
Wolf (#7)

Its been a month since Stiles and Derek met and mated, after they left hell they were met with knowing smirks and catcalling from the Hale pack, Laura was very loud while Cora was silent, but somehow both could make Derek blush really hard and it made Stiles' black heart melt to a white goofiness, spreading through his whole body and making him relax with a smile in his face. He proudly showed the mark to anyone who asked to see it, and his neck was exposed to all to see, this made Derek both proud and embarrassed, but he still showed around the mark that Stiles gave him! Since Stiles cannot permanently mark Detek without hurting him so he used his magic to mark both his aura and body with a distinctive coloration and drawing... In other words, he gave Derek's body and aura a tattoo as his mark.

The mark was the Hales symbol, a triskelion (triskelson?), and better yet, it had every single color known to man in his tatto, from the deepst darkest black to the purest, holy-est white, from the forest green to moss green, from fire red to blood scarlet, from the coldest ice blue to the warmest spring blue or darkest deep sea blue to the crystal clear blue, from the brightest yellows suns to the darkest yellows, from the burning oranges to the light tan orange, from grays to browns, harmonizing and fusing, when one color faded, another one came to sight burning with passion. It was beautiful and Derek's aura would have the same chanhe of colors, differently from the Vantablack aura that Stiles has due to being marked by a Voidborn, a powerful Void Evil the Nogitsune. There are four types of Void Creatures, born in The Void and they are:

Void Good: Good creatures that are mostly harmless if you don't do anything against them, they normally stay in The Void because they can't or don't want to survive outside of it.

Void Neutral: Neutral creatures that are mostly passive, they stay away from fights but won't sjy away from protecting themselves, albeit they look like they are Void Good they leave The Void willingly most of the times.

Void Evil: Evil creatures that are very aggressive and murderous, they want blood or pain, they like to see the suffering in mortals and are also called Void Demons. They cannot normally peave The Void without being summoned from the outside, but those strong enough can leave without trouble.

Void Chaos: These are unpredictable, they just appear and disappear and do random things that no one seems to understand, this beast can save a kingdom in one day and destroy it in the other. Its a mystery how they think, but they are the ones that can leave and enter The Void at will, with just s thought... Like Stiles.

Going back to the subject. Stiles and Derek marked each other, basically marrying one another forevee (because they don't die), Derek told his family how Stiles took him to Hell and how he arranged for both Kate and Gerard to suffer fot eternity being tortured in the most humiliating and cruel ways possible. His family was at first shocked learning that Stiles took Derek to Hell, well, the 4th layer of it according to Stiles who shouted from the hall when he heard the teen sister of Derek, Cora Hale (16) shout: "HE TOOK YOU TO HELL!?" Before going back to cook, apparently he wss taught to have a hobby, so his life isn't boring and Derek was happy he had a hobby like this! He was grinning like an idiot while looking at his mate, his love, his Stiles cooking with the pack while talking to a few pups who were attracted to the smell of his cooking that he made specially and solely to his Derek. The look on the pack's face was too good as Stiles rejected cooking for them...

They also had Laura and Derek learning how to be Alphas with Thalia, they needed a pack fast before they go Rogue, Laura would go Rogue faster because she didn't have a mate that could form a bond to, so after she got permission from her mother they went to find her her first Beta! Laura's first Beta was a young woman by the name of Anna Bervit, and she was a sweetheart to everyone... She once looked at Derek with heart eyes, that night she had a terrible nightmare and would pale at the sight of Derek while reeking of fear and terror, he of fourse noticed Stiles smiling happily to her while she shivered, but he decided not to talk about it with him. Derek's lessons were coming along well and he was participating on the reunions his mother had with the pack's Left Hand (Peter Hale) and Right Hand (Nathan Hale, Derek's father) as well as the pack's Emissary (Alan Deaton) who paled at the sight of Stiles.

