
Mario Kart

You sat on the couch and munched on a candy bar. You were playing mario kart wii and boy was it fun. You had played it so many times with your brother, who was a vamp and killed by the Winchesters, but you fogave them.

You smiled as you heard the little intro to the game. Dean appeared in the doorway and made a weird face.

"The hell you doing?"

"Mario Kart, come play."

Dean slowly trudged to the couch and sat down and you handed him a remote. You showed him how to play though he claimed he new even though he never played before, and you started a game. You were peach on the dolphin dasher, and Dean was King Boo on the standard bike because he claimed , but not this princess.

    Dean was in 5th and you were in 1st and it was pretty peaceful, Dean seemed to be enjoying it when he was suddenly hit by a red shell.

"Wait, what was that? What hit me?"

"A red shell Dean, keep going."

Then a blue shell hit you and half of the group passed you, along with Dean in first, good grief.

"Haha, suck it y/n!"

You smirked as you snuck up behind Deans character and sniped him with a green shell, then when you were passing his character you knocked his off the map, causing him to restart.


"Sorry Dean, dont mess with me."

Eventually Sam started to watch you guys play and laugh in the backround. When you noticed you invited him to play, and he was suprisingly good, while Dean kept yelling Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the screen, causing all three of you to jump.


"Uh... my apologies Dean."

"Cas join us!"

"What is this?"

"Its mario kart, one of the best games in the world! Here we can start over."

"Son of a BITCH!"

You were laughing as you pulled pass Dean and Sam into first. Once again Cas passed you going the wrong way, and running into everyone head first.

"Cas your going the wrong way."

"I dont understand, isnt the point to get somewhere?"

"No, Cas, its to win."

"I win."

"What? Cas you cant just win."

"Well I thought the point was to win and usually the winner is different than all the rest and I am also the only one going the right way so, I win"

"Dammit cas...'


Once again Dean was hit by a red shell, and he had more determination on his face than when he tries to save someone. You laughed at the look of all four of you sitting on the couch. You guys were nerds, but you liked that.