
•NameLess Origins•

A young man sets out to exact a long awaited revenge, crimson blade held close to hip. Scars littered his body, each one telling it's own story as he walked forward alone, rejecting companionship, desiring only strength. Weighed down by his past and unable to move on, this is the story of how a single man lead a wave that toppled the very world. //The schedule will be unstable at first, but once we get more peeps then I'll update 2 to 3 chaps every day. The Main book and storyline in the NameLess universe. Takes place a full millennia after the war with the gods. Though this novel is extensive and long, its nowhere near the limit on the worlds I want to create. Future Books include: FrostBitten- 24 GE (Godly Era)- 01 AE (Adventurer Era), Story of the original 8 heroes, 2000+ chapters EarthBorn - 924AE - 934AE, Story Of The Golem God 3000+ chapters WaterLocked - To Be Decided, 2000+ chapters No Named Chronicles- Includes all timelines, backstories of the main characters and characters that the audience takes an interest in. 5000+ chapters or so. World GuideBook- Self explanatory. Provides depth on each world and the monsters that inhabit them. Will expand as the stories unfold. ------------------------ There will also be side stories and backstories in separate novels written to expand upon characters that YOU guys take an interest to. I love fleshing out character, plot, and worlds so feel free to chime in on what you would like to see. I read each and every comment made. Also, if you want to read more and for chaps to come out faster then subscribe to Patre0n (link below) and help me pay my rent. I'll be able to pump out 3 chaps a day and even work on drawing and such when we hit the goal. Patre0n.com/ShadowDrev Goal: 0$/$2,000

CarlosDrevna · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Trials (3/3)

//Working on my fighting scenes so be sure to tell me if it's good or not in the comments below. I'm always striving for improvement so you can be sure I'll get better.

Join the Discord and discuss the novel with me. I'm always on and taking questions




(("Damn! Nearly blacked out!!! What the actual fuck was that?!!")) Ceon questioned as he pried his face off the floor, struggling to recompose himself as he rolled onto his ass. Blood dripped from his nose and ran down his busted lip, leaving a small trail of red as the retired, white haired Rift Hunter pushed himself back onto his feet. There was a loud ringing in his ears, something that could be attributed to the sharp rap on the back of the head. (("I could've sworn the child was weak. How the hell is this dwarf sized, tomato headed, goofy looking son of a bitch so god damn strong!!"))

Ceon clenched his teeth, wiping the blood away with his thumb. Brown eyes furrowed in annoyance as he looked towards Jak, of whom had backed off to a considerable distance, allowing the man to fully recover. Crimson eyes stared back as the youth stood at the ready, waiting for the man to take his own fighting pose and begin the fight anew.

"My apologies sir," Ceon heard Jak say, barely hearing him above the buzzing in his ears. "I didn't know that you weren't ready. Shall we try again once you're prepared?"

(("Wow, what an idiot! Giving me time to raise my rank is completely retarded.")) Ceon reached towards his wrist and slid his blood soaked thumb across the black surface of the limiter. The letter I appeared above it ever so briefly before shimmering like a mirage, a small H replacing it. (("That blonde freakin' slut tricked me into thinking you weren't shit, but now that I know, I won't let it happen again. This time, I'm ready."))

Ceon stomped on his blunt which had fallen from his mouth during the youths initial attack, grinding the tip of his shoe against it as he took a stance. He had no intention of taking the kid lightly this time around as he glared at the newbie with a laser like focus.


Jak once again launched forward, zooming towards the Ex-Rift Hunter with unnatural agility, leaving behind an imprint of his feet as he swung the wooden katana straight for Ceon's head. Having been expecting the sudden burst of speed, Ceon quickly evaded the attack by sidestepping. A frown appeared on the mans head as he swiftly backed away, narrowly dodging the boys quick follow up strike. Swing after swing followed the initial attack one after the other, keeping the older fellow on his toes as he struggled to weave through the youths unending string of wild slashes. Every time he aimed to counter the redhead, he found himself reeling back as Jak plowed onwards with his assault.

