
Wolf (#1)

Darkness, swirling in a circle, spinning like a hurricane in a horizontal line, creating a disk of a dark mist that emanated from behind. From the darkness stepped out a skinny, short young man, probably in his early 20's steps out of this swirling gaseous mist of darkness and shrieking gasps and wails with a satisfied sigh. "Finally out of that damn dimension..." He mutters to himself, this young man has dark almost black hair, one deep blue eye and the other completely white, with no distinguishable pupil, it seems like he is blind on that eye... He is wearing a black trench coat above a white shirt with the words written in seemingly red paint [Dreamer's Nightmare] alongside a flaming red skull. "At least their merchandise's cool..." The same young man chuckles to himself as he look at the rest of his outfit, a black shoulder blade, literally a blade to be attached to his shoulders as well as any part of his body that can hold this thing.

Back at describing his appearance. He is 5'3, his thin white fingers have black nails, seemingly painted with an oily substance, they shine darkly when the sunlight glimmers on them, giving a dangerous feeling... He has a lightning scar going down his white eye, through his left cheek, down his throat, and down into his left leg, as if he received a lightning bolt to his eye... Strange. "Erebus!" The young man cries loudly, calling for his faithful companion, who answers his call by landing on his shoulder: An adorable small grey crow with black wings, the crow seems content in seeing his beloved master and nuzzles his head on his master's neck, making the young man chuckle at the affectionate crow that in turn, makes the crow caw angrily as if to say 'Ungrateful master, i won't nuzzle you no more', the young man stops laughing as he quickly apologizes with a clear tone of sarcasm: "Oh, forgive me, your highness, for feeling ticklish when you rub your feathers on my sensitive neck."

"Boy, i sometimes think you're am crazy... Going to the Dimension of Nightmares to buy clothes?" A voice speaks from behind him, the young man sighs and turns back to see what would certainly make any other person pass out completely: A tall woman with paper white skin, long black curly black hair that covers her face like a veil but can not cover he deadly grin and her shining, white, sharp, teeth. Her elongated thin fingers touch the ground as she looks to be hunched over, bending to look the young man in the eyes, her long black nails touching the mud and moss on the ground with a sickening sound of wet slop. Her long black clothes also makes her even creepier than she already is, she has a hanging dead bird on her belt, as well as a rat's clean white skull, the complete skeleton of a thin little bird on her pouch, and a clear glass bottle full of slithering little black bugs that shriek and move, biting and eating each other inside the bottle.

"Heh, you know me. Plus, their clothes are the best, they already come enchanted with [Fear] and [Darkness] in them... I also got you something, dear teacher of mine." The young man smirks when the old crrepy lady tilts her head sideways like a curious puppy, albeit it looked rather creepy when he could hear he bones cracking like sicks, snapping as she moved. "Here." He said as he waved his hand and out of thin air, a long black robe appeared in front of them, this black robe also looked like a black loose dress, which made the woman sigh: "Another dress? What makes this one different from the other dresses you gave me, Stiles?" The young man, Stiles Stilinski, chuckles once again as he moves his finger and... He places it inside the dress... "Pockets." Stiles says and the creepy old woman throws her head back and shrieks like a little girl who just got a ponny for Christmas and quickly snaps the dress out of the small hands of the young man.

"This is absolutely perfect!" The woman cackles and soon, thousands of whispers cackle along with her, creating this creepy cacophony of shrieks and laughter that would make a normal person's heart to stop, but Stiles isn't normal... No, he is what we call a Spark, a rare magical origin... Most magic users draw their magic from somewhere, [Sorcerers] draw their magic from different dimensions, [Witches], [Wizards], and [Alchemists] draw their magic from the Weave in different forms. [Witches] using rituals, [Wizards] using words and ancient knowledge, and [Alchemists] using runes and symbols to draw the magic from the Weave and use it. [Warlocks] and [Clerics], however, draw their magic from another being! [Clerics] by worshipping that being, be it out of respect or even fear, and [Warlocks] by making a magical contract with said being. There is also [Druids] and [Darachs], while [Druids] draw their magic from nature naturally, [Darachs] forcefully absorb it into their bodies, be it from nature or any living or even dead organism that has (or had) magic in them.

