
Dean x Reader

I watched y/n as she slept soundly, she always looked so peaceful when she napped. Her arm and leg dangling off one side of the couch, while her ponytail hung onto her shoulder. I sat there waiting for her e/c eyes to open up, and for her to smile that beautiful smile again. She had no idea how I felt about her, I just hoped that one day I would get the courage to tell her.

Sam had told me that he doesnt understand why I cant just tell her, he said I am able to hit on girls at bars all the time. This girl isnt the same though, this girl isnt just a girl I want to sleep with for one night. Y/n was a girl, no, a woman that I wanted to be serious with. I wanted to live a demon free life with her and raise a family, I wanted to finally be a normal person, have a job, maybe even a kid.

I knew none of that would never happen, y/n was obviously into Cas. Though Cas didnt understand enough about life to even like her back, of course Cas cared for her, but not in the way she wanted. She even had talked to me about how to get Cas to like her, which made me loose all hope.

I didnt know what I would do without y/n, ever since I nearly ran over her as she trudged out of a forest onto the road. I immediately fell in love, even when her face was bruised and bloody. She now has one long scar that stretches from her left cheekbone across her lip ending on her chin. She never told us what had happened, or what attacked her, but she now accompanies us on hunts, and is damn good.

Suddenly Sam burst into the room snapping me out of my memories.

"Hey, so get this, a family in Bakersfield, California has claimed that their child was killed and had her heart torn out by a large muscular man, who had the eyes and teeth of a dog."


"Think so, but there has been several of the same attacks in the area at the same time, so I think we might be dealing with a pretty large pack of them."

"Alright, so lets get out of here before y/n wakes up."

"So were not going to take her?"

"Just as I hate to say it, yeah. Shes been really stressed lately, I think we should give her a week off or something."

"Alright... lets get ready."

You woke to the sound of a loud thump, almost like a car door slamming. You immediately sat up and looked around, looking for anyone you could use a weapon on. It seemed the bunker was like usual, just empty.

You spotted a napkin on the coffee table by the couch, covered in Deans handwriting.

You dropped your mouth open as you finished reading the letter. How could they go on a hunt without You were better hunters than they were! You had saved both their ass's several times, what made them think that it would be ok to leave you just like that?

You stormed off to your room and immidiately started to pack clothes and guns into your duffel bag. Suddenly you realized you didnt know what they could be dealing with, so you didnt know what weapons you would need to bring.

You pulled out your phone and immediately dialed Deans number.

"Hey y/n whats u-"

"What the hell do you think you are doing Dean Winchester?! Do you think it was okay to leave me

"Well I didnt want you to come, you were sleeping."

You scoffed and let out a fake laugh.

"Oh yeah thanks much Winchester, cause all I really need right now is sleep."

"See I kne-"

"Damn it Dean! I was joking! You have got to go back to kindergarten! You know you can just wake me up!"

"I know but you looked really out of it."

You sighed. You tried to make yourself sound more concerning and get Dean to tell you where they were headed.

"What are you guys dealig with anyways?"

"A pack of werewolves in Bakersfield."

"In California?"


"Oh geez man, are you sure I shouldnt drive myself there? A pack of werewolves can be pretty tough."

"Im sure y/n, now get some more sleep."

"Well Dean I-"

Son of a Bitch! He did not just hang up on you! You were gonna get him later. You put silver bullets into your gun and grabbed a silver knife. You took you duffel and headed out to the garage, picking an old bmw convertible to drive to Bakersfield, knowing how hot it can get there. You wore a tanktop and short jeans, while putting your h/c h/t into a high ponytail, wore a bandana over your head, and completed it with a pair of sunglasses. You drove out of the garage and headed off, ready than ever to kill some sons of bitches.
