
Dean x Reader Part 3

You woke to the sound of muffled talking. You werent on the hard cement floor of your cell. You were on a bed, but not just any bed, bed. Your comfy bed with your plaid cover. Your room that had large full bookshelves everywhere. It all must have been a dream.

You got up and realized that there were scars and cuts all over your body. It wasnt a dream. You fell to your knees and started to cry. Then you stopped. It was all over now, and you were back with Dean and Sam. You were now safe.

You wiped your tears away and walked into the main room to see Dean and Sam sitting there. Dean spotted you and immediately rushed over to you. He grabbed you as if you were about to fall.

"What are you doing up? You should be resting."

You looked at Dean with a weird look and pushed him away.

"Im fine Dean, just let me grab a beer geez."

Dean let you pass as you grabbed a beer and popped it open. Suddenly you heard footsteps, you knew those footsteps. You turned around and dropped you beer bottle makig a loud crash. It was the demon. He was coming for you again and he had an axe in his hand. He was going to behead you. You pointed and started to scream at the top of your lungs at the demon as Dean rushed into the room.

"Y/N! Y/N hes not real! Hes not real theres nothing there!"

You collapsed to the floor and Dean caught you and laid you in his lap as you started hyperventilating. He brushed his hand down your cheek, which calmed you. You loved his touch, he was so comforting. Just like that the demon dissapeared into thin air, and you looked at Dean with teary eyes.

"He was here for me Dean..."

"There was nothing there y/n, dont worry I got you now, I love you y/n."

You stared at Dean as you both realized what you just said.

"Y/n i-"

You pressed a finger to his lips as a motion for him to stalk talking.

"Stop talking you son of a bitch. I have always had feelings for you. The way your eyes have that way of making me feel like a worm is inside my stomach moving around. The way your smile makes me melt like candle wax. I love you Dean Winchester, I was just always too much of a coward to say anything. Now before you say anything just kiss me you bastard."

With that you pressed your lips together. You wrapped your arms around Deans neck and he wrapped his around your waist. You had loved Dean Winchester for so long, and what you had always dreamed of came true. Dean pulled away from you and smiled.

"Oh gosh y/n, you are nothing like most women I have ever met. You are the woman of my dreams. I feel so empty without you."

"I love you Dean Winchester." You said while tapping him on the nose.

"Love you too, y/n."

He said while pressing his lips to yours once more.