
Fire! Part 2

Who even was this girl? She mysteriously appeared at the door of our motel, bruised and burned. Now she was laying in front of me unconcious again, blood leaking from her nose and mouth.

    I picked her up and brought her into the library, and laid her down on a couch. I prayed for Cas and when he saw the girl, his eyes widened.

"Do you know her Cas?"

"Yes... she probably doesnt remeber me, but shes my daughter. Her name is y/n, and when she was an infant I sent her to live with Garths family-"

"Garth as in the skinny big nosed kid?"


"Ok, wow."

"Anyways, I had heard her grace was taken from her, but seeing she was ok without it, I let it be. It seems that its starting to affect her."

I looked down at y/n, her hair was h/c but had golden tips, so golden that they seemed to be a bright light. Her face was calm, but was being covered in blood.

"So we gotta find her grace?"


"Oh well."

"Dean this is my daughter we are talking about here, if she dies in this bunker, then so do you."

I flinched at the last sentence, and decided to get serious.

"Who do you think took it then Cas?"




"What do you mean Fire took her grace?"

"Have you ever heard of the four elements Dean?"

"Yeah, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water..."

"Yes, well those elements are actually angels. Fire was a very envious angel, especially of water and earth, for their powers brought happiness to others. Fire ended up trying to steal earth and waters grace, which is more powerful than normal grace, and add it to his own. Earth and Water trapped Fire in a elemental cage, but not before Fire got to the newborn element, Wind. He knew that it would devistate Earth and Water, for Earth and Water were excited to meet the newborn angel being added to the elements. Now Fire is trapped in the elemental cage, or was, I beleive that Fire has escaped, and that is whats causing Wind to suffer, because she is being exposed to her grace slightly, making her body want it, and weaken and hurt itself yearning for its grace."

   What the hell was this dude talking about.

"Ok, so whos Wind, and whats this got to do with y/n?"

"Well... y/n Wind. It would explain why Fire went after her at her school."

"So she doesnt know jack shit about any of this angel element stuff."


"Your planning on taking down a element for her grace, one of the most dangerous elements too..."


"Your also planning on telling her everything afterwards, and expect her to be all like, And you have a happy reunion and everyone is ok?"


"...wow, ok. Count me out."

"Dean I need your help."

"Yeah well I got better things to do than fight fire."

"What who said were fighting fire? What puts out fire the easiest?"

"Water?... oooooh haha clever man."

    Well this was weird. I was standing in the middle of a room with three other people. One was Cas, the other was a giant muscular man on fire, and the third was a hella hot woman with water for her hair.

"Fire its over. Give back Winds grace or we will take it and put you back in the elemental cage."

"Oh, im so scared! What ever will I do! Give it up Water! I am stronger than you! I have double your power!"

Water sneered and with a gesture of her hand, water came crashing through walls on both sides of Fire, hitting him, causing his light to go out and hiss in pain.

   Fire yelled and the room burst with flames, while the floor was now covered in a foot of water, and steam started filling the room, burning my skin. I yelped in pain and Cas tried to grab me, but not before I noticed something, something gleaming in the midst of the fight. I reached out and grabbed it, and when I pulled back I was back in the library, and I heard Cas leave.

    I opened my palm to find a large necklace, with a case full of a swirling golden mist. Grace. I ran over to y/n and opened the casket, suddenly a gust of strong wind ran throughout the bunker, and the mist made its way into y/n's mouth.

I was thrown against the wall and a bright light emmited from y/n.

    I heard a explosion and shot my eyes open. I couldnt get a decent nap around here without Dean doing whatever stupid stuff he does. I trudged into the library to be hit by a big gust of wind, almost knocking me off my feet.

    I gasped at what I saw. There in the middle of the room, was the girl that Dean and I found, and she was floating a foot off the ground, her eyes emmitting a bright light, small wind tornadoes coming out of her hands. Suddenly a large swirl of wind went through the library, and the girl was gone.

"What the hell was that Dean! I told you not to do anything stupid! This is why I cant have naps!"

"Hey Sam, how long have you been there?"

I slashed at fire as he was doused once again by water. He hissed in pain and I was about to attack again when a gust of wind blew all three of us off our feet. I looked up to see y/n floating in the air, her face full of anger. She threw a gust of wind at Fire, and he was engulfed in a tornado, dissapearing.



I hugged y/n with all my strength, I had missed her greatly, and now she was her angel again. I let go and it was Waters turn. She hugged y/n and smiled.

"Welcome back Wind."

Then they were gone.