
Sage [#2]

"It's easier..." The energy that left his hand was a pale snow white color, it had this soft sensation that spread from his heart out. Bending and controlling the energy with his will was almost instantaneous! 'Okay, I have 120,000 Achievement Points... What can I do with this?' Focusing slightly on the future, Sage bent the white thread into a small bow and pulled it, willing it to snap back with a violent gush, blowing a strong wind towards a flower: "Huh..." Maybe if he did it like this-

He pulled the energy into this condensed ball of pure white, and under his imagination it bent and broke into thousands of small little tornados. It was easy, even with his mind only imagining it, he could do it.

[Tutorial Restrictions - You cannot do that]

Oh, he couldn't.

The ball dissipated, disappearing in a shower of white particles. "Well... Maybe If I do something else?" Wasn't Ether the building blocks of reality? It means he can bend reality to his will now! "Wind Arrow." He pointed his finger towards the small flower in the pot and imagined an arrow, just like the one that killed him in the Tutorial, and this fast arrow hit the flower and pot, shattering it to a thousand pieces and piercing even the floor beneath! Thankfully he dissipated the arrow soon after it hit the ground, or else who knows how far it would've gone? He simply willed with his hand and the pot and flower simply returned back to normal, as if nothing had happened-

But it did take toll on his mind.

[User level is too low.]

[Using Ether takes a strain on the soul.]

[Recommended Level: 100]

'Ah, that's why my heart hurts like hell!' Fuck, the pain was excruciating! He gripped his chest and panted, like he was having a heart attack- Then, like a heartbeat, it vanished. "Urgh..." Blood started leaking out of his nose, making Sage sigh. If he can't use Ether, why not dilude it to Mana then? He looked at his white energy and willed it for a moment, instantly it turned to mana, but the mana still had this small white spots inside. "Let's just..." With a thought, he separated the two energies, one being where he perceived his soul to be, and the other in his chest. The Mana was in his chest, the Ether in his soul. "Much easier."

[Achievement - Once One - unlocked]

[Once One: Have two energies within your body that were once one.]

[+10,000 Achievement Points]

"And now I have 130,000 points." Was this too easy? There must be a catch of some sort.

[Name] Victor Sage

Level: 1

Affiliation: Bronze League - United States 7th Area

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Vitality: 2

Ether: 10

Mana: 10

Class: N/A

Gift: Reader (E)

- Able to read everything

- Upon touching something, you can read very available information about it.

Title: None]

"Ah, right... I don't have a class." When does he get a class? 'Why not look at the internet?' That's exactly what he did! And he found out many things at the same time- First of all, there were, apparently, many serious events! First off, the Sword King of Korea has declared that he's going to Japan for some reason? Not that he cares, but the craze it caused in the internet was fun to watch as he could actually read the comments in the Battle Tube since the language was automatically translated to English. He decided to just ignore it and go for the general knowledge-

Dungeons? Cool.

Ah, you get a Class at level 5? Cool.

Guilds... Huh, they must pay a lot of money to people huh?

Random conspiracy theories... Why would a giant spaghetti monster be floating in outer space?

Oh, is that dragon porn? Weird, but kinky.

Is that the grim reaper?

"Oh, it's a Boss Monster." Apparently this guy appeared after some crazy shenanigans in North Korea- Ah, it had fallen to monsters from the Dungeons too, something about the Abyss or something like that. "So I can buy skills but if my level is low they get deleted? GP is used huh? I can convert GP to money and money to GP. GP can be used to buy items too..."

[GP: 0]

"Yep, I'm broke." There's no surprise there! "But at least I have this-"

[Achievement Points: 130,000]

He clicked in [Upgrade Achievement Shop] and-

[-20,000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement Shop has been upgraded to LV.2.]

["Inventory Expansion" item has been added.]

"Huh, it increases my inventory by 5 spaces each time I buy it? Cool-"

[-40,000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement Shop has been upgraded to LV.3.]

["Title Slot Addition" item has been added.]

"I can equip another title? Neat."

[-50,000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement Shop has been upgraded to LV.4.]

["Emergency Restoration" item has been added.]

"...I shouldn't waste so much." He only has 20,000 now! "Well, why not?"

[Add One Class Slot - 10,000]

"...now I just gotta get to level 5."

And the best way to do that? By entering the Battle Net! But you could only do it once a day, sadly. "...hey, system, is there something you can do?" Sage asked the floating screen, but nothing happened! "Meh, it was worth a try-"

[You possess enough importance in this world.]


[You possess a Unique Soul, Unique Stat, and a Unique Gift]

[You've been granted Limited Authority over the Battle Net System]

"...no way, it worked!?"

[Limited Authority:

- You can enter Battle Net twice per day (upgradable).

- You can request anonymity, blurring your face from Battle Tube and even redacting your name. You can even open a livestream anonymously, making an anonymous channel.

- You can, once per day, choose your game mode.

- You can now see previously hidden information.

- Tutorial Restrictions can be lifted for a limited period of time (1 Minute).]

"This is fuckin' awesome." Anonymity was something he wanted, mostly because people knowing about you is fucking boring! And, well, who doesn't like being mysterious? "Wait..." Just to be safe, he momentarily used Ether to make himself a blank white mask and a black hoodie, just in case! He soon wore it, looked around for a moment before simply thinking about the Battle Net- "I think I'll go with... Survival, again."

In a flash of white light, Sage found himself in the middle of a coliseum! He quickly looked around himself to see various players.

[The game has begun!]

[Survive until the end.]

[There are 100 Players.]

[Survive until 50 are left.]