(("I don't fuckin get it!!")) Ceon exclaimed internally as he nervously avoided yet another potential injury. (("There isn't any rhyme or reason to his attacks. There isn't any carefully concocted strategy. Hell there isn't even any sort of skill based swordplay! He's just swinging wildly!!"))

The kid was using such a simplistic fighting style, of which left him completely unguarded and open to all sorts of counters. Though he was physically capable, the boy lacked any sort of true skill with the blade. However, it was BECAUSE of the boys physical capabilities that Ceon failed to land a single blow on the youth, forced to constantly retreat before he could put anything into action. The young adolescent was as strong as a beast and as nimble as a horned rabbit, rapidly switching directions after an attack to prepare for another swing. Ceon didn't even have time to change the rank on his limiter due to the boys attacking speed. What was more, the boy seemed to be getting faster as time went on, his attacks landing closer and closer with each passing second.

(("No, he's not getting faster,")) Ceon realized as an attack just barely grazed his shoulder. Even with the small chip of the wooden edge, the white haired man could feel the strength put into the strike. (("Is he...learning my movement pattern on the fly? Is that even possible to do in such a short period of time?!"))

Whether or not Ceon believed it, it appeared that it was indeed the case. The strikes themselves were still wild while using far more strength than necessary, but the youths movements between each attacks were gradually improving, becoming sharper and more refined as the battle went on.

(("Adapting in the heat of battle? FUCK!!!")) Ceon jumped back to avoid another close hit. (("I have to separate from him and raise my rank up. He'll land a hit on me at this rate!!"))

"Frozen Rain." Ceon timed the attack for the moment Jak was transitioning into another strike, allowing the boy to rush forward and into the line of fire.

A gorgeous white light appeared a good distance above Jaks head, rapidly spreading outwards until it was about the size of a small wall. Chunks of ice as large as a grown mans fist appeared at the bottom of the light one after the other before being spat right into the boys unguarded back. However, the ice hit naught but dirt as the redhead halted his movements immediately, jumping backwards while weaving between the icy bullets.

(("He dodged it?! But how? Even at the rank of H, it should still be somewhat fast!")) Ceon shook his head as he gave a small bite to his thumb, drawing blood. Without hesitation he reached towards the limiter, aiming to swipe the red liquid across its surface. (("Doesn't matter though. I win."))


Right before Ceon could raise the rank on the limiter, his hand was brutally smacked away, a wooden katana slashing down faster then the man could even register. Pain shot through the Ex-Rift Hunter as he staggered backwards, both surprised and infuriated. His brown hues emanated a sharp killing intent as he glared at the crimson eyed youth who had somehow managed to close the distance in such a ridiculously short amount of time. The boys physical prowess was on an entirely different level compared to everyone he had met that day, and he hated it.

Bam! Pow! Ceon was assaulted with a flurry of attacks, first to the side of his jaw, then another one to the side of his hip. A wave of pain washed over his entire being as he was launched backwards by a swing to the gut, crashing into the far wall on the other side of the training area. Blood trailed down his lip once again as he struggled to regain his own sense of self, something that had momentarily been knocked out of him

(("This never would have happened if that blonde slut hadn't tricked me.")) Ceon internally groaned, decisively shifting the entirety of the blame onto someone else. (("That elven bimbo as well. I'll teach them a damn good lesson after this. Women should know their god damn place!!"))

Spitting out a good amount of blood from his ruptured mouth, Ceon shook his head, his spinning world slowly coming to a standstill. Wiping some of the blood away from his lip, he slid it across the limiter, quickly changing the letter H to a large letter G.

"I may have taken a beating but I should be fine," Ceon said aloud, enough for Jak to hear him. He could feel a large portion of strength being released to him, as well as his other abilities getting restored. His magic, speed, durability, and stamina all received a significant boost as he leaned forward. "Its time we finish this you ugly, tomato paste, pint sized, fucking freak of nature. Come at me!!"

Ceon didn't even wait for the youth to attack, deciding to go to him instead as he blasted away from the metallic wall, of which had been dented when he had crashed into it. After releasing some of his own restrained power, Ceon was now much faster than Jak and was able to quickly close the distance. The redhead, who had been waiting for Ceon to recover, wasn't expecting such a preemptive strike, but the white haired man didn't care. Sidestepping to the right, Ceon slammed his leg right into the youths stomach, kicking the redhead with as much power as he could muster up. The youth bent over, struggling to breath as the air was knocked out of him, almost collapsing onto the ground as he began coughing.

