


In the last year's Magus Games, the main objective was to stay alive as long as possible so one could become one of the last 50 teams. This time, there was no maximum number of surviving acolytes, there were just levels, and all acolytes would be personally judged on what level they could survive till.

The acolytes all gathered in the arena, and in the middle, a pink-haired magus explained all the new changes to the rules. Her voice was amplified with magic, so that it echoed throughout the place and was heard by the thousands of acolytes gathered there.

As she announced the names and the teams that came as the result of their previous team registration. The numbers started appearing in their mind as each acolyte's personal symbol lit up.

[Total acolytes who have joined: 6,554]

[Total teams registered: 712]

[You are allocated to Arena 7]

[Total teams on Arena 7: 101]

[Total number of acolytes on Arena 7: 692]

The number was quite surprising as the year started with 10,000 acolytes. It was as the headmaster said to him when he returned 2,000 acolytes were purged from the academy.

"That is all for the rules! Without further ado, you may all step into the portal, and the game will start shortly. Good luck!"

Emery and his friends looked at each other, silent determination in their gaze, before they entered the portal one by one. As soon as each of them passed through, multiple lines of information were transmitted into his mind.

[Welcome to Magus Games! You will now be sent to a virtual arena, the pain felt during the games will be real, death however, will not.]

[Body and personal items have been scanned. All items above tier 4 are prohibited]

As Emery read the announcement, he let out a sigh. Fortunately, as he predicted, only items inside the storage ring were being scanned, and in anticipation of that, Emery has moved all the items he would use for the battle in his ring, while storing the rest in the [Spatial Storage]. Most likely, considering the virtual arena, he would not be able to access his storage.

[You are part of Team 88]

[Your point : 0]

[Team point : 0]

[Objective - Defend the Orb at the Bridge]

[The Magus Games will start in 5 minutes]

Just like last time, each participant will receive personal points for killing more targets.

The darkness subsided, and Emery opened his eyes, to see himself and his four friends standing in a small square room that could barely fit all of them. Sounds of groaning came from their surroundings, and the floor shook in a rhythm, indicating they were being lifted up. Right as their awe subsided, the cellings opened. It was just like last time.

All five looked upon each other and nodded, before they jumped out with their weapons ready, Sword for Emery, Shield and hammer for Julian, Glaive for Thrax. Bow for Chumo and Lastly a magic staff for Klea.

They remembered the stone bridge, it was a 8 meter wide bridge that stretched far leading towards two large stone gates on opposite sides, and floating next to them, there was a large, shiny blue orb.

"Alright! I can't wait to slay some goblins!"

Thrax said, while he twirled his weapon in excitement.

"Thrax, remember, this is our third year! We can't possibly be fighting goblins again!"

"Haha! What are you worried about Roman? Whatever comes next, I am ready! Which door will it be!?"

Thrax asked, as he pointed the tip of his large glaive towards one of the large gates. "Would they come out of this one, or maybe the other one- Ah, never mind that."

[The game has started]

A creak could be heard from the stone gate, right as it started to shake. The ground trembled, and a piercing roar echoed from behind the gate. Without wasting time, Thrax quickly readied his stance, along with the others.

The gate was obscured with light, but little dark dots started to appear as the light diminished, allowing them to see bits of the creature.

"Definitely not a goblin! Is that an Orc?! Hahaha! I am ready!! Let's go-"

Within less than a second, Thrax's words were caught in his throat. The creature that came out of the massive gate was three times the size of an orc, and its height reached almost four meters. The creature possessed two heads, one with a horn, and another with two horns. It has two pairs of hands, each holding a spiked club that swung wildly with each step they took.


The ground shook as the monster screamed, and it was enough to surprise them, but not enough to scare them.

"Ahh! That is an Ogre! This will be fun!" Thrax exclaimed

Right as the first ogre came out of the gate, the second gate on the other side of the bridge started to shake again. Just like the first one, the large stone gate opened to reveal another of the same creature.

"Two ogres? That doesn't matter, we can do this!"

Unfortunately for them, it did not end there. Right behind the two large creatures, footsteps could be heard, followed by dozens of shadows. The five instantly recognized them as orcs. They kept on flowing out of the gates, dozens, and hundreds, quickly joined in. The wave of green-skinned orcs started to flood the bridge.

Right at this moment, the group came to a realization. This Magus Game started right from what they picked up last.

[Level 1 - The Horde]

[Two-headed ogres and an endless wave of resilient orcs. Their numbers and savage fighting are the true terror of this challenge. Defend the orb at all costs!]

[Twin Headed Ogre - Battle power 100]

[Orcs - battle power 50]

The endless horde filled with soldiers came charging at them from two sides. From their expressions, Emery could tell that his friends were not too concerned about fighting these enemies, as they are, in the end, merely creatures that move on instinct and subsisted on their strength alone.

However, Emery was concerned about what would come next. If this is the first level, what would the fifth level look like?

The last few orcs walked out of the gate, and as if on command, they charged forward following their leader, the two headed ogre. With a confident smirk and a grip full of resolve on their weapons, the five shouted in unison.

"Here They come! FIght!!"

To be continued