
Robbery Short Story [#1♥]

Thane is a very big, tall, and muscular guy who is a disaster in doing most things, his bright purple eyes scanned the surroundings as he regretted everything he did, even waking up that morning. He is teased a lot by his friends and family, he is dragged by his friends and family into the villain's life.

In this world there are superpowers, heroes, and villains, his whole family are villains and his friends are also villains.

He didn't want to be a villain because he was too much of a disaster, but he didn't want to make his family and friends disappointed in him, so he kept doing whatever he could. He was put through hard training to be God at something, but even so, he was barely acceptable at fighting, and he didn't even have powers. Well, he couldn't do anything or be good at something, he would be at least average at everything he trained and a disaster at everything else. His friendly and goofy side is easily overlooked because of his body and the intimidating aura he gives off that scares everyone who gets close to him.

Today he was dragged by his friends to try again at a robbery, last time he couldn't even get the gun out before ge was blasted by a superhero, today they were dragging him to rob a comic shop. It, according to them, was a very easy job because the cashier was a skinny guy with glasses, who looked pretty easy to scare, so all he had to do was to point the gun at his head and talk in his most intimidating voice possible.

And now was the hour! He was standing in front of the door of the shopping, this shop was on the outskirts of the city, so the police would need to go through a lot of transit to get here, which would give him some time to escape. He took a deep breath before he stepped forward, his hood was enough to hide his face and cast a shadow on him, he called forward and the first thing he saw was the cashier holding a magazine and reading it, not even looking at him at all... He got in front of him and pulled out his gun, pointing at the guy's head, and said in his most intimidating voice he could muster: "If you know what is best for you, give me all your money."

All he got from the skinny guy was a raised eyebrow and a sigh, he just stared at his eyes and bored, questioned: "Can I help you?" His flat, bored tone was so strong that even Thane felt bored for a second before he pushed the gun till it touched the other guy's cheek, making him sigh and say: "You know, this is a very quiet business, i dont have any money to give to your big, bad, ass." Thane huffed, his body was pretty big and intimidating so why isn't this guy intimidated? "So why don't you take anything you want from this store, handsome?" Thane paused. 'Is he seriously flirting with me?' Thane blushed inside the darkness of his hooded face, huffed annoyed, and pulled back the gun a bit before he sighed and picked up the guy by the collar to meet his eyes.

This was a very good technique to intimidate someone, he got them to look at him in the eyes and warned: "Or you give me the money, or you get hurt, am I clear enough?" The guy didn't seem to care as his annoyingly bored expression never left his face, which made Thane irritated, so he shouted: "Am I clear!?" His words carried the heavyweight of his anger at how chilled out and laid back this guy was when he threatened him with a gun! A gun! It kills people, how can he not be scared of death? "Ouch, you're so loud. You already have my attention with those big purple eyes of you, don't need to shout, handsome." Thane stopped for a second before looking at the guy incredulously... Is he not taking him seriously!?

"Are you making fun of me?" Thane asked, his tone of voice clearly expressing his anger. He was bad at being bad, but he tried so hard just to have someone make fun of him... It makes his blood boil a lot. His eyes turned red as he stared at the guy who has been mocking him all this time, he considered for a second to hurt him but decided against it when he thought that it didn't go with his nature, hurting someone just because they hurt his feelings... He didn't like hurting people, scaring them? Sure. Threatening them? Absolutely! Hurting them? That would be hard for him to do, only if it was his last option and there was no other thing left to do. He slowly lowered the gun and sighed deeply, looked at the cashier, and coughed on his hand to clear his throat before he threatened the man.

"Now you listen here. I will give you simple instructions and you will follow them precisely, no funny business, or else someone gets hurt here, am I clear enough or should I break a few of your fingers to get my point across?" The cashier raised an eyebrow with unhidden surprise at the tone of voice Thane used to speak to him, as if he was impressed for a second, but soon his careless attitude returned and he just pointed at a cracked jar almost empty, he chuckled: "That is all the money that you will find in this store." This was sad, just a few dollars here and a few coins there, which would make a total of 10,35 dollars. Thane frowned before his eyes darted back to the cashier and his eyes landed on the guy's neck, it was only then he noticed he had a pretty nice necklace around his neck with a purple gem imbued on it.

