
Coma Part 2


    There was a strange sound ringing on your ears. You felt warm, soft. You felt that you were floating in space, with none of your worries there to bother you. You tried to let out a sigh, but something seemed lodged in your throat, breathing for you.

    The world around you suddenly hardened, and you were now laying on a soft bed. You slowly peekes through your eyelids, and closed them again.

You quickly opened your eyes and scanned the room. Cas, Sam, and Dean were all sitting talking with each other, something about reapers. You noticed that there was a broken lamp on one side of the room, and a ouji board on the ground. You tried to move but everything was so sore.

    You started to really freak out when you felt like you were being choked. There was a tube down your throat and it felt way worse than when you had those nights with Cas. You started to grab randomly at things around you, and found Cas' s hand, and grabbed it for dear life while Dean and Sam called a doctor.

You and Cas had decided to celebrate you getting better. Boy did you love it. You felt like you were rocking the house for hours when there was a pounding on your door.

"Guys! Some of us are trying to sleep! Not make angelic babies!"

"Sorry Dean-o, but we are Celebrating my health! So bear with us!"

"Dammit y/n! Well at least Cassie is getting some."
