
Weird Shit [#7]

If it wasn't bad enough for him to just run over a guy, the guy's also apparently a demon? zombie? immortal!? "Fuck, shit, fuck!" It was worse for him to just go home, but he did it anyways, after running around for hours trying to clear his mind as driving was the only thing that kept him sane for a few minutes! "Fuck..." He groaned as he let his body relax, since there was nothing for him to do about the smashed front of the Camaro as well as the blood- I mean, he tried to wash it off, but there was still some blood on it! He knew his dad would be pissed, and he was, rightfully so- I mean, i wasn't his fault and the guy was alive in the end, so he just said he ran over an animal, something of medium size jumped on the road and he couldn't get the car out of the way before he hit it. It didn't make his dad less mad, but knowing it wasn't exactly his fault, he didn't punish him as much as he wanted to- He broke his wrist, sure, but that wasn't the worst thing he could do to him, like that one time he broke three of his toes and had him work around the house and not rest until he completed the things he made him do.

Like cleaning and cooking.

But nothing is ever enough for his dad, nothing. He still feels a little off balance when he puts his weight on his feet, but he can deal with it, he learned how to deal with pain ever since his mother died anyway. 'Fuck...' Feeling his ribs scream at him for the first punch his dad gave him once he thought he killed someone (Technically he did), his dad was a fucking asshole and he hated him, but he also feared him from a deep trauma of the past- He fought back a few times, and each time he ended up worse if he only didn't fought back, so he learned to just stay there and take since it'll be much less than the pain he would otherwise experience. Today's Halloween and he's not on Max duty, thankfully since her mother will take her Trick or Treating! He can go to the Halloween Party at least, get very drunk and forget about everything! "Get in." He had a black eye and the look Max was giving him made him feel angry, he didn't say anything as she also kept quiet, he just opened the window on his side and started to smoke.

He kept one hand on the wheel as his mind kept bringing memories of what happened to get him in trouble- He ran over that new kid, Victor? Victor something, his surname was Vermont Billy's pretty sure. He was the one to call him cutie, that made him really, really mad but embarrassed because- No one here needs to know he's gay, no one needs to know he's a fucking little fa- "Billy!" He snapped his eyes open just in time to turn the wheel and take the camaro out of the way of the three kids, he panted hard and coughed as the cigarette fell from his hand- "You psychopath!" His stepsister shouted at him, he ignored her as he slowed down the camaro and opened the door to throw up in the side of the road. "Fuck..." He groaned as a sickness growed inside his stomach, he remembered the blood splattering on the road, the sound of the body hitting his car, and the way the guy was just sitting down afterwards covered in his own blood as if nothing hsd happened. "Billy...?" Max sounded less angry for a moment and more worried, which made him spit on the ground and shake his head, he heard the cawing of a bird and when he looked up he saw a black bird, on top of a tree, staring straight at him.

Billy just got on his car again and left, ignoring the look he received from Max, since she was the reason they moved- She was. If only she hadn't said to his dad he was dating him, he wouldn't have died and they wouldn't have to move to this fucking place!

It's her fault...


-Scene Cut-

Zunni watched from a distance as the guy who ran him over was upside-down, drinking from a keg like his live depended on it- Zunni bets he could easily break his record by the simple fact that not only can he hold his breath for more than an hour he can also take a lot of poison including alcohol, without damaging his body and it'd take a lot of it to make him drunk- or a potion, or a mixture of several deadly hallucinogenic mushrooms to get him high. 'Huh. How quaint.' He tilted his head to dodge an half-empty cup as it flew by, his costume was perfectly clean because no one could even dream of dirtying it! He wore a sleeveless tuxedo with a black feather cloak on the back and a masquerade mssk on his face that covered the top half of his face, while the lower half had the beak of a plague doctor's mask, which was actually his face shifted to have the beak of a raven, his feet were talons and his arms had feathers on them. "Hargrove! Hargrove! Hargrove!" The peoppe chanted as Billy drank the whole keg in under 3 minutes, which is kinda impressive for humans to do.

He had a raven on his left shoulder and people would come to try and pet it sometimes, some thought it was only part of his costume until it flew around the room and got him a cup of beer, and even drank of it herself- Her name was Darkness, which is kinda fitting. "Wow, that new kid has the coolest costume here!" He heard Robin Buckley say, he knew she was talking about him as many others did the same, so to spook those behind him he slowly turned his head 180 degrees and spoke in a broken, cackling voice: "Thank you my dear, but this body is kinda limiting... My wings are... Hard to maneuver." To make sure they were really scared, the cloack on his back simply opened up and unfurled into two black wings, a tail of black feathers on the ground: "Holy shit!" He chuckled as his head twisted around again and he stared forward, back to Billy Hargrove who was staring at him with wide eyes. "Ah... Hargrove." In a creepy way, his body cackled and creeked as he walked, his feathers moved around and the beak slowly was falling off of his face to reveal his sharp teeth underneath.

