
||Twisted Fate|| -Saeran x Reader-

It all started with a girl moving from another apartment, her parents were never there to support her decisions. An app came across her phone that made her interested, seems like not many people downloaded it, why though? When the phone suddenly downloaded the app things started to happen without her acknowledging it, people started to stare at her then people started to criticize her but she always had yoosung by her side. She was deciding to open the app up... then they finally noticed her especially 'Unknown' She was introduced to another story A vision of two boys in front of her. But obstacles were in their way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It's either her heart breaking into pieces or... What would she do then, Read now to find out what happens next? -------- Hello... this is another book that I wanted to create, it's been stuck in my mind and I got inspired by @hope_606 in Wattpad I suggest you read their story because it's amazing. •Warnings: - Depression - Negative Thinking - Bad Endings - Slow Update •Expectations: - 2000 words or at least 1000 words - Special Hints - Binary/Morse Codes - Languages - Inspiration P.s: I am not experienced with Mystic messenger, I only played the intro and I stopped because I want to be prepared to buy some hourglasses. I don't play when I'm not ready but I do watch spoilers. This story may not follow the plot and I'm sorry about that. And I'm not a pro person that can just get hourglass easily.

XxRuby_SakuraxX · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1- Glitches.


Y/N's P.O.V

It was just like any other normal day, though I was bored since it was the weekends. I haven't chatted with Yoosung for quite a while since he was busy helping Mc with something and he keeps on playing the "LoLoL" game when he has free time instead of calling me. I went outside of my apartment to go to the grocery store to get more food and supplies since I'm running out.

----Small time skip by Saeyoung

bugging Saeran------

Once I got all the things I needed I head to the cashier to pay for all the stuff but when I was about to turn around I bump into someone. "I'm so s-sorry," I said as the boy in front of me giggles, I looked up to see who he is. It was Yoosung! "It's fine Y/N!" he said as he smiled, his smile was contagious that it made me smile too as well as gave out a small giggle, I'm glad the stuff I put on the basket didn't fall out.

"So why are you here?" Yoosung said as he walks beside me to the cashier. "Isn't it obvious... It's fate" I said as I paid for the things that I bought, I smiled at my cringe response. "Well fate must be really nice to let us meet again, especially when I'm busy," Yoosung said happily as we walk out of the Grocery store, we both talk more while walking to a certain café. "Well I have to go now, Bye Y/N," Yoosung said as he gets in the café and walks to a crowded table, seems like he has his own group of friends which I smiled at the thought.

I continue to walk to my apartment though people were now staring at me which I didn't know why. When I reach my apartment's door, there was another apartment next to mine but it was quite vacant ever since the news of the recent incident from the person living there, I heard that the person living there was a girl. I opened my door to enter inside with all the grocery bags, I headed to the kitchen first to restock the food in my refrigerator.

When I finish putting the things away, there was 1 thing left inside the plastic bag. It was a book about codes, it's never too late to learn again. When I was about to open the book my phone buzz giving me so many notifications from an unknown source which the app was named 'RFA'. 'Huh I never heard of that' I thought as I opened the chat room.


(Username) has entered the chat room.


Who invited (username) here?


I thought we are the only ones who have access?


Oh Yoosung, I didn't know you have this strange app too.


H-how do you know my name?


Oh right, it's me Y/N



Do you know her Yoosung?


Oh hey Y/N!


The mister trust fund kid has been ignored




Yeah yeah. I need to go back to work now.

Jumin has left the chatroom


Hey yoosung, can I ask? What's the purpose of this app?


Wellllll, this app is known as RFA is known for chatting about organizing parties but the true question is


How did you get this app?


I don't know honestly when I was about to read a book my phone suddenly was filled with notifications.


That is weird, but don't worry 707 Defender of justice got this covered!

Mc has entered the chat

Jumin has entered the chat


What's happening here?


Well Y/N suddenly join here


And I seven should go and do my work lololol

707 has left the chatroom


Well, I need to go and play LOLOL see you later at the game Y/N!

Yoosung has left the chat


I'll ask 707 later to call V and register you. Hope to see improvement from you Y/N.

Jumin has left the chat


It's just us now


Yup, so uh Mc what do you do in the RFA


Well, my task is to send out emails and convince them to go to the party!


That seems fun


Well I need to get going now, I need to invite people for the next RFA party


Oh ok then, bye Mc!


Bye Y/N!

Mc has left the chat room


That was amazing to watch


Why are you still here tho?


To show off my greatness but sadly I need to go and practice my lines, bye



Bye Zen

Zen has left the chatroom

Unknown has entered the chat room


Hope you enjoy your time here... Y/N

Messages deleted.

Rebooting Chatroom








































The chat room crashed.

Proceeding emergency reboot



















































The chat room has been rebooted

707 has entered the chat room.


Y/N what happened here?


I don't know what happened here, someone came in then the chat room rebooted.


I'll look into it, what did they say?


"Hope you enjoy your time Y/N" that's all they said.


You should go and get some rest, I'll handle this, after all, I am God 707


Ok God 707, see you later ^^

Username has left the chat room

707 has left the chat room


I went to my bedroom to lay on the bed and went to YouTube. There's nothing much that can satisfy me since I get bored all the time but I don't mind, I kept on watching until I saw it was already 4:00 pm. I went to the living room to arrange my game set for LOLOL so I could play with Yoosung as I promised.

9 hours later

I looked at the time and excuse myself from Yoosung since I have some work to do. Though it's not really work I have to do but anyway I went to shower and change my clothes. I lay on my bed as I check the chat room but there's no one online yet. I opened the book that I bought today about codes and started to read it.


Finished writing: July 29,2020

Word count: 1083

Thank you for reading Chapter 1 Y/N, hope you enjoy what's in store for you and your friends. You'll be glad about what's in store in your and Mc's future.