Ceon didn't stop there though as he slammed his elbow into the boys exposed back, rocketing him to the floor. The man felt a sense of satisfaction rise within him as he watched the boy push himself back up, wobbling back onto his feet. If the youth had stayed down then he wouldn't be able to continue so he was more then glad that the redhead was able to take a hit. Having felt nothing but a building anger and frustration, the Ex-Rift Hunter needed something to relieve the pent up emotions.

"What's wrong newbie?" Ceon asked, playing it up for the cameras hidden around the training area. "Do you wanna give up? Just know that if you do, it counts as a forfeit and you don't pass."

Jak let out a breath as he turned around, katana clutched in his hands. "I have no intention on giving up. I wish to continue."

Ceon nodded. This time he took his own fighting stance instead of outright attacking. "Very well, you may begin." He wanted to make sure that he crushed the boys spirit, finding joy in the very prospect of ending the boys dreams, the same boy who had caused him to bleed and suffer a world of pain.

As expected, Jak charged forward just like before, swinging the wooden blade with just as much force as he had previously. However, with a greater perception and far superior abilities then before, Ceon saw the swing coming and effortlessly moved out of the way. The boy was inhumanly athletic, possessing strength, speed, and reflexes none could hope to match at his age, but he lacked skill. His attacks were easy to read and, now that he was of proper rank, Ceon was quite capable of reading the simplistic movements and attacks Jak threw at him.

After slipping past Jaks initial attack, Ceon flicked out his leg, slamming the tip of his boot into the boys abdomen, launching him a good two feet into the air. It was far easier for the white haired man to counter now that he was so much quicker then the boy was, although he still wasn't stupid enough to clash with the redhead physically. It was far more enjoyable to simply sidestep and wail on the child from the side.

(("I think I'll toy with him a bit longer then fini-"))

Ceon barely had time to finish his sentence before a wooden sword slammed into the side of his head, knocking him back.

(("What the fuck?!!!!!! In midair!?!")) Ceon growled in annoyance as he watched youth pick himself up off the ground, his own head throbbing. (("Did he just tank that attack only so he could counter? Did he plan that out or is he just an idiot who got lucky?"))

Jak charged forward again, but this time Ceon took a different approach as he avoided the attack before full on decking the boy in the face. However, despite possessing three quarters the strength of a Goblin Guard, the youth didn't even budge as he sliced towards the examinees throat. Even with just a wooden katan, the white haired man could feel the injury he was about to take and he immediately panicked. With the boys unnatural strength, it was highly likely that Ceon's throat would be crushed in the process, and that very thought scared him out of his mind.

"EMERGENCY LIMITER REMOVAL," Ceon shouted as he quickly moved to guard his neck.


A shockwave exploded outwards, sending the redhead spiralling away from the examiner and into the wall, knocking him unconscious before he even managed to hit the floor. At the same time, a vortex of icy wind surrounded Ceon as the limiter dropped away, hitting the ground with a metallic clink.

The sudden release of Ceon's full magical power and ability had created a brief pulse which had launched the boy across the area. For normal newbies, it would have no doubt killed them, but Ceon wasn't too worried about it as he was now aware of the boys ability to absorb damage like a sponge. With strength, speed, reflexes, and the ability to take a hit, Ceon was just happy that he had survived fighting against such a monster, unrefined and unpolished as he was.

"I will now give my verdict." Ceon said aloud as he approached the unconscious body, his hand rubbing his own throat. "Jak Yanda, examinee #31 of group 16, you have-"


"Failed?! What do you mean you failed?!" Mako exclaimed incredulously, rubbing his temples in irritation. Bright blue hues glared at the crimson haired youth sitting across from him, frustration clear as day upon his face. "How the hell does someone with your ability fail?! It doesn't make any sense?!"