Thane had the idea to steal it since that was all he could see that was maybe worthy of something... But when his eyes fell on the necklace, the boy cashier instantly placed his hand protectively on it. "Well then, if you don't have money, I'll take it-" He quickly snapped the necklace out of the guy's neck in a swift snap, he swore the necklace broke and the guy looked extremely hurt when the necklace snapped, which made Thane flinch. However if his family taught him anything, that is to never show weakness in an evil situation! He quickly pocketed the necklace and started to walk out of the store, when he was out, he heard the boy's voice shout for him, crying: "Wait!" But he was already gone.

He later met with his friends and together they went to apprize the necklace he stole which he found out it was worthless, it was made of colored glass and plastic, which sucks. His friends made fun of him for a little bit but also praised him for the first evil deed that didn't end up with him in a hospital, but what made him feel bad was the way the cashier called for him to wait when he left, he sounded too hurt by the fact that he took the necklace. He felt bad for that... He decided to give it back, after all, it wasn't of any use for him at all and maybe the guy had an emotional attachment to it? He still remembers Mr. Deedles, his toy bear who his brother set on fire when he was 5 years old.

It was that day that he made his brother bleed and cry, which made him swear he would not hurt people unless necessary, it also made him unconsciously block his powers even though he doesn't know about them.

He quickly wore his black hoodie and went to the same comic book shop he stole, it had been a whole week and it was open... Should he just walk right there, give it back and leave, just like that? No, that would be too awkward! He looked at the second story of the building, he smiled and quickly got to climb the walls and enter the building through an open window, however, he was caught as soon as he set foot on the place. There he was... The same cashier he stole from, wearing nothing but a pair of white tighty-whities that hugged his asscheeks well, his eyes quickly darted away, and the boy opened his mouth to scream when Thane quickly rushed forward and placed his hand on top of the guy's mouth, stopping him from shouting.

However, someone seemed to hear him, because he heard another voice coming from behind a door: "Nicky? Are you okay in there?" Nicky, the guy who had his hands on his lips, shutting him off, couldn't answer the person who just asked the question which sure enough, arouse doubt in Nicky's wellbeing. Nicky looked at Thane with his angry eyes and was about to shout when Thane quickly took the necklace out of his pocket and put it in front of him. "Nicky? You okay?" The voice sounded female and Thane begged all the Gods to not let this person enter the room! Nicky took advantage of Thane's momentarily slip and took his hand out of his lips, making Thane panic as he thought that the cashier was about to shout his lungs out. "I'm fine Benny, I just... Found my necklace."

The female voice seemed to sigh from behind the door that probably led to a hallway into an apartment, soon the female voice chuckled: "See? I told you would find it sooner or later, now have a good night but I am going to bed." Another chuckle was all Thane heard before he turned his eyes to meet the other boy's electric blue ones. "I-" Before Thane could finish his sentence, he felt a punch on his guts, it didn't hurt much compared to his brothers', sisters', father's, and mother's punch, but it still hurt a little bit so he winced while the boy who punched him pulled his hand backward and made a painful expression. "Are you okay?" Thane's first reaction was to ask if the guy was okay, which seemed odd for the smaller guy who looked up at him with a frown.

"What do you want? I assume you came here to give me back you stole, if so you have done it, you can go back now!" Nicky was pissed off by this tall hot guy in his room, first, he robbed him, then he took the only memory he has from his mother, and then he comes back here!? The enormous audacity of this man is astounding! "I'm sorry..." Nicky raised an eyebrow as his eyes locked with the handsome stranger, the hoodie still hid most of his features, so he did what someone else would do and quickly pulled the hood off the guy's face to reveal the man's identity. Not the best thought someone would have if they wanted to live, but that's not like Nicky would die anyway.

You see, Nicky's power is Regenerative Immortality. He cannot die from injuries or sickness, and he will also age slower than most people too, but he didn't care about that. The fact that he was so chill while having a gun to his head is that he couldn't die even if he wanted to, so why should he fear a guy with a gun pointed to his head? He would rather flirt with the guy, maybe he can get a boyfriend out of that!

When the hood was taken away from him, Thane was stunned for a few seconds, which was enough time for Nicky to see Thane's face! Thane shriek before realizing how pathetic he sounded, quickly hiding his face with his hands, but it was too late, the smaller guy had seen his face already.