And then, this happened:

"Please, I'm not that scary." Stiles smiled wickedly at the Druid in front of him, he could tell the man was powerful, but compared to himself and the creatures he faced, the man was but a weak bug, but he could read auras so he could see the darkness that was his aura... He could hear the wails of The Void as the creatures inside begged for him to free them, but he ignored them all. "Thalia, you didn't tell me your little Emissary was a Druid, cool guy i guess, but his type never gives straight answers to questions, always twist the words to try and make it philosophical and shit like that." The man in question would at least raise an eyebrow at such comment, but the Deaton they knew was completely gone as he stared at Stiles with a grim expression, concern, fear, and a little bit disgust could be smelled emanating from his body and when he smelled it, Derek was angry! He growled and threatened with the raise of his murderbrows before he asked: "What?"

A simple question, sure, but where's the fun jn that? "Please forgive me, Alpha Derek, it's just... Its a pleasure to meet you, Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum, student of the legendary Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak, I am sensitive to auras and they influence my emotions... It's been a while since i lost composure." Stiles only answer was to widen his smirk before Derek asked, remembering Stiles' promise to always answer his questions: "I heard that Chain Devil call you that name before, what does that mean?" Stiles tilted his head to meet Derek's green eyes before he smiled, saying: "Well, it means Bringer of Darkness and Madness, Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum is the name i received when i kinda killed a God and maybe maybe not may have eaten his internal organs while giving the heart to my crow before smashing the body to a bloody pulp and setting it on fire?" The looks he received was... Intense. Their eyebrows betrayed their expression, Stiles could help but chuckle as he said: "So the eyebrows language is definitely a Hale's thing... Good for you that i speak eyebrows."

"Rewind a bit, you did what?" Laura choked out in surprise as Stiles just sighed and said caomly: "I killed a God and ate his internal organs while in front of a lot of people... A apparently the God was a very worshipped guy, so his followers scattered and started calling me Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum, Bringer of Darkness and Madness, because their God was Monumish Vurnuveviris or something like that, anyway, the guy was an asshole and deserved to die anyway, and its not my fault he decided to mock me in front of an entire stadium's worth of people about fucking my mother. So i kinda, you know, snapped... Him in half and ate his organs." The more he said, the worse thejr expressions got, when he finished Thalia was looking at him with a sad smile while Derek, Laura, and Nathan had a concerned face... Meanwhile, Peter had a very pensstive expression whole Deaton was still pale and shaky, Stiles dumped down his aura as best as he could without really trying, but the Druid thanked him anyway."

"Oh." Derek kissed his forehead and the meeting continued as if nothing had happened.

After that meeting, Deaton has avoided Stiles to keep himself from getting sick. Thalia had to speed up the process of introducing her chidren to the neighbor Alphas such as Satomi, one of her best friends, they went to many parties and as Derek's mate and Emissary of his pack, he went along with and helped Derek with the formalities among the Alphas. He also helped Laura who had yet to have an Emissary of her own, who almost begged him to also be her Emissary to which after a very convincing "conversation" with Derek, he agreed to be both their Emissary and keep their packs in good condition.

And after all this, the month had ended and both Alphas were tired, it was time for Derek to get his first Beta and he had the right to choose. This time, he asked Stiles' help with choosing someone to his pack, so he did what Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak taught him and guided Derek to his fated pack. Using his magic, letting it flow out of him naturally, he tapped into the strings of Fate, seeing who Derek was meant to make his Betas and he saw them, saw their names, saw their faces... "Huh." Stiles smiled at Derek and took his hand, this gesture is common to them now but Derek still smiles warmly whenever Stiles touches him and through their bond Stiles can feel his happiness: "Well, what about we get you three Betas now? They're all teenagers though, so we have to ask your mother to come with us, but they are meant to be your Betas. There are some others too, but we will get them later on, for now we have three teenagers to help." Derek smiled as he felt amazing, he was going to have his own pack, even if they were teenagers they can still learn and grow, even if they are going to be bitten and are not exactly born a werewolf... Telling Thalia that her son's future pack is meant to be full of bitten wolves that are teenagers just makes he humm before sighing, then Stiles explains what he saw on the three.

