


Day 20

[The game will start in one hour. All participants are invited to gather in the Great Assembly Hall]

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the second game of this competition will begin soon. Emery and his friends decided to prepare in advance.

This time, they did not go outside the hall like before. They climbed the stairs together and arrived in the arena.

Upon entering the arena, all acolytes stared in awe when they saw the empty chairs of the first trial, utterly bursting with people this time. At the very least, there were ten-thousands or more people crammed together in the arena chairs.

Emery could feel the difference in treatment. It was clear something about the second game attracts far more audiences than the first one.

However, the same improvement could not be said for the acolytes remaining in the arena. Even a casual glance was enough for anyone to tell that there were less than a third of the acolytes, who participated in the first game. Every single acolyte here was the best representative, who came within the top 100 people being ranked.

Amidst the thin group of acolytes, Emery found a group who wore a slightly different uniform. Their uniforms were mostly black with a white stripe in the middle. The stripe was a mark reserved only for the acolytes of the elite class.

Soon, there would be bloodbath, and they would be pitted against each other. However, no one dared to start any problem on an important occasion such as this.

Emery took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm his beating heart. All he could feel was the excitement to start.

"Are you nervous, Emery? Klea asked.

"Maybe just a little, don't worry too much about it."

"Really? Well, it's normal to be worried."

Emery knew his heart was beating a mile each second right now, but he was not worried since he had done his very best to prepare. His fast heartbeat was not due to fear, but to anticipation. Emery couldn't wait to show off his skills.

Before the game began, the headmaster Altus Drayden gave a speech once again.

"Acolytes, welcome to the second game. This game will be the real trial to determine your future in the magus academy. May victory go to the most talented acolytes!"

The short yet booming speech, boosted by magic, ignited the energy of the almost four thousand acolytes standing in the arena. The announcement was accompanied by shouts of happiness from everyone.

A magus with blonde hair, Magus Serena, entered and went up the stage.

"Welcome acolytes and all our guests, who are watching today's game… I will be your host today too! Cheer up, for the magus game you are so eager to witness will soon begin!"

Magus Serena explained the rules of the game. Unsurprisingly, the rules were the same Roran explained to them. It seemed having a powerful friend or ally to back you up would be a massive advantage.

After explaining, Magus Serena showed the ten different areas that would serve as the battlefield for ten groups of acolytes.

Deep caverns, towering mountains, snowy fields, deep marsh, a dry desert, a forest, beaches and even a volcano, ruins, and lastly a flat open area. All those areas would serve as the battlefield.

Places such as the snowy fields, the volcano, and the desert were the three most unpopular places each year.

Without further ado, the raffle began.

"Today, the lucky group, who will battle in the volcano pit is… Group five! Give an applause to our lucky group!" Serena said in excitement, in stark contrast to the clear disappointment of virtually everyone of class 51 to 60.

Areas such as the forests or hills were always better for everyone. Meanwhile, areas such as the volcano pit only benefited the acolytes with fire affinity, while spelling disaster for the acolytes with other affinities.

"Group 2, today is your lucky day. You got the open field!"

Actually, that was an exaggeration and a mockery. The open field was the least favorite place for every acolyte, as it was nothing but an empty box-shaped arena, it usually resulted in a massacre.

"Group 7, you have obtained… The forest! What a lucky group!"

Every single member of Group 7 exhaled in relief. The forest was an area every single acolyte saw as advantageous, especially Emery.

After announcing the areas all the groups will battle in, Magus Serena announced the lucky acolytes' place with the elite acolytes. The D Group from the elite acolytes class would meet with Group 7 in their chosen area.

Emery himself didn't really know much about the elite acolytes. So, he chose not to comment on the group assigned to them. Meanwhile, Julian wanted to see Roran again in order to get as much intel as possible regarding the D-Group and the chosen area where they would battle. It seemed he truly took his role as the co-leader seriously.

"Roman, I will go with you." Thrax said.

"Alright, that is fine with me. Bringing a muscled guy would help make me look good in front of the other acolytes, haha!

Before they both went and started their own things, Emery reminded the group about the plan they needed to stick to and everyone nodded in agreement. The five decided to do a fist bump together to lift their spirits and hope for the best.

While Emery and the others were waiting for the last announcements by Magus Serena, someone shouted his name from afar.

He looked at the source of the voice, and was surprised to see Silva running towards him. Considering her gaze and expression, it seemed something very important just happened.

"What is it, Silva? What happened?" Emery asked in concern.

To be continued