


The intense noon sun shone high above the city of Sinnuessa, but the rebels stood vigilant above the wall. Even with a layer of sweat covering their bodies, their spirit never wavered and their fatigue only served to strengthen their resolve.

One rebel saw a cloud of dust forming in the distance and squinted to get a better look at it.

After a few seconds, he shouted.

"A rider is approaching!"

"How many?!" Someone shouted from another section of the wall.

"Just one… But, by the looks of it, he is a fucking Roman officer!"

The mention of anything related to Rome made any gladiator who was still relaxing stand up. Before long, a ton of people crowded the wall, looking down at the approaching figure.

"Call out Spartacus!" One of the gladiators said.

Despite being a high-ranked officer without anyone guarding him, while riding on arrow distance, the man seemed calm, his expression merely betraying a trace of regret and disdain. The former slaves were ready and the gate was opened, revealing Spartacus who stood ready with his weapon drawn.

Both leaders approached each other without anyone beside them.

"Wow, you certainly look different in that dashing new uniform, definitely way better than us slaves." Thrax gave him a huff mixed with a dry smile.

This time, the man didn't take it in jest. There was no trace of their former cordiality, as the Roman officer squinted at his opponent. "Thrax, let us not joke around anymore. Many lives have fallen and if you continue down this path, you will be playing with their lives."

Thrax merely chuckled at the warning and said. "Then, tell me, what have Romans been doing the last few hundred years other than playing with our lives? We were treated like chickens in a fighting ring-" Thrax shook his head. "No, we slaves are worth less than that for you Romans."

"Alright, Thrax, this is my last warning… Surrender now and I guarantee no more blood will be spilled today."

"Hah!" Thrax hissed. "Romans and your promises. I am still waiting for the food that you promised, you know."

A trace of pain crossed Julian's face, but it only lasted for a split second, before his expression went back to one full of determination. "I have said what I can say, let us meet on the battlefield, then. May the gods be upon you."

"Hahaha!" Thrax let out a boisterous, mocking laugh. "Can't you see, Julian? We are now gods of our own fate!"

Julian merely nodded before turning back, riding far to the distance once more. Thrax returned to the gate, looked at Julian riding further and further away and gripped his weapon before shouting at the rebels atop the wall. "Prepare yourselves! They will be attacking tonight!"

Since Magister Marcus Crassus fell wounded in the last battle, the responsibility to lead the rest of the 20.000 legionnaires fell to Julian.

In the last few days, he had prepared himself and let his men rest. Now, it was time for the fateful hour, the day he would take back the city for the glory of Rome.

The city was located on the western port of Rome. Its western side was covered by the Mediterranean sea, leaving only three gates to defend, north, east and south.

Rome came from the east, hence, the legionnaire camp was closer to the east side of the gate.

When the sun disappeared far in the Mediterranean sea, the sound of a horn echoed, breaking the silence of the cold night. Twenty thousand legionnaires started marching in formation, the sound of their steps becoming a makeshift war drum in the night.

Everyone knew that numbers were on the rebels' side, but on closer look, among the 80.000 of them, only 10.000 were trained fighters, and among those trained fighters only 3000 of them were former gladiators who received training.

Meanwhile, the others could only be generously described as leeches to their resources. To be able to have a shot at defending the city, Thrax was forced to spread his 10.000 men equally on each side.

This was the moment the rebels had been waiting for, a chance to get back at the Romans. But now that it was no longer a fantasy, they were faced with the harsh reality. The sound of heavy boots hitting the ground were a testament of the Romans' strength, each beat making the rebels shiver in fear.

Orange lights started to dot the sky, before raining down onto the wall. Luck was on their side and most were able to duck before the fire did any serious damage to them.

"Put out the fire! Shoot back!" Thrax barked.

The city instantly became very lively, as the non-combatant slaves helped by fetching water from the nearby seas. The guards standing atop the wall readied their arrows and got ready to retaliate.

With the addition of the fireballs, the night became brighter and livelier with enraged and terrified shouts.

Flames started to light up the city streets.

"Shoot back!"

"We cannot, they are out of range!"

The Romans had adjusted their distance, they stood in a strategic location on the far east, close enough to shoot their arrows and catapults, yet far enough so the low-quality bows the rebels used could not be used to harm them.

But, the volley of arrows and catapults quickly stopped. There were way too many rebels inside the city and shooting more would just deplete their supplies.

"Is that all you got, Romans?!"

Thrax provoked them, but right as the words left his mouth, he felt heat from another side. Flames burned on the west side, near the shores of the Mediterranean sea.

"What the hell just happened?"

The confusion was quickly cleared up when Thrax heard the sounds of fighting from the west. He was shocked and tried to discover how the enemies attacked them from the back, only to realize it was the 5000 Sicilian pirates who betrayed him.

This was part of the first tactic Julian prepared. The pirates hated Romans as much as the slaves, but, unfortunately, they loved money even more. With Julian providing them with a ship full of coins, the Sicilians showed their true colors and betrayed the rebels.

There were only 5000 of them, but it was enough to cause chaos and sow distrust amongst the rebels. Even worse, Julian told the pirates to create as much fire as possible in order to dampen their spirits. For the Romans, rebuilding a scorched city would be extremely costly, but destroying the rebels where they stood was a higher priority.

In the middle of the chaos, Julian charged in and prepared to attack, but he didn't come with the full force of 20.000 legionnaires. Instead, he attacked only accompanied by his most 500 trusted men. His initial cohorts that had been trained by him for months.

With these legionnaires, He charged swiftly at the southern gate.

The rebels thought they were ready and they unsheathed their weapons. Prepared themselves advantageous with the city walls protecting them.

Or so they thought.

All of a sudden, a loud tremble could be heard behind them, and a large portion of the southern gate collapsed, right as the Romans were close to them. No one knew what happened, except for two men, one of which placed his two hands on the ground near the wall.

[Soften Earth]

With that, the 500 men charged in quickly and unleashed hell upon the rebels.

Thrax who was at the center commande quickly in rage hearing the news of a sudden fall down walls.

"Julian, you cheat!"

With this, Thrax quickly ran towards the south gate, accompanied with a group of his best gladiators.

To be continued