"For starters, Erica Reyes is a badass girl who suffers from seizures, she has hurt herself many times due to her seizures, the Bite can solve this and so can i, so if we offer it to her she will gladly accept because for what I've seen, she would rather die than continue to suffer from her seizures anymore... Then there's her boyfriend, Vernon Boyd, i think that's his name at least, he's... A quiet, stoic, calm, doen to earth, lonely boy who jas lost his sister and would do anything to find her. He is destined, fated to be alongside Erica Reyes in your son's pack, and there's another one." Stiles paused and sighed, he said: "His story is a litle sad, i mean for you guys it is, for me is infuriating. He is being abused by his father, who locks him on the basement's fridger and let's him there and there's also one things i didn't say to Derek..." Derek tilts his head like a confused puppy, Stiles melts a little inside and places his hand on his Derek's cheek, who nuzzles into it before sighing and saying: "He's an Omega, Derek." The reaction was instantaneous, Derek snapped his eyes open as they flashed red, a low angry growl rumbling in his chest, he only asked one simple question: "How?" Stiles offered his neck as a sign ot submission to calm the Alpha down, to which Derek took this opportunity to scent mark his beloved Stiles again but rubbing his nose on him as he heard Stiles explain.

"Well, he is born a wolf, but his mother died givinf birth to him due to the fact that she was kicked out by her pack for being impregnated by a human... Her baby was taken from her on her deathbead as she whispered for him, she died on that hospital bed alone as the father took the baby home, after he started developing and showing signs of being a werewolf, his father was scared and began to hit him, hide him, and it gave him the feeling of having control over someone's life... His big brother tried to defend him, but in the end he was sent away by the father and had to join to military, a year later he died in combat in Afghanistan leaving the boy alone in this lonely world, he needs you, he needs a pack, he needs help, he needs us, he needs to have a pack... He hasn't gone feral due to the sheer will he has, which is impressive, but he won't hold longer if we don't help. We can start with him, then we can go to Erica and Boyd, then we get the others." Stiles placed both his hands on Derek's cheeks and smiled, Derek just closed his eyes and enjoyed being touched by his Stiles, he was never touch starved (he is born a werewolf, touching id the thing they do), but he feels like he has been touch starved since birth when Stiles touches him... It feels so great.

"Okay?" Stiles added, searching for the confirmation in Derek's eyes, who sighed and nodded, saying: "Okay."

Thalia watched from the sidelines, her son was not easy to calm ever since he was born, always crying whenever he was not receiving attention from someone, always throwing a tantrum when growing up, always full of guilt and shame after what happened with Kate and Paige, and always angry at himself for not being better than he was... And now? Noe she just watched her most stubborn son be coached into calming down by his Mate by simply touching and whispering to him in a gentle tone, she really likes Stiles, and seeing her son so relaxed makes her even happier to have him in her family. "Well, i guess we're going to visit huh. What is the name of this poor child?"

"Isaac, Isaac Lahey." Stiles looks at her, and for the first time in a long while, she shivers as he says: "Soon to be Isaac Hale Stilinski, because there's no way I'm not gonna adopt that child after completely obliterating his father, burning, freezing, cutting, smashing, crushing, whatever, i will kill that man regardless of the method, and then make it seem like an accident." Derek nods along, his eyebrows are certainly saying 'I will do the same as well'- Damn, Eyebrows is a language! Thalia chuckles as she begins tl think of a way to use it as a code, since Stiles said it was a Hale thing, why not make it a Hale thing officially? She chuckles when she thinks about how confused others will be while she and Peter communicates with their eyebrows...

Stiles is really rubbing on her.