But a [Spark]? No.

[Sparks] are born natural bound and connected to the Weave, they can draw the magic from the Weave into their own bodies unconsciously, meaning they can use magic like any other normal caster could, and even immitate others as well manipulate the weave itself, making him the perfect magic user. It's not a secret that the most powerful magic casters were [Sparks]! Merlin was (Yes that guy everyone thinks was a wizard, yes the one who was King Arthur's little magic bitch), his mother was, and now his teacher is a [Spark] as well! "Good gift you gave me boy, I'm happy to have it. But why did you gave this to me? If you did something bad, just tell me, you know I'll be proud."

Meet Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak, also known to humans as Baba Yaga. The famous immortal old hag that lives in a shack with chicken legs, walking around and capturing little children to eat them or something like that... Well, in the beginning, when she found him clutching the books his mother gave to him while he ran through the halls and houses of the Outer Plane of pure chaos, the Limbo, running away from Blunchs and Everpropts, since that day she took under her a small child of the tender age of 8, completely scared and scarred by the darkness that lingers in the night and left a mark behind... She taught him to accept this mark and how to use it, as well as how to be a great magic caster with his natural talent, and soon he became a force to be reckoned with, a famous magic caster, and one of the three apprentices of Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak...

To mortals and his teacher, his name was Stiles Stilinski, but to the all the dimensions and magical planes of existence, his name was Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum, or simply Bringer of Darkness and Madness. Well, a cute name isn't? it's not his fault that the a minor God mocked him saying he "Fucked his mother" when it was the anniversary of the day he killed her, its not his fault the guy was so weak that he died when he tore his limbs off... And of course, it's not his fault when he took the guy's heart out and gave it to Erebus, his loyal Darkness Crow, a magical bird with the ability to willingly dive into shadows and enter the Shadowfell (also known as the Deep Darkness) and leave anywhere. And it's also not his fault that his Void side just happened to come out and wreck the corpse to a pulp of golden blood...

But that was years ago, now he is much stronger and much wise. He won't do the same mistakes aga- Who is he kidding? Just yestersay he killed a fucking Demon Lord from the 509th latyer of the Abyss and now he has an entire layer of the Abyss for himself even though that place is terribly filthy, covered in black tar and blood, he would need to clean that bitch- "Stiles, boy, tell me what you did." Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak snapped him out of his thiughts, he sometimes gets lost there, it became a habit after he killed his parents (albeit Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak always explained to him He didn't kill his parents, but something possesing Him did. A Nogitsune, a Void Kitsune, natural from the Void Dimension and very powerful in and out of said dimension).

"Oh, besides killing the Demon Lord of the 509th layer of the Abyss yestersay, visiting the city of Dis on the 4th layer of Hell, and going to the Shadowfell with Erebus? I was thinking about going back to Earth and seeing how things are there..." Stiles' body was stiff, it's been 16 years and he is now 24 years old, albeit he would never be old and will live for a very long time, possibly forever but who knows? He already knows the Raven Queen wants his soulz but he isn't planning on dying now. Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak snapped her fingers and they were gone, seconds later they appeared in a cozy looking cabin in the middle of a swamp, where thousands of little blue fireflies danced in the moonlight while the crickets and owls made their own musical along the darkness of the endless night of the Timeless Swamp, a pocket dimension made by Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak herself to be her home and is also the place where Stiles comes to when he is going to learn things.

He hasn't learned anything new in tbe last 2 years, Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak said she had taught him everything he needed to know, and the rest he would learn as he lived on, and it was true. In these two years from his 22th birthday to his now 24th one, he learned that you shouldn't fuck with the Devil Lords of Hell that differently from the Demon Lords of the Abyss, are fucking ruthless and have a stick completely shoved into their ass... i mean, send a Balgur after him just because of a harmless prank? Sheesh. Looking around the cabin, Stiles knew his teacher was going to give him a gift as well because technically he was leaving, he has been living in thjs dimension for years and he can always come back to here, but she already technically kicked him out when he finished his apprenticeship with her two years ago! "So, now that you finally decided to fucking leave my fucking house" Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak snapped, she kinda got the curses from Stiles, he corrupted her to the dark side! Sighing, she takes a small box with her long and thin fingers, making creacking noises when the little box opens on itself when she presents it to him: "Let me give you a parting gift... I, Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak, give you Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum, this." Inside the small box was a pair of black rings, they had runes carved on them and Stiles could easily know which runes they were...