Jak rubbed the back of his head, a nervous smile on his face as he laughed softly. "It wasn't like I didn't try. I gave it my all, but during the last exam I was knocked unconscious and, when I came to, I was in the medical ward of the WGC being told I had failed the final trial. Since I failed the first trial and passed the second one, I needed to gain the approval of the final examiner in order to finally become an adventurer. However, it seems I didn't have what the guy was looking for."

"Jak. EXPLAIN FURTHER!!" Mako emphasized his words, leaning across the table and over the plate of food that was in front of him. "I want every last detail out of you. From start to finish.'

"Boys, boys, relax." A buff, neatly dressed man in his late twenties to early thirties walked into the room, two more plates of food clutched in his hands. "I'm sure Jak has a reasonable explanation for why he failed. I highly doubt that after all his training, he would have failed the trials without a proper reason for doing so. So let's just sit back and eat our dinner like civilized people. Sound good?"

Mako let out a small sigh as he leaned back into his chair, a reluctant look on his face. "Very well. I'll hear you out while we eat. Will that do, Uncle Hadok?"

Hadok Shimoa gave a small nod as he set down one of the plates in front of Jak before taking a seat with the last plate, situating it in front of himself. Once the two youths on either side of him had completely quieted down, he gave a nod to the redhead, signaling for him to start. "Take it from the top Jak. Fill in the blanks for us."

Jak nodded in response before diving into the story of his own trials, beginning from where he had first made contact with the elven woman named Akino and continuing until he had woken up about six hours ago. The hardest part for him was when he had first regained consciousness, so he was a little slow on that part as he recalled as much as he could manage.


6 Hours Ago

WGC Medical Ward


"My apologies Jak Yanda but you have failed the third trial."

That was the first thing Jak heard when he came to. Groggy and disoriented with a head full of slush, Jak couldn't even muster up enough strength to answer the words directed at him as he stared at the ceiling. His body felt heavy, as if a mountain were pressing on his chest, preventing him from so much as twitching. Every breath felt like a huge chore and keeping his eyes open for any significant amount of time seemed like an almost impossible accomplishment, but he persisted as the young redhead fought to keep his head above the figurative pool of water.

"Move out of the way," Jak heard someone say, the sound of rapid footsteps getting louder and louder. "You useless pig!!"

"What did you just call me you fuckin sow?" An angry voice replied, one that Jak managed to identify as Ceon, the white haired man having had a distinctive, nasally tone of voice. "I dare you to say that ag---- OOF!!"

"Shut the hell up with you misogynistic piece of shit." A female voice interrupted, one followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor. Jak barely recognized the tone as Flora, the one who had gave him a pat on the head before the second test. "You're lucky I don't crush your dick for the way you talked to Akie, you fuckin cunt. The WGC may not do something to ya, but I sure as hell will! Screw professionalism!! Be here when I leave and I'll shove my foot up your ass!!"

Jak didn't hear any more from Ceon as he briefly faded in and out of consciousness, his head momentarily dipping below the water. He could hear someone talking but he failed to make out what it was until he finally resurfaced and he was able to breathe freely once again.

"Do you agree to those terms?" was the question he was thrown the second he was cognizant. "If you can't speak then just give a nod."

Without even knowing what was happening, Jak nodded his head, a small up and down movement that took every last bit of strength he could muster. Just that little action sapped the little life Jak had as he began to fade once again, his eyelids getting heavy.

And then something wet was thrown against his face, something that almost immediately snapped him awake.

Little by little, the heaviness began to dissipate and the cloudy feeling in his head started to clear up, allowing the youth to finally understand what was going on. Blinking rapidly, he was finally able to use his senses effectively without it being a massive chore. He felt reinvigorated, as if he had just woken up from a long nap and was on the verge of prepping for the days training session.

"Welcome back from near death Jak Yanda," Flora said proudly as she walked over, away from Ceon's collapsed body. "Had us worried for minute there. We thought you were a goner. Good thing you lasted as long as you did."

Jak pushed himself into a sitting position, surveying the area around him, slightly confused on what was happening. He was slightly aware that his condition had been pretty bad, but the blonde receptionist had made it seem almost fatal and it perplexed him. The last thing he had remembered was being blasted backwards followed by a wave of pain, then instant darkness.

