
From The Ruins

Alan reached Castemere and saw the castle's potential and beauty. He saw how it was built on a hill, overlooking a lake. He saw how it had strong walls and towers, gates and bridges, halls and chambers. He saw how it had rich mines and fertile lands, forests and fields, rivers and streams.

He understood why his father had to flood the mines. He understood that it was the only way to defeat the Reynes, who had rebelled against him and his grandfather. He understood that it was a necessary and ruthless act of war.

But he also regretted it. He regretted that such a magnificent place had been ruined and abandoned. He wanted to restore it. He wanted to rebuild it. He wanted to make it his own. He asked for Tyrion's help. He knew that Tyrion was an expert in engineering and mechanics, as well as in history and politics. He knew that Tyrion could help him with his project.

Tyrion agreed to help him. He was curious and excited about Alan's plan. He was also bored and unhappy in Casterly rock, where he was treated with contempt and disdain by everyone, including his father and his sister. He wanted to escape it. They worked together to create a windmill, powered by the water from the lake. They used it to pump out the water from the mines, clearing them from the flood. Alan also set up temporary lodgings for all the people who followed him, using tents and cabins. he provided them with food and water, clothes and blankets and in return they treated him with love and respect. The smallfolks loved him by the time he reached castemere he had a large crowd of nearly 200 people following him in hopes of a new life and new begining and soon they also started working in rebuilding of castemere

After weeks of continuous pumping, the worker's found the remains of the Reynes in the mines. They found their bones and their clothes, their weapons and their jewels. Alan felt a mix of emotions. he felt pity and sorrow for their fate but soon realized in the game of thrones you either win or you lose

He gave them a proper burial. He dug a large grave near the lake, where he placed all their remains. He covered them with dirt stones, flowers and herbs. Coming back to rebuilding castemere Alan found an issue since most of the castles of this time were build simply by arranging stones which will eventually give out in the future he wanted to make cement and Since the outskirts of Castemere had a huge amount of limestone which was used as he mixed it with water and sand to create cement, they used it to rebuild the castle. They repaired its walls and towers, its gates and bridges, its halls

In the year 292,

Castemere was rebuilt to it's former glory, no it was even more greater than it's former self castemere was surrounded by two wall's which had enough space between them to sustain the castle for a siege the space was so large that as Alan had to assign farmers to the land castemere now had a population of ten thousand souls living peacefully