They were [Endless] and [Absorption], the two first runes he ever successfully created! With these two runes combined together in an item, he could absorb energy from the Weave endlessly, never running out of magic energy! One of the great things about the Weave is that its energy feeds the body, rendering food and water completely unnecessary, and it also makes his body free of any disease or poison ss it naturally cleans it, and of course, it makes his body stronger as it flows through him constantly. This ring, however, is made out of a black alloy named [Black Bones] found in the deepest pits of the Endless Chaos, also known as Hades, a dimension of pure evil. Its properties are the rather unique for a metal, which is to fuse with the wearer's body and slowly make their bodies stronger just by wearing it, and together with the runes [Endless] and the rune [Absorption] it makes this ring a great item to make his body permanently stronger as time goes on. "I... Thank you teacher..." He smiled, taking the two rings and wearing one, the second one was not meant for him, because it had a small inscription [For your Future Lover], he blushed a little because he knew Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak could see into the future, so certainly knows who he is going to marry.

"You're welcome... Now, get out of my dimension before i kick you out!" She snapped her fingers once again, and he was gone. When she knew he wasn't there anymore, clear tears could be seen running down her tar black eyes as she sighed, whispering to herself: "There, Claudia, your son is now prepared for his... Harsh future now." Claudia Stilinski, or rather, Huburi'Vik Marathuqbis-Moleski (Bringer of Eternal Light and Comprehension) was one of her students, her second student to be precise, and even though Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak warned her about her imminent death if she had a child with a mortal men, she still did have that child, and that child is now her third student .. She still remembers how she made Claudia a promise to teach her child and protect him untol he decided to leave her nest and fly... She just hopes he doesn't fly too close to the sun.

Derek Hale sighed, he was now looking at the mess his little nephews and nieces did at the Preserve. Several little flowers and little twigs were scattered around the entrance of the Preserve to, as they said, "Prevent Fairies from entering the Preserve". He got a little curious so he decided to know what they were doing, and he found this, which he must say, is cute. "Hey Der!" A familiar voice called from behind the several children, they soon scattered and Derek could see Laura, his twin sister in the middle of a circle of petals and twigs, as if she was a fairy they captured... "Hey! It works, you all captured a fairy!" Derek chuckled and praised the children who began to laugh as began to fake a struggle, wiggling her arms around as she shouted: "No! I've been terribly trapped by theae terrible terrifying troglodytes! I am trembling in terror, might as well try to trick them into thinking i am trivial." The children were confused as Laura said this phrase full of T's very fast, damn, even he was confused! "Release me, you fouls!" Suddenly she pulled a British accent out of her arse as the children laughed and celebrated, but suddenly it all stopped.

There was something in the air, tension, they could feel it. Suddenly, a silver arrow hit Derek in his ankle, making him cry out in pain as he felt the Wolfsbane work on him, quickly taking his strength away! "Run!" Derek shouted as Laura picked the children and ran, she pushed and ushed them to run, even telling them to shift ro run faster, she knew she had to protect them and call her mother, so she howled. The howl echoed through the Preserve and it was so loud that it reached the Hale Pack house, a 4 stories tall building that looked very, very nice. The last Hunter attack was years ago, so they didn't expect for another one, Derek would make sure no children would die today... He would never repeat the mistakes of the past.

