

Time seemed to be in a different lane for young Harry as the sun soon dawned on him still awake not having taken a wink the whole night. A seemingly worried expression gloomed from his smile as he sat thinking out into space. "Wonder if she's thinking about me" he thought. "Probably should have asked her out on a date, stupid me. I should call her so things aren't that wierd tomorrow at school" he said to himself as he turned the lights on and reached for his phone. Harry dialed Cyndey's number as fast as he could. "Hi Cyndey, I was calling to check if you were okay and uhm I was wondering if you would like to grab a bite to eat sometime if you're cool with it though, it's fine if you're not up for it too, I mean I'll understand, so how' bout it" Harry hesitant to make the call he practiced what he would say before calling.

"Cough" clearing his throat and gathering courage deep within himself he made the call and paced around the room waving the phone about his head on speaker. "Oh" Harry's fear ceased when the operator lady spoke through saying that the subscriber is "busy try again later". "Who could she be on the phone with late at this time, figured she'd be sleeping" he said as a worried look slowly creeped up his face as he thought. " Could it be Carl, no no way she said they were done. Who could it be" he continued thinking about it and his faced turned more bitter with each suggestion.

On the other end of the operator Cyndey sat up on her bed with a tub of ice cream half full munching on it with her phone on speaker in a rather peculiar conversation. "So what really went on back there, I mean are you Potter like a thing I don't know about or something" the person on the other end of the call said. "Noo, nothing happened and stop calling him that" Cyndey said in a high pitched tone. "You mean to expect me to believe that you were stuck in there for a whole three hours with him and nothing happened like at all". "I mea....nn maybe we kissed just a bit for a while" Cyndey responded. "You did what, I knew you didn't just hold him there to talk" Lucy said. "It all happened so fast but ultra slow at the same time that it was like time stood still or something" Cyndey said telling her friend. " I think I've fallen for him. Is that crazy, am I being crazy right now" she added. " No actually I don't think it is, I mean with your extrovertness and his introvertness attraction seems logical and these type of attractions are legitley beautiful. I think you'll know if it's right for you or not and only you can make up your own mind about this. If you really like him go for it don't let labels define it for you" Lucy replied. " Wow. I'm legitley speechless right now" Cyndey said with words escaping her head. "What!, I mean I tried didn't I, I should smother you more often and teach you some things about it too" Lucy said as if a mother telling her daughter. "I'm really glad to have you in my life right now, thank you for being here with me" Cyndey said as if her heart breaking from the sound of her voice. " So are you guys like official or y'all still aren't sure either" Lucy asked with some worry in the tone of her voice. "Truth is I'm not so sure either, I know he feels the same way or even more but I don't know if we're a thing yet actually" Cyndey said as she felt uneasy inside and started doubting her feelings. " It's ok. that's ok too. Just ask him how he feels and take it as it comes and don't rush things" Lucy said. "Yeah, I get you." she said. "So when you said yall spent summer break together, how much of it did you really spend with him" Lucy prompted. "We spent pretty much all day everyday together since we were familiar faces to each other rather than complete strangers we didn't know" she replied. "Seems like a really long and interesting story but it'll have to wait for tomorrow since we have got to catch some zzzs" Lucy said. "Oh yeah we've got that early assessment for biology" we'll talk later okay, bye" she replied. "Bye girl". " Would it be wierd if I called him right now" Cyndey asked before hanging up. "I don't know, it'd probably clear the air from earlier and make things less wierder for tomorrow" she replied. "I should probably call him, bye girl" Cyndey said before cutting the call after they both said their goodbyes.

After cutting the call Cyndey found a missed call from her prince shining in a suit of armour and thought it wasn't a coincidence to wanna call him and decided to call him immediately. "Hi" it only took two rings for Harry to answer the phone as he couldn't help sleeping but think of his danzel in distress. "Hey, how are you" she said. "Good, good how are you" harry said without forgetting to be sucseptive. "I'm pretty ok thanks for asking" she said. "Shouldn't you be sleeping Mr" she asked. "Shouldn't we both be" he replied. "So I didn't study for the assessment tomorrow, think I might need some help" she said in a low voice awaiting a response. "Guess the knight comes to the rescue again huh" he said laughing it off. "Guess so" she replied. For quite a few seconds there was a still quietness that felt a bit awkward and they could both feel it. "So are we have an awkward moment or you're thinking" Harry finally said something breaking the silence. "Both I guess" Cyndey said with a subtle laugh to it. " I usually have something to say or want to say something but with you I enjoy your silence and I honestly run out of words to speak and what to say" Cyndey said with a sigh of relief to it. "Elipses huh" he said in a low voice. "What" Cyndey said with curiosity behind her words. "It's nothing really" he said. "Tell me, I really wanna know" Cyndey added a little whimper to her voice. "It means friends and nothing more, though there might be an attraction bit to save myself we're better off as just friends" Harry said as though revealing a secret of his. "Does this mean I can't look at you or your lips anymore or kiss them as bad as I want to" Cyndey asked. "Well that's what it means but I don't want to elipse on you. I wanna take that risk and take a shot at this, us if you'll let me" he said feeling a sigh of relief within as if free of a huge load off of his shoulders. "Honestly I too don't think elipses are the way I wanna go by things, I wanna open up to this idea of us being a thing and I hope we can make it something worth more than just a while" Cyndey said. "I hope so too" Harry said. "Hey, uh I was wondering if you're not doing anything on Friday night maybe we could grab a bite to eat and maybe catch a movie before heading back if that's ok with you" Harry ceased the opportunity and took his shot. "Yeah I'd like that, I'd like that a lot" she said. "So it's a date then" he said. "Yeah it's a date" she said. "We should call it a night for tonight" he said knowing this call could last till day break. "Yeah we should get some sleep, goodnight" Cyndey said in a sweet tone. "Goodnight" Harry said back. "I love you". "Wait what did you say" Cyndey asked. "I didn't say anything" Harry replied with a mysterious tone to his voice. "I thought I heard you say....". "Goodnight miss Hamilton" Harry said. "Goodnight sir Gablefort" Cyndey said stil wondering if she heard him right. "My lady" Harry said as he the call ended and took a huge sigh of relief. "That could have gone worse" he thought to himself wondering how he could sleep now after hearing the voice of an angel. On the other end Cyndey stood there wondering if he had really told her he loved her or was it too early to think he'd think the same.

After a few couple of minutes the two strugglingly eventually found themselves asleep and the would wake up in the morning somewhat thinking it was a dream.