


The two of them arrived at the stone formation set up in the forest, right on the outskirt of Lionarch City. The red sunset can be seen from the horizon.

The last time they were here was during the invasion. Not knowing what will be waiting for them up ahead, he needs to be sure. Fortunately, now that his spirit force had increased further, Emery could use his spirit reading even more accurately than before.

"You are right. I can sense only two dozen guards patrolling outside, a dozen guards inside, along with a maid."

He concentrated at one specific point inside and opened his [Spatial Gate]. Together, they walked into the void in space and, just like that, they were already inside the palace.

"No one is on the second floor at the moment," Emery whispered. "Just get whatever you need. I'll stand guard here."

Gwen stared at him with a gentle, loving gaze for a moment before breaking into a sweet, grateful smile.

"Your magic never cease to amaze me, Emery… Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Just be quick, alright?"

Because of Emery's training in Khaos Space, they could only see each other once a week, but after 6 months, Emery was able to get used to talking to Gwen casually.

First, Gwen decided to enter her father's room right at the end of the hall Emery was guarding. 6 months had passed and, of course, many things had changed. The massive bed was mostly destroyed, its valuable decorations looted and taken away by marauders and the sheets had been torn, just like the banners resting above the headrest.

The window leading to the ocean view outside was blocked by large debris and fallen wooden beams, as if to say the ruined kingdom could no longer have a future.

She walked around the room, careful to avoid stepping on anything and touched the familiar things she spotted. The walls were now stained with soot and dust, but it felt familiar beneath her fingers and so were the torn banners and sheets. Deep in her heart, she knew this would be the last time she could come here.

After a few minutes, Gwen returned back to Emery's place and said.

"I am weird for asking you to do this, am I? Well, I suppose you won't blame me for being a bit… sentimental?" Gwen gave Emery a teasing smile.

He could sense the intent behind the question and decided not to indulge her in that regard. "Is that it?"

If she knew Emery was avoiding her question, she gave no indication of it. "Of course not, Emery… Come, next, we will go to my room."

Now that she had seen her father's room, she decided not to be too cautious. There was a light spring in her steps and her body was no longer as tense, which Emery took as a sign she had obtained some closure.

They arrived in another hall, this one less spacious than the first; they walked towards one of the doors on the right side.

When she saw the room was mostly untouched, her expression turned into one of pure, unbridled glee.

"You know, Emery…" Gwen started, as the two of them walked inside the room. "If this was before… You coming inside this room could mean a lifetime imprisonment or even death." She said with a teasing smile.

"Well," Emery raised her eyebrows at her. "Actually, I did come to this room before."

"Really?" Gwen turned back and looked at him in surprise, before her eyes lit up in recognition. "Ah, yes! You're right, I did drag you here before for… What was it…"

"You once forced me to carry the books from the palace library to here."

"Yeah… I can barely remember that… Why did I even force you to do that, again?"

"How would I know?" Emery shrugged.

The girl chuckled to herself when she thought about it.

She looked around with a cheerful smile, before stopping in front of a massive painting and taking it down from the wall.

"Oh, it's still here!"

Emery looked in Gwen's direction and saw storage hidden beneath where the painting once hung. She opened it easily and threw a few handfuls of jewelry onto her bed before she found the thing she was looking for.

He tried to look at the thing, but Gwen gave him an even more cheeky smile than before and tried to hide the thing behind her robes.

"Hey, Emery, close your eyes!"

"What are you even-"

"Come on, just a minute will do!"

Emery heeded her request and closed his eyes, after all with his spirit reading ability, he could sense his surroundings even with his eyes closed.

However, he did not expect her to grab his hand and drag him outside. She always did this many times before, but somehow it always felt something for him.

Now that he was outside, with eyes closed, he could smell the salty scent of the sea carried by the night winds.

"Now, open your eyes!"

When he opened his eyes, Gwen placed something on his hand.

Seeing the object in his hand, his heart skips a beat. Under his touch, he could feel the grains of wood on the surface of the box. The feel in each corner of the box brought out a special memory he had buried deep inside his heart. He touched a part of the box and it opened, showing the carving of a girl.

The very same girl who was now standing in front of him.

He was at a loss for words and his thoughts were jumbled into a chaotic mess.

"Why… is it here?"

This was the box he made for her as a gift for her 16th coming of age ceremony. But, the last thing Emery knew the box was most likely thrown out as garbage by the end of that day. So, why did Gwen still have the box?

Gwen chuckled at his reaction, but she turned serious right after when she said.

"Honestly, I didn't know whether the box was still here or it was gone after the attack. All I had were my hopes, but if it wasn't here… At least I could get a moment with you alone without all those other girls."

Emery stared at her in confusion, while Gwen continued speaking.

"Emery, I have known you since we were little. You are so dense, you can't tell that women have been trying to get your attention for months now."

She reached out, her hands holding the box and Emery's own. Her touch was soft and it stirred a feeling long dormant within his heart.

"I hope this box can be proof that… I…"

Gwen gulped, trying to gather her courage.

"I have been thinking about you all this time, Emery. These past few months… I realized I have been seeking your attention, just like when we were little…"

Gwen stared at him, her eyes trying to show the very essence of her feelings.

"Emery… Do you feel… the same?"

The box had triggered a flood of past feelings long buried. All the things they experienced together came out like a broken dam, leaving him unable to even deny. This girl… She has plagued his mind for quite a long time.

Emery could feel his heart thumping really hard, he walked a step closer towards the girl of his dreams. He braced himself and gently stroked her golden hair. Both eyes met when he said

"Yes, I feel the same."

Emery could see her eyes suddenly glittering, followed by a smile as she jumped out her arms around him as the night winds gently caress the two of them.

To be continued