

The arrival of House Atreides sparks alliances and conflicts across the Seven Kingdoms. The intricate web of politics, with its Houses and their schemes, intertwines with the enigmatic prophecy surrounding House Atreides

lion_leo1 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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2 Chs


AC 280

"For they were called Monsters in human flesh with their not so fair skin and with their tall stature, with eyes of blue and brown, House Atreides remains tall as ever with a kingdom filled with people who worship them as gods"


The main castle of House Atreides, forged from the last remnants of "dust" they had. House Atreides built their castle with their towers high that makes the hightowers question their ancestors, with walls white with a hue of red standing in the edge facing the Sea of dorne.

Kingdom of Astrea for they are called now with a population that makes the reach seems like a small city, with golds that seems to flow like endless lakes , with people burning with a glint of determination in their eyes for House Atreides stands tall. With people in every corner of the city, with bridges connecting the castles


Grandmaester Marwyn(the only maester House Atreides had since their landing)

Planet Earth-

In a darkened alley we can see a Child looking a little frustrated. With a more closer look we can see small patches of blood in his small white like tunic or the tunic seems to look a lot like a uniform isn't it? Well I can't see ,my eyes seems a bit blurry? Wait why is my eyes blurry in the first place wait wait is he looking at me ? Why does he look taller and his face seems a bit familiar, he looks a bit like my brother nah my brother is a big guy of course, his hands seems shaking? Why is he so sad, is it guilt, I feel like sleeping

Castle Dunecrest-The Shield of Dune

AC 284

My eyes felt warm, as I opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity the first thing that I was greeted with wasn't a beautiful women, not my family for sure but a bald man wearing a Ashened Uniform? It seems I am still sleeping for the ceiling looks so tall that it makes me think I am having a dream. The man is speaking in some kind of foreign language, and he seems to look at me with such familiarity that makes me think I am some kind of lord...

I knew something was wrong from the moment my eyes started opening itself for there seems to be small orb within me. The orb feels warm as when sunlight falls on you in winter. The orb seems to be coming closer to me. As it approaches closer, I could see the heat increasing. Am I feeling pain. My skin burns and I wanted to run but my legs won't move. The orb started to move faster and I felt my body burn with the increased heat, I felt all the pain in the world. I never knew that at that time my life was going to Change. Now I remember

The Essence(Orb)

I was born to a women with white hair, My mother always told me that my father will come and take us to his palace and I believed her for 4 years. My mother died soon after my fourth namesday even at the time of her death she believed that my father's people will surely save me from this place they called "Lys". No one came and I was sold to a man who wanted me to become his champion and for two desperate years I trained and trained until a old man came saying something in the westerosi common tongue which i knew bits and few from my mother. He said something along the lines of "We have found his majesty" but I had enough of this as whenever I close my eyes I could see my mother still searching for the man she believed was a king and I fell like a puppet whose strings were cut off and when I woke up I saw another conscious within me. A young man, perhaps it was better to call him a child who even though seemed a decade older than me but has never felt pain ,for he broke the moment he was killed by his own nephew and he seems to know this world as well for I saw his life where our lives were merely a play which he watched with a gleam in his eyes. His conscious which seemed like a green orb moved closer toward me and when it finally reached me I felt warm. I felt the heat in me being slowly devoured by the orb for my grief and pain was overcome with excitement and happiness from the orb.

My name is. no our name is Leto Atreides II for we shall conquer....

I am really sorry if you find any mistakes here but if someone can help me with proofreading it will be appreciated and from the next chapter onwards the story will begin thank you

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