Well, his mouth was like a normal human mouth, only with really sharp teeth: "You like my costume?" He asked, hoping to start small talk with the guy who was looking at him in slight horror in his face as he looked at the feet, talons clicking on the ground: "Are you okay...? You look like you saw a ghost." The growing grin on Zunni's face was eery, the way it pulled back until all the teeth were showing in a creepy Cheshire Cat smile: "What the fuck...?" Hargrove whispered in shock as he quickly seemed to get sober, the fear created adrenaline and the adrenaline made him more alert- And there was somethind else there too, Zunni didn't know exactly what but he could feel something broken inside the spirit of the young man before him.

All creatures have souls, spirits, sometimes even things and places have souls, and these souls give life to what is- Things without a soul are husks, seeking one to make themselves whole again, a soul can be destroyed or broken, like Billy's soul is broken. A broken soul affects mainly the psychic aspects of someone, and if they're a Chimera it makes them lose their connection to nature, which can have a lot of different effects from slow agonizing death to simply losing their abilities to the memories of their past life until their soul recovers and is healed. "I wanna talk to you, Hargro-" He couldn't finish his sentence as the guy simply turned around and walked away from him, he stood there awkwardly thinking what should he do before he felt the feathers of his arm being pulled- "Ouch." It didn't really hurt, since he has a high tolerance for pain, it was more of a reactionary instinct! He turned and hissed like a threatened cat to the person who stole his feather only to see a boy he knew as Edward "Eddie" Munson, a "freak" as everyone calls him: "Wow..." He was, clearly, high. Red eyes, blunt in hand, and an airy vibe around him, not to talk about the smell of cannabis on him was also strong.

Of course Zunni knew the smell of Cannabis, he can literally grow any plant he wants, so he has grown tobacco and cannabis to smoke, which he kinda likes it actually. "Mind the feathers, please." He turned to look back at where Hargrove was and he no longer was there, he had a bad feeling about this and decided to find him before he dies- After all, he was the one who scared him off of the party, he cannot let him drive drunk and kill himself or someone else.

-Scene Cut-

Billy didn't know why he left, why he was afraid of the guy- besides the creepyness, of course, and the fact that he was (or Billy thinks he is) immortal. He drove fast, not fast enough because the thought of hitting someone was still buried deep inside his mind, but fast enough to get away from whoever thay guy is quick enough- From the side of the road a dadk shadow darts before his headlights and he manages to stop the camaro before he hits the deer before him, who just stood there. "Why the fuck, again!?" He shouted at the top of his lungs in frustation, only to blink and see thst the deer was gone and there was a large beast on top of it now- Black, scales, sharp-looking thorns all over its back like a porcupine, but it wasn't a porcupine- It was an insect, a giant insect. "The... fuc-" He flinched when a shriek echoed in the night and another, bigger one came slithering from the forest towards the smaller one, pulling the deer from jt into the darkness. He thought he was safe, but no, no he wasn't safe-

That giant centipede with thorns came slithering at him, he panicked and was about to scream when a long, black thorn was shot from the creature's tail, it went through the camaro's windshield and onto his chest, were it got stuck. He gasped for air, but only blood left his lips as he looked at the beast that was suddenly being fought by a giant snake that was on fire. His eyes were closing as he felt the adrenaline he felt try to keep him awake, the last thing he saw were green eyes.

And then...


-Scene Cut-

Will Byers was already back home,ater that night, after his episode in the Upside Down where he saw that... Thing there, that spider-like thing that looked at him, he later that night dreamed of it, and he saw many, many centipede-like things from the Upside Down crawling into the real world, they were screeching and burying through the soil, being followed by Demogorgons and Demogorgons that looked like dogs... The lsst thing of his dream that he saw was a butterfly, a butterfly that glowed green landed on his hand. 'Remember Will-' His mind echoed the words of his brother Jonathan, he loved to say this as if it meant something: 'The butterflies always lead the way.'

He saw the butterfly fly away from his hand and he followed it with his eyes until- A giant tendril of flesh and bone slammed against it, and he saw a terrible beast of blood, flesh, and bone crawling from the ground of the Upside Down and looking at him: "Will... Byers!" The creature screeched, and he woke up...

He woke up sweaty, and with a sense of dread and ominous fate: 'Many, many are coming.' He thought, knowing something was about to happen in Hawkins.