He quickly transformed into his Full Wolf form, a form he was able to achieve after continuous training after he almost killed his entire family when he- Damn it, when Kate tried to get him, tried to have him, it was disgusting and he couldn't escape, he never felt so hopeless in a situation before that and now he could never be the same, always watching and analysing, always ready, so he took out from his pocket a little thing his Uncle gave him months ago... A smokescreen bomb, he had three of these and could use it to distract the hunters and take them out one by one, but it wouldn't be fast enough since he can hear 50 heartbeats. "Fuck..." Cursing a little Derek felt weak, the arrow was not simple Wolfsbane, it was more, it was meant to make him weak and not kill him! He quickly tried to get on his feet, but he fell again, his body refusing to move in any way... He could hear the footsepts approaching him, and a familiar, sickening smell of a certain Argent bitch named- "Ah, dear Derek... It's good to see you again~"


That's how he felt, like he was being bathed in pure ice, temperature below freezing and worse yet, he heard the voice of the Geriatric Gerard Agent say: "I see you found your mutt boy toy, let's go faster because we need to get those little monsters and get rid of them before the Alpha bitch Hale comes running with her entire pack-" Before he could finish his sentence, came in the biggest black wolf Derek ever saw, it was his mother, her eyes flashing red as she angrily ran towards Gerard, twenty other Beta shifted werewolves followed her into battle! Derek moved, or tried to, his legs were paralysed but his arms could still move! He quickly grabbed one of the smokescreen grenades Peter gave him and threw it in the middle of the hunters just as Kate Argent tried to stab him in the neck. But then, a brown blur hit the bitch as she was thrown away, it was Laura in her Wolf form, she learned how to do it as well, and now she was mawling the bitch that was Kate Argent.

But, lost in her rage, she did not notice the arrow that hit her eyes and went through her brain, killing her immediately.

"No!" Peter's voice echoed just ad he shouted what Derek and everyone who saw this thought, Kate Argent was, however, also killed by having her neck broken and cut by the teeth of Laura Hale, crimson blood scattered everywhere. Several hunters were killed by the fast werewolves, but a lot of werewolves were also killed by the hunters, Thalia Hale managed to kill Gerard Argent as well as 10 other hunters that ganged up on her, she is severely damaged but all hunters are dead.10 of the wereeolves are gone, including Laura Hale, Anderson Hale, Gerald Hale, Amelia Hale, Penelope Hale, Amanda Hale, Jack Hale, Jenifer Hale, Bernard Hale, and Herald Hale.

Thalia is not healing...

She will die

There's nothing they can do about it.

"No... No..." Derek was crying, he fought and fought, but in the end, they would die. "Anything, I'll do anything..." He pleaded no one in particular, he was cryjng to the universe to kot take them from him, just as a person who loses someone cried out, asking God why... "Anything you say?" Everyone turned and looked, there, standing before Derek Hale, was a small human with a blue right eye and a completely white left eye, looking down at him. "Anything! Please, I'll do it, anything for them-" Derek cried out, only to be silenced by a kiss, the human suddenly kissed him and Derek's inner wolf howled excited, right then Derek knew, this guy was his Mate. "Hm... You taste good, so i guess the price will be... You Kissing me, forever." Derek surely wasn't against it, but he couldn't say anything as the short man chuckled and everyone felt their heart freeze as Derek's ryes flashed red, showing that indeed, Thalia was dead.

"Nononononononononononono-" Derek began to panic, his mother was dead, no, he couldn't be the Alpha! He was not meant to- "Relax." A simple word, said in a cold tone that made his racing heart stop as the man before him touched his mother and said: "[Ressurectum]" and with a gasp for air, his mother's human form came to sit down as she began to vomit black liquid, probably the poison in her system, seconds ago she was dead and now she was alive and kicking. "Mom!" Derek couldn't contain the tears anymore, they ran down his face like he was a Waterfall, he couldn't care less about how the looked because his mom was alive now, but his sis- "Ouch... Der? Why do i feel pain in my left eye?" Everyone stopped as Laura Hale coughed and her eyes flashed red, in response, Derek's and Thalia's eyes flashed red, making everyone gasp.

"Oh, curious..." They all turned to look at the man who resurrected Laura and saw how he simply touched the corpse of one of their fallen comrade and they stirred up in gasps and coughs, back to life. "It seems that your Alpha Spark shattered when you died, and now these two receive the Alpha Spark as well as you kept yours. Curious, the chance of that happening is... Low."

"Not that I'm not grateful about what you did for me, but who are you?" Thalia quickly entered her Alpha mode, making Stiles impressed by her readyness about the situation: "You see, I'm.... Stiles, Stiles Stilinski."

Thalia gasped.