
• Love Can Change Men •

What happened after August 2020? We’ll see.

queenofattiicus · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Best Friends

I read on books that sometimes it's difficult to understand if we're living a daydream or dreaming about living a special day. I hope this is not a dream, my body and my mind feel so good now. I'm a bit sleepy, I fell asleep?

I open my eyes slowly, my chest is heavy, dark blonde curls sleeping on my heart. Thanks God I wasn't dreaming this time. I like to caress his head when he sleeps, he always smiles feeling my hands touching his forehead..his tiny nose. He's so cute. Are we in Spain? I guess I shouldn't expect that much right? Wish Jorge and I could time traveling back to when everything had sense. Now... what time is it? It's dark outside. He's still asleep, we're naked, but it's only 21pm.

I turn up my head, looking outside the window, That boy... who the hell is him, why he's so close to Jey to go on holiday with him? I don't like him at all. But he's eating nachos, oh God.. i'm so hungry, my stomach speaks for me. I try to get up the bed without waking up Jorge, slowly dress up and i get out the van. I walk to him, he's sitting on plastic chair and he's eating on the table next the van, this thing looks like Barbie doll House. I look at him and i sit in front of him, he looks back at me, i can feel he's disappointed.

B: Hi... uhm.. My name is-

A: I know who you are... please don't make it worse, here, eat something

He push the plastic container with nachos closer to me, I thank him, but i'm confused. This boy knows me? I guess Jey talked about what we had before being his boyfriend. Or... maybe he's a stalker?

A: So.... what are you going to do now?

B: W-what you mean.. what's your name? Who are you?

A: My name's Austin. And i'm Jey's best friend. You would have known me, if you weren't too busy with your own friends when you travelled here the first time.

B: The first time...?

A: 2019.. you know..

Now i remember. When we first travelled to LA i was with Jorge, but there were other people with us.. Abby, Charlotte.. Noen.. they were all my friends. I thought Jey didn't have friends, i never actually asked him if he wanted to meet someone while we were in California. He never talked about having a friend here.. or.. I don't remember?

B: Oh... i'm sorry.. he never talked about you..

A: He did, but you didn't care. As always!

He laughs at me. Why is this boy so hostile with me, i guess he just wants to protect Jey. I know i broke his heart, i was so mad, but I don't hate him. I could never..

B: You know i never wanted to hurt him...

A: And you're lying to me because you think i'm stupid?

B: I'm not lying!! I'm just saying that-

A: That you broke his heart because you loved him? That's a good one

B: You don't know me, you don't know what happened!

A: I know everything and more, and as i told you few minutes ago, shut up and eat.

B: I guess you know the wrong things... i posted a video about what happened and everything is addressed now! 

A: What?! Hah! I'm not talking about Naue, you idiot. I'm the only one who spent his life to complain about you next to Jorge, but he loved you till the point he let you destroy his life.

B: I helped him. Our relationship was a blessing for both of us!

A: I think you forgot this point while you were throwing shit on his face in that video you made.

I'm getting mad. My hands are shaking. This guy is so rude and he's attacking me, I.. I did what i could to clarify things and make people stop hating. Why is he talking about 2019?! How he dares. He doesn't know me at all, we never even talked once.

I look at him for few seconds, before i can talk, he interrupts the silence.

A: May I ask you a question?

B: Go..

A: Have you ever thought that.. the reason why Jey didn't have friends was because everything it's always been around you?

B: I.. don't get it..

A: Ok, then I explain better. YOU have friends. YOU made him go out with YOUR friends, YOU thought he didn't have friends but you actually never asked him. YOU spent your time on Lives on Instagram with at least 4 people at time, while he was doing Lives alone by himself, isolating, because he never liked your group. And I guess the same for them. He was the one following you wherever you wanted to go, whatever you wanted to do. He was so frustrated he fell victim of a fucker just got out of kindergarten, and mentally abused by him to get to you. It's always YOU.

He's breaking me. Stop! Why are you telling me those things. Why!! I survived the worst time of my life, i don't owe explanations to this guy. My heart hurts now, i breath deeply trying to explain, again, why i always end up addressing what i do?

B: I almost killed myself for how Jey mentally pressed this shit on me... how you dare..

A: You almost did what you did because you're an egocentric bitch. I guess I shouldn't say these things. I'm sorry your brain broke to that point. But the truth is: you are victim of your own selfish self. And now you here... you fucked him good? So he will remember how does it feel to live without you when you'll be gone again? Make sure his heart is broken before you leave, so you can be sure of your good job. I can't wait you to go home and see what's waiting for you.

That's enough. That's totally enough!! My head is blind, i'm so mad i can't take it anymore, my limit arrived. I stand up and i walk closer to him, pushing him and he steps back. He's laughing at me, i'm on the edge of a nerves breakdown. I think he talked enough for today, i'm about to punch his face when Jey comes out the van screaming.


He pulls me close, away to his friend, i'm so mad i can't control my emotions and i push him away. Jey looks at me, he's disappointed, tears rolling in his eyes, he steps behind getting closer to Austin.

No.. please don't look at me like that! I'm not the bad guy, we're perfect together!! Please.. please don't go with him.. he doesn't want us to be happy again.. how can he call this guy his friend?!

J: I think you should go now.

B: What... but.. we need to t-

J: There's nothing more to say. Go away Benjamin..

B: Jorge...

J: GO AWAY!!! Go fucking home!!!

He's crying, he yells at me holding his hand to his stomach. Why?! He looks broken, is it my fault? I was the one hurting him for the whole time?!

B: I love you... we are happy together

J: Please... please get away from here..

I can't stop looking at him, i'm about to cry. This guy stole my biggest love from me, what's happening?! Why is he pushing me away!? I step closer, I don't wanna leave, he's tearing so much.. i wanna hug him, everything is gonna be ok. He steps behind, pushing his hand to take me far.

J: Just... go... please.. go home..

B: You don't want me to go..

J: I-..

B: You love me! As much as I love you!! We can restart again and make it better!!

A: So you can ruin everything again when your egocentric brain will tell you so


A: No more time for shut up!! Get the fucking away from here!!! Go live your glory life on tiktok with your american boyfriend, if he'll be so stupid to take you back after what he saw.

What is he talking about?! I'm not concentrated on Austin, Jey run away, he locked himself in the van again. Why everyone is so mad at me?! Austin walks to the van without saying a word, the door opens, he walks in hugging Jey.. my boy is crying. Stop... why are you the one he wants near?! Why are you hugging him? No.. I don't want to.. Please.. i wanna wake up now! This is not a daydream, that's the worst living nightmare.