
Magical [#3]

Time, ah time.

It moved on, as always.

And we have to move with it, or else we're left behind- Morgan, codename Magical, stood above the skyscraper and looked down at the people that moved along, living their lives, walking, running, breathing, dancing, and more. "I knew I'd find you here." Landing beside him was his 'guardian', the man that was the one to teach him the 'right' way- Unstoppable, or as he knows him, Henry Etta, the man who was built like a brick house and just as stubborn as one (If they could be). "You're always like this when something is on your mind, so, spill the beans boy- I'm all ears."

[You know very well I can't talk.] The voice of the teen echoed inside his head as Henry grinned, knowing very well his bad joke was enough to make the boy talk to him: "I know, but you must admit the joke was on brand." The snicker that left Morgan's lips was enough to fill Henry's heart with hope that for the first time in a long time, Morgan would talk to him: [I do know that. Doesn't mean i have to -like- it though.] The heavy and sarcastic emphasis on the word 'like' that echoed inside his mind made him smirk as Morgan kept on talking: [But... Well, i guess I'm just nervous, I'm literally going to school tomorrow. After years of being homeschooled? I literally don't know how to talk to people.] The look he gave him, the raised eyebrows, and the sigh were enough signs that this was way more serious than he thought it would be- "Look kid, i cannot promise you it'll go a 100% well, or that nothing bad will happen, but i can say that you'll feel nervous, anxious, and possibly horny." The disgusted look he received meant he struck a nerve of the teen- "Or make people horny. Everyone I've met always talk about handsome you are, boy, so be a little bit more confident and remember- Even though men can't get pregnant, a condom is always a need." There was a sudden invisible force that pushed him over the edge of the building as he laughed his ass off at the embarrassed red face he saw before he fell.

Morgan Jackson Etta, adopted son of Henry Etta, hero name: Magical. He is now 17 years old, his powers have grown to be incredible! He could control fire, water, ice, earth, wind, lightning, it was like magic! That's, at least, literally what he does- Henry still remembers the day Damien Darkblood and Morgan met, both of them just looked at each other for a moment before hell broke loose and they were looking like they wanted to run from one another. Reason? Morgan didn't like the demon, and Damien was afraid of Morgan for some reason- But they overcame such dislike for each other later on and became something akin to friends, where Damien would sometimes ask for Morgan's help sometimes on some cases, and like that he was introduced to the world as the "Magician", later on his hero name changed to Magical due to his own request but people still call him "Magician" to this day. He grew to be a rather shy teen, standig at 6'7 feet tall at 17 and having a slightly muscular build, he is praised by most people Henry knows as a handsome boy, and some even tried to set him up with their daughters until they learned he was gay- they then started to try and set him up with their sons instead.

The boy in question spent most of his time alone and practicing his power, and when he was not practicing he was studying or reading books on the esoteric and fantasy, and even metaphysical concepts and philosophy as much as he could trying to grasp those concepts. He himself said some concepts first needed to be understood to a small degreed before they could be defined, which was what he was working on, somehow he could go on for hours on the concept of ice alone, what it could mean and what it could signify in a phrase- His Philosophy teacher himself said he had an incredibly complex thought process that was mixed alongside concepts he understood deeply, like those concepts somehow shaped or influenced his thoughts. 'Well, I'm about to hit the ground in a few seconds-' Unstoppable sighed before suddenly his body stopped mid-air, and floating down came his son, who was now back to his cold expressionless face. This was one of the few things he was sad about- Morgan was cold and silent, mostly when in the presence of people he didn't know or didn't like, but with his little selected few he was a big mushy warm potato of a person.


He was a sweetie at heart. Even if he cannot see it.

-Scene Cut-

[Unlocked Magics:

Elemental Magic (Advanced) [Ice, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Nature, Ash, Dust, Smoke Crystal, Metal, Light, Shadow, Radiation, Snow, etc.]

Mind Magic (Intermediary) [Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Memory Manipulation]

Body Magic (Intermediary) [Body Manipulation, Body Enchantment, Shape-shifting, Healing Factor]

Enchantment Magic (Basic) [Place Enchantment, Remove Enchantment]

Time Magic (Basic) [Time Manipulation]

Space Magic (Basic) [Space Manipulation]

These were the magics he managed to learn. Elemental magics were easily learned after he mastered them above a certain level, he sighed once he thought how little he could understand space and time, he could understand the passage of time and how it is almost everywhere and he could understand how space is everywhere and in everything, but beyond that, there isn't much he can understand about space and time which limits his use of both! While he looked at the mirror and trimmed his growing stubble, he reminisces about the past 11 years he spent working on himself- he still has some aspects of his trauma, but he managed to slowly remove it from his mind with his mind magic, and one that is deeply rooted to the point of almodt being part of his mind itself would be his selective mutism, whatever happened to him at first when his body was 3 to make him simply stop talking continued on with his life and became part of who he is, he also doesn't really care about it since he knows ASL and can use it.

