


36 hours ago.

Klea and Chumo streaked across the sky above a vast sandy landscape, heading towards the third Nexus colony which was located 300 miles away in the south. Being the third in line, the place had much fewer facilities than the first colony.

However, unlike its counterparts, the third Nexus colony was connected with the local settlements, making the site much more bustling and lively than the other two colonies.

[Nexus 3rd colony]

[Population: 2420]

It didn't take long for the two to arrive, the thunderbird they rode descended from the sky onto the colony's open field. The sight of Klea's summon quickly attracted the attention of both the Nexus soldiers and the inhabitants of the colony.

"We are here," said Klea, her gaze sweeping over the surrounding area that was gradually filled with curious observers. Chumo did not give a reply and just stood silent following her.

Not long after their arrival, the person in charge of the colony appeared to welcome the two of them. The other party arrived with a group of Nexus soldiers.

"Welcome to the third Nexus colony, Envoy," said a middle-aged man with a short neat beard wearing a military uniform. "My name is Lucien. You can address me as General Lucien."

A look of realization appeared on Klea's face. "It seems that all of you have been informed of our arrival. Alright then, this will make things easier."

Klea's objective was to gather as much information for the completion of their mission. Therefore, without wasting any more time, she planned to start from the colony itself.

"Is there anything we can help you with, Envoy?"

"Of course," Klea replied with a smile. Staring at the middle-aged man, she said, "How about summoning all the people in charge of this place? Can you do that? I like to meet them."

"You want to call for a meeting, Envoy?" asked the general, to which Klea shook her head.

"No, no.. Meeting sounds too tiring."


A pondering expression appeared on her face before her eyes suddenly lit up. "Let's have a feast!" Turning to the general, she said, "Can we do that? Please…"

With the charm, she exuded and her being an envoy of the Magus Alliance, a lavish feast was swiftly prepared to celebrate Klea and Chumo's arrival.

An abundant amount of food, and seemingly endless glasses of drinks were prepared for this occasion. All the important people stationed in the colony were summoned, from lieutenants and officers of the military to the chief and officials of the various facilities.

"Thank you, general, for such a warm welcome." Klea said while delicately swirling the glass of drink in her hands.

"Certainly… it's only expected that we prepare a grand welcome for a beautiful envoy such as you."

As the party started and people started swaying to the beat of the music with food and drink, Klea began to approach these people. As they struck up a conversation with her, without anyone noticing the bracelet hanging from her wrist gave off a soft glow.


Even though having the authority as an official envoy, there were some ethics that should not be violated. One of such was probing into someone's mind without permission. Not only was Klea currently doing that, she was also planning to do the same to everyone present at the feast.

With the help of the intoxicating drinks served at the party, Klea could cast the spell and get away with it. Without realizing it, everyone started talking about all sorts of information with happy expressions on their faces.

From the many pieces of information she heard, Klea noted certain information that was disturbing.

One was the fact that these people had little consideration for the natives, with only a small minority acting otherwise.

Two, it turned out that the orcs' attacks were as troublesome, if not more, as the rebels. However, the higher-ups on the space station never seem to take this particular threat seriously.

Three, the fact that General Lucien received a direct order to put the two of them under close surveillance, and also record every move they made since their arrival in the colony.

The third information in particular made Klea excuse herself and walk back to her seat where Chumo was standing by himself. The latter had been as silent as he could be ever since they arrived in the colony.

With a chuckle, Klea whispered, "Did you hear that, Chumo? Our presence here is closely monitored."

The response Chumo gave was only a nod, while a voice transmission came into the device in her ear instead.

[I shouldn't have left you by yourself, I was supposed to be there to guard you]

"Haha, you don't have to worry about anything…" She said with a smile. "There's only saints and low stage Rank 9; all easily bow under the queen."

[I know.. Still, be careful]

"Of course.. So how far away are you now?"

[About 200 miles away. Any further, I will inform you]

"Alright, be safe."

Ever since the two flew and drew closer to the third colony, Chumo already separated from Klea to gather information on the outskirts of the area. His main objective was to check on the sites where the orcs' attacks were reported.

Leaving a shadow clone of himself was part of Klea's idea, and as expected, with Chumo's nearly identical clone with her, no one suspected that the real him was actually snooping around other places.

Now that she felt she had heard all she needed to know from these important people in the colony, the next morning Klea began to explore the settlement to learn more about the locals living in this place.

Compared to the lavish and extravagant feast she had just attended yesterday, the situation of the people living in the area just next to the gate was a complete opposite. Hundreds of people were sick and malnourished.

Most of them were apparently waiting for the mercy of the Nexus faction to send daily ration consisting of food and water.

Klea didn't even need to use her [Enchantment] spell to ask questions from these people as most of them were completely terrified of her. In fact, she once again heard the word she had heard in the first colony from these people.

"Anhera! Anhera!"

It turned out that the meaning of the word told by the Minister of Science was not accurate. Rather than 'Angel', the true meaning of the word was 'Angel of Death'.

The vast expanse of desert around the third colony and the sight of these people couldn't help but remind Klea of her people back in Egypt.

Under the terrified gaze of these natives, Klea walked to the center of this part of the colony, and as she was watched by hundreds of people, she cast a spell that drew a shocking phenomenon in her surroundings.

[Storm Haze]

As she raised both of her hands, huge swirls of water danced in the air following her left palm, while erratic sparks of lightning manifested on her right palm. Countless gasps and screams occurred in the audience as her figure slowly levitated above the ground.

Booming thunder rumbled across the sky as thick clouds began to gather. In the next second, water droplets fell to the earth causing the surrounding people to cheer wildly with joy. Many opened their mouths, trying to catch as much water as their mouths could; while some picked up various items to collect the falling rain.

Klea channeled her spells for hours, enough to give all villagers water for days.

Later that day, she received a notification from Chumo.

[I tracked a group of orcs heading toward a settlement. Do you want to join?]

A smile appeared on her face.

"You don't need to ask. Where is it?"

To be continued