring Minister Otto back, we really need him for what comes next."

All the ministers turned pale again when they heard all this.

"Are we really going to do it, Principal? Just 48 hours?! Principal, we can't do that; we are far from ready!"

Ignoring the opinion, the Principal asked a question. "How many sectors have been completed?"

"Only 25."

"That's only 250,000," added another minister.

Hearing such responses, the Principal shook his head helplessly saying, "There's no other way. We just have to make do." Staring at his ministers, he said, "Prepare everything needed for Protocol 66 now."

To be continued