Also, he's tall and the cold look gives him an intimidating aura, so he doesn't really fear being bullied for being mute, and if anything happens he can simply wipe out people's memories. 'Well, Henry insisted on me going at least for the last year, and well, can't say i would mind going to school and not directly to college after graduating high school... Again.' He still could remember some things of his past life, but as time went on, his past and actual life started to fuse together and now he is Morgan Jackson Etta, or as the people call: Magician! His toothbrush floated from his cup as water also did, soon the toothpaste applied itself on the toothbrush as Morgan was still trimming his stubble that keeps growing every day- not that he minds it, but its kinda itchy. He opened his mouth and the toothbrush started working the teeth as he looked on the mirror for anything that he might've forgotten- Eyes? Forest Green, because he likes the color and can just switch it if he wants another one. Hair? Eh, not too long, he wants a more interesting color though... Henry said nothing about him going with blue hair! No, red... Yes. Poison Ivy look! Without the green skin and plants.

'Perfect.' He could even set his hair on fire, because after he achieved an advanced control over the elements, he could now simply touch them and not be hurt by them anymore, which made him immune to most forms of environmental damage- He could go even to the sun if he wanted to, he would live because he can create air to his lungs and keep the vacuum away by controlling space and gravity around him, and inside the sun he'll be fine, because heat doesn't hurt him anymore. He even went swimming in a volcano once, it was fun! [I'm ready to go.] A hole opened in his ear as he put on a piercing, closing the flesh around the piercing thightly to hold it there! On the other ear he added a silver earring, and on the nose he added a black nose ring because he wanted to and he looked nice. The rest of the stubble he made it red too, a deep burning red color. "Wow!" As soon as he came out of the bathroom, Henry, the tall 6'9 feet man with black hair and black beard acted surprised for a moment before he chuckled to himself as he saw Morgan just give him the 'Really' look: "Sorry, i just didn't think you'd change so much! It's cool though, you look good." He gave him the trademark thumbs up before turning to walk away as Morgan followed while saying to him telepathically: [Well, Mr Good Jokes, If we leave now we'll get there late. And i don't know where I'm going to study, so i can't just open a portal to there!]

"You can't always use your powers to do everything Morgan, sometimes you outta do it personally, physically." Henry sighed, the boy was too used to using his power for everything, which was good but also bad- good because he had such fine control, but bad because he could become lazy. [I literally go work out with you, what are you talking about. I'm not lazy! Much...] Henry chuckled as he could perfectly make out in his mind the face Morgan was making, it took him three years before the boy would even talk to him after he adopted him, but once he opened up to him he never stopped. "Now, let's get the car."

It took them one hour to get there, and in fact, they were not late at all! Once he left the car, his adoptive father just passed him something: "Have fun!" He looked down at his hand to see a black condom- This was Henry's humor, sex jokes. Unfazed by it, Morgan just put it on his pocket and kept walking, bag in his arm as he carried it on his front a little awkwardly. His eyes scanned the sea of students walking in and he sighed- he wasn't the best at being social so he just watched from far away for a little while before walking in. He couldn't ask people where the principal's office was, not only because he couldn't speak but because he doesn't know if the other person would know how to speak ASL! And the situation would be very awkward, and he doesn't know if they'll fear him because of his cold face he can't just move- Well, he can, but it'll look really unnatural.

Henry said it gave him Uncanny Valley feelings. 'Well, i could just read someone's memory of where the principal's office is- no, bad Morgan, remember- No powers at school unless necessary.' He corrected himself, and the voice he used for correction was literally Henry's voice but high pitched as he floated on his mind wearing a white gown with wings on his back. 'No! Read their minds!' Another Henry appeared, but this one was wearing a stereotypical devil costume holding a red pitchfork: 'GET OUT BITCH!' The angel Henry slapped the Devil Henry away and he flew away, only a star shining where he once disappeared to in the sky as Morgan questioned why he was like this. He must've spent a long time just, there, because someone approached him and touched his arm: "Uhm, excuse me, are you Morgan Jackson Etta?" The girl that touched his arm was smaller than him, which she was since only his Adoptive father was taller than him. Well, there were other people, but he knew only his father as taller than him. Giving her a nod, Morgan watched as she looked at him for a moment before she saw his black shirt with white letters: [I don't talk. Don't talk to me.]

"Oh." She whispered: "My name's Erika, single in case you're wondering." He didn't know if she knew sign language, so he just took out his phone and opened the text speech app he had and wrote out before playing it, the robotic voice aid: "Hello Erika, my name's Morgan and I'm very much gay, in case you're wondering." He looked st her deadpan, his green eyes peering onto her embarrassed expression as she tried to act as if nothing happened: "W-well, good to know! Come along, I'll show you where our next class is!"

Morgan huffed before following, very much aware of the eyes on his ass and back as he walked by- I mean, his body was big.