


Emery touched the pendant warily, and felt a small tingle on the point of contact, similar to a magical static shock. After a few seconds, the electric-like feeling faded, replaced by a warm, soothing feeling that reminded him to when he was sitting in front of a warm fireplace while snowstorm raged outside.

"Emery, are you okay?" Noticing his sudden weird expression, Klea asked in concern.

"Nothing to worry about, Klea," Emery answered.

He held the item with one hand and used the symbol on his other hand to examine the item.

[Pendant of the Beast]

[Artifact – Tier ???]

The information his symbol gave him was minimal and absolutely useless. Hence, he decided to ask the Elder the function of that pendant.

"I know that pendant was precious to the Beast King. If I remember correctly, he mentioned about it being custom made in the academy. I believe its purpose was to make sure you wouldn't get berserk as you did back in the temple."

Emery stared at the large claw that was almost as long as his palm and he did feel the claw seem to react to his blood. If it really could give him control over his sudden transformations, it would really be useful. The last thing he wanted was to endanger the people around him.

"I guess that's all, let's return to Vanahaimer."

The king had finished showing them the Arsenal and gave them each one item. They quickly turned back to the door to leave the place.

Before they could get out, however, Emery swallowed his pride and asked for a pair of lower-tier swords. The king allowed him, but he could only take two of the tier one swords.

If it wasn't for the incredibly useful pendant he obtained, Emery would have complained about the injustice he received.

They walked out, met the warriors outside and rode back to the castle.

The ride was short, but they used the time to enjoy the soft breeze and the feeling of freedom that comes from riding through the snowy plains. On the way, Klea was unable to hold her curiosity, so she decided to ask.

"Why would you lock those weapons and not use them? I think with proper training, anyone could use it to help the people of this world."

Fjolnir smiled at her question, even laughed a little and said. "Aren't you all being taught about this in the academy?" He look toward Klea and continues "Without the strength to hold it or the wisdom needed to wield it safely, those weapons would only herald destruction. I have seen it, witnessed what such power would do to people, hence I decided to collect the ownerless weapons and keep them to use at the right time."

He gave an appreciative glance at both Emery and Klea, nodded and said. "I have the feeling I won't have to wait too long for that, though! Hahaha!"

The king rode faster, the voice of his boisterous laughter reverberating through the hills.

They arrived not too long after, as promised, Fjolnir decided to teach the animal summoning spell to Klea.

First, they dismounted their horses and returned them to one of the king's retainers, then they were led to a wide yard with a wooden totem in the center. The totem was as tall as one of the castle pillars, each side carved with various faces of different spirit animals.

An old shaman dressed with colorful robes sat meditating at the base of the pillar. She looked similar to the old woman who came for the heavenly ritual.

As they came closer, the king's voice caught the woman's attention. Together they began to explain to Klea the basics of the technique. First, the caster would have to forge a pact with a certain animal of their choice. The woman pointed at the totem and explained that each one would serve different purposes and it would be wise for the caster to forge a pact with something that suited her needs.

The choices were bear, deer, eagle, goose, raven, wolf, fish, serpent, otter and owl.

While the king and the shaman explained, Emery listened intently. He was certainly interested to try too. However, before he could say anything, the king shook his head.

"This technique can't be used by a half-blood like you. The same thing applied to the beast king before. Well, to be honest, I only had that to go, but if you want to try it, do go ahead."

Emery still decided to try nonetheless, at least, until he learned the ritual would require the person to drink a very questionable drink.

The old woman took out a wooden bowl the size of his palm filled with a pitch black liquid that seemed to stick every time it was shaken. The unmistakable pink and red guts floating on it, along with a bit of hair, made him barely able to hold his breath.

Curious, he decided to use [Analyze] on it. The liquid seems to be a potion designed to enhance the connection with the spirits; it was made from a combination of two dozen ingredients. Honorable mentions among those include male bear piss, bird spittle and a pinch of beard from a woman.

The king, seemingly noticing what he did, also mentioned that after drinking the concoction, the person would be sick for a few days. Emery decided against giving it a try right then and there.

Meanwhile, Klea seemed unfazed, she took the bowl and poured it into her throat without a comment. Afterwards, she sat in a lotus position and followed the shaman's chanting.

She decided to make a pact with the eagle spirit.

The ritual took half a day. Emery was able to notice the effects of the liquid on Klea. Her chanting seemed to be a bit slowed down from usual, her lips sometimes trembled, like she was trying to suppress the urge to empty her stomach's contents. His suspicion was only confirmed when she stood up on shaky legs.

Emery helped her walk and took her to rest in the small house prepared for their use. He gently laid her on the bed where, right as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep.

From what he heard about the ritual, she was supposed to encounter a messenger from the spirits in her deep sleep.

For a few days, she stayed asleep. Emery took care of her, He would also spend the rest of the day continuing his training.

To be continued