"If you're confused then allow us to clear things up for you" Akino pushed her glasses up her nose, capturing Jaks attention and letting him know that she was there despite her being the closest one to him. "After showing abilities surpassing the norm, examiner Ceon Mapel decided to remove his limiter in the most dangerous way possible, using the Emergency Removal. The limiter shut down and fell off, allowing all of the Ex-Rift Hunters restrained strength and magic to come rushing back. Having been compressed, most of the magic blew outwards and exploded his surroundings, hitting you, the examinee, and sending you into a brick wall and into a fatal coma."

"In order to restore you to full health we had to use something we normally wouldn't be allowed to use. However, the WGC won't blame us too much once they know what happened, with evidence backing it up." Flora smiled as she held up a small, clear vial framed in gold and emeralds. "Although you may be asked to compensate them for their loss. So.....there's that. But we assumed you'd rather continue living so we, though mainly Akino, took matters into our own hands."

Jak was finally able to wrap his head around what they were getting at. In order to save him, a newbie on the brink of death, the receptionists had gone above the call of duty and used a healing potion on him, returning him to normal. What he had heard before was them stating the situation and the conditions for using the vial whether he could hear them or not, most likely using it on him even if he hadn't been awake.

"So...how much do I owe you guys?" Jak asked as he threw his legs over the side of the infirmary bed. "a few hundred thousand?"

"Well, considering that the potion itself is of the highest known quality, what's known as a High Elixir," Flora looked up at the ceiling, doing some quick mental math. "You now owe the WGC around 8.7 million gold coins or 8,700 platinum coins. It doesn't have to be paid up front and the WGC hold the right to charge you in alternative ways should the need arise."


"Wait, wait, wait," Hadok interrupted, halting midbite, fork full of steak hovering near his mouth. "You're telling me that you're now in debt 8.7 million gold??

"Yeah," Jak said, his voice slightly smaller then before, refusing to look Hadok in the eyes. "Unfortunately."

"And this guy, the one named Ceon Mapel, your examiner," Hadok put his fork down, hand stroking his short beard. "Hes the one that put you into a coma in the first place?"

"Yeah?" Jak now had no idea where the older gentleman was going with it.

Hadok nodded, light blue eyes now lost in thought, indicating that he was no longer listening to either Mako or Jak.

"Okay, then what happened," Mako prompted, urging Jak to finish the story. "Surely there has to be more then that."

"Well, I guess there WAS the part where Ceon got his privates kicked in by Flora," Jak shoved a piece of bread into his mouth as he reminisced about that particular scene and the cries of Ceon as he fell over clutching the area between his legs. After chewing and swallowing his food, the youth shook his head. "But you don't need to hear about that."

Mako didn't even bother to question Jak as he turned to look at Hadok, of whom was still lost in thought. "Uncle Hadok, you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just wondering what color body bag I should use for this Ceon guy. I also want to pick out a nice coffin for him." Hadok grabbed his fork once again, focusing on his food as he shoved the peace of steak into his mouth. "Its the least I can do after throwing his ass to the rapey goblins in one of the dungeons. I need him to feel at LEAST 8.7 million points of pure agony."

The room fell into silence, the only sound being the clinking of Hadoks metal fork against the plate as he calmly ate his food. Jak and Mako didn't even touch their food for a bit, just glancing back and forth from Hadok to each other, clearly disturbed by what the man had just said. After a minute of doing nothing, the two finally began to eat their food again which consisted of steak, bread, and mashed potatoes, Jaks favorite meal and one that had been prepared for the redhead in celebration for him passing. Of course, despite the minor detail of not actually becoming an adventurer, Jak still enjoyed the meal.

"So, what are your plans now Jak?" Mako asked after swallowing some mashed potatoes. "Failed and in debt. Do you want me to help you out? I can put in a word with my fa-"

"I think I'll go and visit home for a while," Jak interrupted, purposefully cutting Mako off. "I haven't seen my folks in a while and I'm sure they're getting lonely."

The blue haired youth opened his mouth to respond only to close it once again, the room falling silent as all three of them finished up their meal.