


The spaceship that Emery and Annara rode in has been flying through hyperspace at warp speed for the past three days.

The ship they were in wasn't big and even could be considered to be quite small. Therefore, these past three days, the two of them had basically been hanging around with each other all the time. They trained together, had meals together, and even rested near each other.

Thanks to the many things that had happened to and between them in the past 4 months, Emery and Annara had gotten used to each other and learned to get along. Unfortunately, Emery found another habit of the girl he found hard to deal with.

Being a cultivator who specialized in sound, Annara had a strange taste of it. When asked about it, the red-haired girl said that it was music. This naturally puzzled Emery, as the only thing he could hear was a weird cacophony of loud noises that sounded like things crashing into each other.

"In my world, we called this Art!" was what the girl said as the so-called music resounded in the background.

Dum dum prak dum dum chink!!

Thanks to her antics, the whole trip taught Emery a new level of patience. He could only take it as a way to further train his concentration in the midst of chaos, as he couldn't debate much with the girl.

Not only would it only create more drama - something that definitely wasn't needed between them, but also a fact that she was the pilot of the spaceship. This automatically made her the boss.

On the other hand, the red-haired girl's antics also somehow helped him stop worrying about a certain heiress of a clan. Since there was nothing he could do, Emery can only hope that she wouldn't get into too much trouble for helping them escape.

The past three days Emery had also taken two more doses of the [Twilight Serum]. As a result, he managed to gain a two percent increase in his Fey gene essence percentage.

This also left him with only 11 [Twilight Fey booster], and with simple math, Emery knew that he wouldn't hit the 50% mark with them. This inevitable situation make him think about Ouroboros again.

Given that they still had the recipe for [Twilight Fey Booster] and his clone body, Emery firmly believed that his relationship with them was still not over and that their paths would cross again in the future.

After letting out a sigh, Emery threw the thought of her to the back of his mind and set his thoughts straight. He then returned to his cultivation training, as he had priorities that he wanted to achieve.

In the corner of the spaceship, Emery was currently sitting in the lotus position and focused his concentration on his cultivation.

He still hoped to break through to rank 9 acolyte before they arrived at the academy, but the past three days he still hadn't been able to make that breakthrough he so desperately wanted.

On the other hand, Emery found it strange that the mist-like energy floating and circulating right outside his two cores were still there. It was the one that made him able to use his new skill [Spirit Devour].

As he had absolutely no clue what it was and no idea of what he should do about it, Emery decided to let it be. Naturally, he also decided that he would ask about this to Magus Xion or maybe to the White Fang when he returned to the academy.

Either way, Emery sincerely hoped he could return as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Annara said that the return trip would take at least 10 days, even at their continuous warp speed.

The long journey time could actually be cut down by going in a straight line, but since Ouroboros Planet was located near the border of the battlefield between humans and elves, it would be extremely dangerous for them to travel directly to the nearest alliance outpost.

Of course there was another quicker method of returning to the academy, which was to reach one of the Serpent Bloodline's planets in the vicinity that still had functional portals. However, not only was there a huge chance that they would be recognized and subsequently captured, this option was essentially a gamble given the Serpent Bloodline's stance towards the current situation.

Hence, they agreed to just travel in a somewhat roundabout way in order to be safe.

"At least we should still have arrived with proper time to prepare for the mid-test." The tone of Annara's words clearly showed how nonchalant she was with their situation.

When the two of them were busy with their own activity, suddenly a deafening sound resounded from the control panel. Something had triggered the spaceship's alarm and this quickly awakened Emery from his focused cultivation.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Emery asked as he approached the red-haired girl who was fiddling with the control panel.

Without turning her head, Annara answered his question. "Radar detected many objects in our direct path. We have to get off the warp speed."

This unexpected situation caught both of them off guard and made them both cautious and anxious. After all, every time they got off the warp speed, the risk of danger would increase because the spaceship could be detected by unwanted parties.

The spaceship shook violently for a moment as it exited hyperspace. Immediately after, Emery and Annara's eyes turned to the window. They wanted to see what was the thing that forced them to stop their warp speed, and they were quickly dumbstruck by the scene that unfolded in front of them.

Large piles of wreckage that scattered and floating aimlessly in the dark space.

It didn't take the two of them long to realize that what they were seeing might be the remains of a battle.

Seeing this, Annara realized something and her face changed. She quickly scanned the area and looked for an alternative route.

"Come on… come on… come on…" The red-haired girl muttered as she operated the control panel at high speed.

"Yes! done!"

[An alternate path has been mapped out. The ship is going back to hyperspace in 5, 4, 3-]

Just as they were about to enter warp speed, the ship suddenly shook and something appeared on the control panel.

[Unable to activate warp speed, a tractor beam is in progress]

Seeing this notification, Annara's face instantly turned pale and she immediately threw her way towards the window. Emery who had been observing her also quickly followed suit, and the two of them saw a ship the size of an elven cruise ship enter their view.

Realizing what kind of ship it was, the pale expression on Annara's face lessened.

"That's the alliance warship. We are saved!"

To be continued