


Emery watched intently as his three friends gave their all, fighting against the combat puppets Magus Silica had provided for them. Simply put, the three fights were equally fierce and exciting. He could even glean some useful things from observing how his friends responded and coped with the stuff the combat puppets did.

Chumo and Julian were fighting against the same opponent, a level 7 combat puppet. Meanwhile, Thrax had already defeated his level 7 puppet, so he went ahead and fought against a level 8 combat puppet.

Even though the difference between their opponents was merely one level, the difficulty of fighting a level 8 combat puppet rose exponentially.

At the moment, Chumo could be seen fighting while using his special skill: he turned himself into six clones and attacked at the same time from different directions. However, the combat puppet was also able to create six clones of itself to match his aggression.

As a result, the twenty by twenty meter arena provided for their fight quickly became crowded, as a dozen of Chumo as well as the combat puppet's clones moved here and there, while they were fighting each other using bow and arrows.

Emery found the fight impressive and eye-opening, not only by how Chumo was able to create so many lifelike clones, but also by the fact he was able to fight using a bow in close combat.

His friend, who hailed from the proud east, was currently showcasing his extreme agility, as he continuously and acrobatically dodged all the attacks the combat puppet launched at him, simultaneously controlling his clones and launching attacks of his own. His movements and actions looked beautiful to the eye, as he flawlessly transitioned between the bow in his hand into a melee weapon.

The battle went on and the glint in Emery's eyes deepened as he continued to watch. In the end, Chumo managed to break through his own limits, allowing him to create eight identical clones of himself, finally defeating the level 7 combat puppet.

Right after making sure the combat puppet couldn't move an inch any longer, Chumo's body instantly fell down lifelessly, as if his string had been cut. He was laying drop dead on the floor with sweat covering all over his body, but the bright wide smile perched on his face portrayed the satisfaction he was currently feeling.

Especially when he received the reward of defeating the level 7 puppets, it was obvious to all when Chumo refreshed with the new and improved power.

While Chumo's fight was exciting to see and full of flair, the same couldn't exactly be said about Julian's. If laymen watched and were asked what word best described the latter's fight, most would probably answer with one word: dull.

Based on appearance, Julian's fight was extremely monotone. Simply put, it was like a game of hitting and blocking, where one needed to best their opponent to win. Unfortunately for the young Roman, the combat puppet just made minimal, if not nonexistent, mistakes and was the worst opponent one could have for this type of combat.

The two were trying their best to overpower their opponent. However, since their strength was identical, Julian eventually found out he didn't have the necessary ability to break through his opponent.

Clank!! Clank!! Both of them block and parry each other's attacks.

Julian had tried everything he could, but it was as if all his moves were easy to read like a book in a library. No matter what he did, the combat puppet would manage to either anticipate or avoid it. Even though he wasn't able to overwhelm it, Julian was still capable enough to deal with the attacks thrown at him.

Clank!! Clank!!

Hence even after an hour, a winner hadn't yet been found in Julian's fight. The young Roman was still stuck at level 7.

Seeing the Roman wasn't able to win against the level 7 combat puppet, the Thracian was seen laughing hard, though he was still fighting his opponent of level 8 combat puppet.

Different from the steady approach Julian adopted, Thrax's style of fighting had always been focused on the offensive, on being aggressive and taking the initiative. This was further proven when Emery saw how the Thracian fought.

When the dummy threw a swing that was likely to seriously injure him, Thrax chose not to immediately dodge by moving away like others might. Instead, he dodged the attack by moving in under the attack so it couldn't reach him and threw a retaliation using his spear until even using his hand or head.

The puppet naturally tried and was able to do the same thing as Thrax. From a glance, it seemed another repetition of Julian's fight but with a different flavor would be unfolding. But then, Emery noticed something interesting as the fight went on.

The fight had been going on for quite a while, but Thrax didn't seem to be feeling exhausted at all. Rather, his attacks only got even stronger and fiercer, while his speed increased. Even though the combat puppet could copy and also increase its stats to match him, there was something in Thrax it wasn't able to replicate: the madness that came with his gradual increase of strength.

Swissshh!! Swissshh!!

Witnessing Julian lose against his opponent only made Thrax even more eager for victory. And eventually, the gladiator champion broke through his boundary and defeated the level 8 combat puppet, attaining the victory he wanted.


Thrax screamed his lungs out, as if he had just won a bloody battlefield.

Looking at the sight, his friends had now realized why so many people adore these Thracians. Their fearlessness as well as undying love for battle was indeed very infectious.

The gladiator champion knelt on the ground with one knee, as he received the reward from the combat puppet, Emery could see it was another substantial sum of Battle Power.

Seeing this, the previously jealous Roman set his unhappiness aside and gave his congratulation to the Thracian. With Thrax's fight coming to an end, it signalled the end of the examination.

The result of the examination was:

[Thrax level 8]

[Emery level 7]

[Chuno level 7]

[Julian level 6]

[Klea level 6]

Magus Silica stood up and gave an applause to the group. A faint smile could be seen on her face, probably because she was satisfied with what the group could offer.

Now that everyone had finished their fights, all five of them sat around Magus Silica and listened, as she started to explain and elaborate what she saw in their fights.

The combat magus proceeded to explain that no amount of genius could pass level seven with just using talent of memorizing nor predicting the moves the puppets would make. It required an extraordinary combat sense, to see beyond the pattern and the ability to break through the limit of their own skill.

Hence the reason as to why Klea couldn't defeat the level 7 combat puppet, no matter what she tried. Upon hearing this, Julian surprisingly nodded in agreement and seemed to understand his mistake.

Next, Magus Silica explained that in order to defeat the level 8 combat puppet, one would need an extraordinary, almost inhuman combat sense, but also a godly skill to match. This revelation made Emery realize his [Dao Divine Technique] was not complete yet. He probably needs to ask his master more about it.

After showcasing their current capabilities to Magus Silica by fighting the combat puppets, Emery and his four friends were quickly sent to another room where a dozen Terra acolytes could be seen waiting.

Sweeping his eyes all around the room, Emery could see many strange-looking machines. All function to further study the ability of him and his friends.

To be continued