
Chapter 1

Hi!for now,i will first introduce your character here..i hope you'll enjoy!

Hi!my name is Lee Y/n(your name),I'm 20 years old,my parents died since I'am 4 years old because of car accident,but my auntie get me and she's the one who take care of me..now I'm getting ready for the party this night...

{In call}

y/n:so hyun?

so hyun:yes sis?

y/n: I'm done getting ready..you?

so hyun:im also done..

y/n:okay..i'll pick you up there..dont go outside hm?

so hyun:yah..im not a kid,i can go there by myself

y/n:i know but its already 8:40 at night

so hyun:alright..fine..go quick!

y/n:i know² bye

-I go out of the house quietly before my auntie hear me..after few minuites..-

y/n:so hyun???

so hyung:yes?im ready..

y/n:so..lets go?

so hyun:yep

-at the party-

so hyun:y/n i think i cant do this..

y/n: why?

so hyun:so many drunks...i cant..

y/n:sis...this is a party

so hyun:i know but-

y/n:no buts..lets go

-we are searching for our friend Jennie and finally found her drunk-

jennie:*drunk*hey y/n!

y/n:oh..hey jennie..sup??

jennie:doing good..yeahh

y/n:give me the expensive one!

so hyun:y/n i cant..i'll go home bye!*left*

y/n:yah!!so hyunahh..haish that girl!

*after a hour,i didint realize that im so drunk..i slept on the couch with jennie and didint know what happened next...next day!*

y/n:*yawn*ahh nice sleep!....wait..WHAT?!WHERE AM I?!B**CH IM SHIRTLESS!!FOCC..TAEHYUNG'S HOUSE?!YAHHH!!!!

Tae:YAH Y/N!dont shout!calm down!

y/n:why am i here?

tae:i saw you at the party last night with jennie..you two where sleeping i pick you up and bring you here...sorry i did something on you..im also drunk last night..but dont worry i used protection *wink*

y/n:oh really*smirk*im going home now!

tae:ohh im sorry but you cant..

y/n:wOw?!really?!im not your daughter tho!

tae:your auntie texted me she told me she's staying at busan for 2 weeks..her house is locked and she said you need to stay here


tae:hu *wink*


tae:good girl..lets go downstairs i prepared breakfast..

y/n:im going to dress first

tae:okay..i'll wait you down stairs

-i quickly get dressed and go downstairs to eat-

y/n:smells good..

tae:always..go sit here

y/n: i know

tae: hows your sleep baby?

y/n:*death glare*shut up

tae:you're so tight you know?

y/n:*eating*yah..im eating!and i know that its not my first time.

tae:woa..who's the other one?

y/n:yah,can you please stop talking about that?

tae:you dont have boyfriend right?

y/n:why would i? no one likes me..tHey just want to use me. oukhh wait*run to bathroom*


y/n:omg...i have mens right now?!f*ck!


y/n:ah tae..you did a thing to me last night right?

tae:what now?

y/n:is there a blood?



tae:.....red days?

y/n:*shy smile*..yep..im sorry

tae:its okay...i'll buy it now..stay here

y/n:no im coming with you..your house is big im scared.

tae:*pat y/n's head*okay..lets go

-taehyung's pov.-

*we*re now at the convinience store and...y/n was in front of me when suddenly the blood licked at her..white shorts...i quickly take of my jacket and tie it on her waist..she look shookt..*

-no one's pov.-

tae:*whisphers*shh the blood licked..

y/n:*shy shookt*o..m..g..

-they buy the things they need and get out of the store...while walking on the street..-

y/n:thank you..

tae:its okay..

y/n:shocks you saw it..im shy!

tae:dont be..its just me

y/n:hayss....hmm do you still remember when and where we met?

tae:of course,you want to go there?

y/n:uh..no that's the place where you saved me from harassing..

tae:yep and thats the time we became friends

-end of chapter 1