"-!!!" Immediately Sage lowered his center of gravity, a weight overtaking his body-

[You are under the (Slow) effect. Your movement speed is reduced by 30%]

"-caught one!" A purple haired woman shouted. She held this bejeweled light blue book that floated before her hands. Sage looked at the chains of purple light surrounding his body and saw the mana within them. They were weaved in intricates but fragile looking strings that made Sage a little confident over his control over his own mana. After all, this was way worse than what he can do!

'Well, just have to break it!' He willed his own mana to touch a point of connection between mana strings the slow spell had and- With the sound of breaking glass, he shattered the spell that held his body downv "Huh, that was easy." He pointed his finger towards the approaching sword wielding warrior guy and said: "Slow." This time his Mana obeyed him! It was easy to make his mana imitate something he already knew how it felt like, so when these chains of purple energy wrapped around the warrior, he simply willed the mana strings that weaved the spell to tighten-

[Spell (Slow) has been enchanted!]

[(Crushing Binds) has been cast!]

Suddenly, the tightness of the chains seemed all too much for the warrior, because he screamed in pain as his body turned into particles- "..." Sage kept quiet, or else his mysterious persona would be broken by him cursing! 'So I can improve spells?' That sounds amazing! He looked over at the purple haired woman and and casted [Slow] again, this time not crushing her body.

[???? Has taken the First Blood!]

[Achievement- First Blood - Unlocked]

[You've received 100 Achievement Points]

He approached her for a few moments before she said: "D-damn you! [Fire]!" A gush of flames were shot towards him, but having dealt with his own fire, he knew the best way to counter it- His hand moved forward and he slapped the flames, immediately making them disappear. "H-how!?" Stunned (and perhaps a little flabbergasted) the purple haired woman screamed: "D-don't approach! [Paralyze]!" This shock of electricity rushed forward, in a wave of electricity he was shocked- He felt his whole body lock in place as the mana weaved into the electricity tried to pull his muscles together and made them numb, stopping all motion.

'So weak...' And yet, the mana was too weak! He broke free once again, not even stopping. He moved forward once more, his finger twitched and he casted a "[Paralyze]" towards the woman, this time he willed the mana into tighter bonds, making the woman scream-

[Spell (Paralyze) has been enchated!]

[(Shocking Hold) has been cast!]

She coughed out blood, but her body could not move. Her eyes widened as the man's hamds reached out and- Touched her book.

[Support's Magic Book (E)

A supposedly powerful book, but it has long been completely degraded by countless users that have not taken good care of it.

- You can cast [Slow] and [Paralyze] with it.

- Cooldown of 60 seconds for both.

- The spells fail if the target has a good resistance to magic.]

"..." He didn't say anything. He touched the woman's purple hair and said: "Fire." Setting her hair and herself on fire! She tried to scream but her mouth would not move, the air would not leave her lungs, her body would not move! She died like that, burning alive, unable to scream.

[??? Made a Double Kill!]

[You've leveled up 2 times.]

Sage rolled his arms and watched as the book faded away into blue particles, sadly he couldn't keep it. "Let's see..." He spread out his arms and concentrated for a moment. [Fire] was the easiest spell a Mage could cast, and he doesn't even have a class yet. He is now a level 3, so why not try something? He pulled a single string of Ether as he weaved his mana and pushed it a little- Immediately white flames exploded out of his hands, covering the entire arena in it.

He seriously underestimated what Ether could do, it seems.

[??? Is on Fire!]

[??? Has caused an annihilation!]

"...I didn't mean to do that." Sage looked at the completely empty arena. There was only him in the arena.

[Achievement - Penta Kill - Unlocked]

[+1,000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement - Ultra Kill - Unlocked]

[+2,000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement - Monster Killer - Unlocked]

[+1000 Achievement Points]

[Achievement - Annihilation - Unlocked]

[+10,000 Achievement Points]

[You've leveled up 12 times]

[Achievement - 10 Levels Up! - Unlocked]

[+10,000 Achievement Points]

'...let's fucking go.'

-Scene Cut-

Sage: Call me Prometheus the way I spread that fire to humanity!

*screams of pain*

-Scene Cut-

The world had gone wild.

Not only had the Sword King migrated to Japan and now had a Japanese name, a sudden new face also appeared.

Or rather, lack of a face. The individual in question appeared suddenly, they had a black hoodie and a white mask on their face, nothing much was known about them except two things: They were ridiculously strong, and ridiculously sadistic!

Melody "Lady" Ladion, the rising star of the Color Collar Guild and internet celebrity had her Battle Tube on when the individual appeared. Her strategy, alongside her guild mate's was to slowly kill people one by one, she used her debuffs and he'd kill them- But of course they had to run into a massive monstrosity!

The moment the [Slow] had hit them it was all over- No, it was all over from the moment that being entered the battlefield! The [Slow] chains shattered when Jay "Red" Rush was already going for the kill, so he had no time to dodge or react as suddenly [Slow] was cast on him. They thought that was the end, but the tightness of the chains suddenly increased and- With a popping sound, Jay had died, his body disappearing into various dots of blue light.

In her despair, she casted [Fire], but the guy didn't even try to dodge- He swatted it away like it was a fly! She then casted [Paralyze], but he also broke free, no, it was like he wasn't even affected! He then casted the spell on her- And that was when it happened.

[You are under the (Paralyze) effect-]

[The spell has been enchanted!]

[You are under the (Shocking Hold) spell, you can not take any actions for 60 seconds.]

They watched as he touched her book before, seemingly disappointed, they touched her hair. It was then that a distorted voice said: "[Fire]." And her hair, her beautiful purple hair, was set ablaze! She died soon after, but the shocking news only increased!

After her death, the guy spread out his arms before this sphere of red flames flickered- A sphere of white flames appeared on both of his hands before it exploded out in a wave of white flames-

And, for the first time in 10 years, the Bronze League game ended with only one winner.