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Zack_Min · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


My Champion

"Did I die again?!" Finding himself in a blank space, Yuki felt like deja vu.

Letting his thoughts wander, he remembered what he had done.

"I just went to sleep and now I'm here again... Is this a Dream?"

Shaking his head, Yuki dismissed this thought, this dream was very realistic.

"Di I die?... No, that's not possible, I have a clone that watches day and night" Unable to accept reality Yuki looked around, only to find endless whiteness.

Sighing lightly, he closed his eyes to think.

"Welcome to the Champion Divine Realm!"

Opening his eyes, Yuki found himself in a throne room.

"My Champion!... thank you for answering my call!" Turning his gaze towards the voice, Yuki looked at a small figure sitting on a throne very large for her body, she was a very small woman, about 140 centimeters, she had blue eyes and black hair tied in a pair of pigtails that reached her head, mid-thigh, she was dressed in a short white dress that emphasized her massive chest.

(They are huge)

"Champion? Hello, I'm talking to you"

A bit confused the small figure tilted her head slightly, Yuki was a bit stunned to see her.

"Sorry, I was a bit lost in thought"

"Is that so?... Well, thanks for being here champion"

Smiling, the small figure got up from the throne, however with each step she took, those huge melons moved from one side to the other.

Yuki gulped at this, her body was still childish, otherwise he may have had a nosebleed.

(I was wondering how they will feel to touch?!)

With some impure thoughts, Yuki began to think about the texture, as a connoisseur and a man of culture, Yuki looked from all angles, seeing well the caliber of such a weapon.

Of course he didn't show any indecent look on his face, as a murderer he knew well how to hide his emotion.

"As I said... Champion, it's a pleasure to have you here, my name is Hestia, The Goddess of Home and Family" said the small figure crossing her arms emphasizing her chest even more.

Being a little over 9 years old, Hestia was slightly taller than Yuki, allowing Yuki to have a view of the deep valley of her cleavage.

"Oh? If the pleasure is mine, my name is Yuki Uchiha, my Goddess"

Slowly grabbing Hestia's hand, Yuki kissed the torso of her hand that was covered in white gloves.

"What a gentleman" Hestia blushing a little, looked with interest at the boy in front of her.

"But I still don't know, why have I been called to this placed my Goddess?"

"Hestia is fine, you don't have to call me Goddess" Shaking her head, Hestia smiled at the boy.


Looking into Hestia's eyes, Yuki nodded, she gave him a very good feeling.

"Well then Hestia, you haven't told me yet... why did I come to this place?"

"You do not know?" a little confused asked Hestia.

"No, I feel asleep and appeared in this place"

"This is weird, I called a Champion and it was you who answered my call"

Pointing down, Hestia displaced a magic circle.

"I have taken a little of my dignity, to call a Champion, a guardian who will save the world"

"Wait a minute... Save the world" Yuki asked with some doubt.

"Yes, save the world" anwered Hestia.

Yuki has a headache, he already knew which direction this conversation was headed.

"But, I haven't anwered any calls, even I'm not any kind of Champion or Guardian, I'm an Assassin"

Smiling at Yuki's response, Hestia leaned in and put a finger to her lips.

"Assassin, Guardian, Champion... What do you think is the difference between the two?"

A little confused by her question, Yuki tilted his head slightly.

"A guard is someone who protects something from someone, a champion is someone who has triumphed over others, and an Assassin is someone who has killed his kind for a reward"

"Right, but between them there is something that unites them, a guardian will fight and kill for what he must protect, a champion, he will kill for victory and salvation, but what is the murdurer? Someone who kills others for a reward? It's a very vague description, both Champion and Guardian, they kill and have rewards, so something like assassin doesn't exist, evil and good, only you can define that... therefore you are a champion"

Yuki's eyes widened slightly at her statement.

"You are a champion, Yuki, you are my Guardian"

"... "

There was a silence between them as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Understand, so why, my call, do you need a bodyguard"

"Hehe... None of that, as a champion you have experience saving a world, so I need you to save others"

Being very direct, Hestia placed her hands on her waist exposing her chest even more proudly.

(I think it's not something you have to be proud of)

"I've always.... Aren't they Gods? With their power, isn't it easy to save a world?"

Shaking her head, Hestia heaved a small sigh.

"Although we are gods, we do not have control and power over our creations, our job is to create and destroy, we cannot control"


"That's right, we can destroy, but tell me my Champion... What father wants to destroy his children?" Hestia said with a sad look.

"I understand... But why me? There are millions of people, I trust there is someone better"

"No, there is no one better... My Champion among thousands of worlds, champions can be counted on the fingers, only beings who saved a world can bear thus title, and you my Champion are the only one who answered my call"

"But, I only saved the world with a game"

"There's no way, that's true!"

With a steady gaze and a hand on her chest, Hestia closed her eyes.

"A champion is someone very special, the world loves them, they received the blessings of a god and the aura they carry is very unique... Haven't you noticed that people tend to gather around you?"

With a hand on his chin, Yuki has always been thinking about it, in his previous life although animals and women loved him, in this second life, this had been amplified, even he thought that he had been shining.

"I guess you're right"

"Tell me my Champion, do you accept the request of this Humble Goddess, to protect and save her children?"

Averting his eyes, Yuki thought of the family and clan he was unable to protect.

"You know? Hestia, my clan and my family was killed, my mother and my friends, I couldn't protect them"

Looking back into Hestia's blue eyes, Yuki narrowed his eyes.

"Do you think that someone who couldn't protect his family, will be able to protect and save a world? Don't make me laugh... Me"

Yuki's eyes glazed over as he remembered and his friends, but before he could finish speaking, his body was pulled up and his face was buried in two huge soft mountains.

Gently stroking his back, Hestia hugged Yuki.

"I trust you will, I trust that this will not stop you and will deafeat you, I trust that you will rise up and fight, I trust that you will protect and love, and above all, I trust you my Champion"

".... "

Embracing in silence, Hestia looked at the child in her arms with a smile.

"Better already?"

Without answering, Yuki felt like he was in heaven.

"This is heaven!)

Taking deep breaths, Yuki buried his face a little deeper into those great mountains, seizing the rare opportunity.


Sensing that something was wrong, Hestia looked at the child in her arms.

"Huh? Yes, thanks! I'm better now"

Reluctantly, Yuki separated from Hestia.

"What do I have to do? Hestia"

Taking a little breath, a satisfied Yuki looked back at Hestia, never seeing that huge chest again.

Feeling strange, Hestia spoke of her request.

"The world I wish you to save is very dangerous, a Hero will not be able to save it, only a champion will, however"

Sighing heavily, she continued.

"A champion will not be enough"

Frowning, Yuki felt something prickly.

"A Hero will not able to save it? A champion will not be enough? Could you explain it better?"

With some sadness, Hestia decided to tell everything she knows.

"Among the millions of being between the worlds, heroes were born, from saving an animal to saving an entire race, but that is the limit of heroes, there are millions of heroes, but very few champion... You know? A champion not only save a race from extinction, they save the whole world from being destroyed, after all even if all races die, the world can still give life, but if the world dies, there is nothing that can be done"

Shaking her head, Hestia continued.

"That's where Champion are born, a hero borrows the powers of the gods and when he dies the powers will return to the gods, a Champion is rewarded by the gods and when he dies his abilities will be his forever with his souls, in exchange also the world loves them.... But"

Taking a brief silence, Hestia took Yuki's hand and looked at him.

"This time a Champion will not be enough, I need you to gather several heroes from different worlds, willing to help you in this mission my Champion"

Yuki looked at Hestia seriously, a world so dangerous that it takes a whole group to save it, it's not something to play with.

"Well, I accepted the mission"

After thinking, Yuki could not reject this Goddess, Artemis rewarded him before and gave him a second life, the fact that his family had died is not the fault of the gods, 'your actions tell you who you are and it is up to you to guide your life'

It is because of this, Yuki has a good impression to the gods.

"Thank you my Champion, unfortunately I can only give you my blessing"

Bowing, Hestia said regretfully.

"Okay, I still can't control my power yet, having another one will just be a burden"

"Thank you... Please my champion, taker of your shirt and show me your back, I will give you my blessing"

A bit hesitant, Yuki decided to do it. Hestia bit her finger letting a drop fall on his body, Yuki felt as if an enormous heat ran through his body until he calmed down.

[Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Room]

A transparent blue screen with a chat message appeared in front of Yuki.

"This screen is a Multiverse Chat Room, with it you can travel between worlds and have interaction between the members of your group"

"I understand"

"Remember my champion, first you have to gain the trust of the heroes who will help you on your mission"

"Don't worry Hestia, if they are women I will make sure to win their hearts"

Saying those words that can be misunderstand, Hestia smiled.

"I don't care if you create a Harem in the process you know"

"Hahaha is that so, do you mind, if you also join my crystal palace?"

Hestia looked at Yuki for a moment before a smile spread across her face.

"Heee~ if you have the ability I don't mind joining, although it doesn't seem like it I'm one of the three virgin goddesses... So, I'm very possessive you know?"

Yuki could only smile dryly at this.

(It would be nice, if I can increase the members of the Uchiha Clan)

Seriously thinking about this, Yki didn't think it was a bad idea.

"Well, it's time to go too"

Swaying her hair slightly, Hestia showed a warn smile.

"Go? Where?"

"Let me tell you my champion, I have taken care of this memberless family of mine for millions of years"

With a sad look, Hestia lowered her head.

"I have decided to look for members for my family... There is a certain world where we gods can live with mortals, giving our blessings, watching the adventures of our children, and living with them"

Yuki looked at Hestia, with a blank look, he could see the longing and desire in her eyes.

"I see, I hope you find a family"

"You are wrong my champion, your re already lart of my family... I will be waiting for you in that world, I want to see what kind of adventures you will experience... So don't keep me waiting for too long"

"I won't... I'll see you soon, Hestia"

They both looked at each other with a smile before disappearing at the same time.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

ORIGINAL AUTHOR NOTE: Well with this chapter I start the multiverse trips.

You didn't think I'd just focus on Naruto, did you?

I don't like to give spoilers, so that's why I didn't put it in the tag before, but now I will.

I like the interactions between chat rooms and groups, so let's see what groups I'll form.

As for which worlds it will got to, I have decided 2 for now, the others will come later.

PS: Goddess Hestia from Danmachi

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2000+ words and hundred edits hayyysssss.