
Hunter (#7) [Edited]

"Why am i naked?"

"Because i wanted to hug you, and you were sweating, and there is no change of clothes, i bet you wouldn't want to wear your trench coat all sweaty and shit."

"Then why are we both naked then?"

"I told you, i wanted to hug you."


"We've done way worse naked."

"That's not the bloody point here, you twat."

"You wound me."

"That's my objective here."

"Don't like you're not enjoying my dick close to your ass."

"I do like it, but i don't think you see the problem here."

"Okay... I'm sorry."

"*sigh* Fine. You're forgiven for now."

There was a sudden knock on the door, making both men turn to look at it- only then did John notice they were in a rather luxurious room, he knew that the memories that he changed from Dumbledore would immediatly be recognized as true ones, but he didn't know the old man would give them such room! "He didn't give us any room yet." This further confused the already confused John Constantine, making Jack smiled as he focused, moments later, a single floating cup of fresh water appeared befoer them. "This is a very special room in Hogwarts... The Room of Requirement." Soon, a small table teleported to the bed, John watched in wonder as plates full of breakfast food fappeeared out of nowhere, so his curiosity got the best of him and he asked: "Where-"

"Where does this comes from?" Jackson smiled at him, only then did John notice that Jack's canines were sharper than normal... Cute. "Well, this room is connected to the whole castle, it takes whatever you need and puts it here. Well, only with food it seems, because the rest it makes copies or creates what you need or wants." To further show the room's capabilities, Jackson imagined it, focused, and willed it to be darker inside the room- Suddenly John watched as the light inside the room- candles and a fireplace- started to die out, leaving a dark room with only a few candles that floated around them, creating a rather romantic atmosphere around them. "Dinner on bed, at candle light, both naked. Romantic, isn't?"

"Dinner?" Jojhn wanted to know how long long he was working for, he was tired from continuoous work on polishing the memories, making them believable, making them real. "You slept for 10 hours, it's dark out there. We've been here on this room through the whole ten hours..." Jackson looked away, ready to talk about something embarrassing to him: "I... I was worried."


"I was worried... About you." John's full attention went from the food, to the stuttering, blushing Alpha Werewolf in front of him. "You were breathing, but like, so slow... Almost too slow, it made me crazy, then you started to get cold, i thought you were dying, but then i could still feel you, and you were fine, so i just took off your clothes and hugged you, skin-on-skin contact, to keep you warm. My body's hot- both visually and temperature-ly... Yeah." He was feeling a little bit awkward, so his best approach on that was to act like he didn't care, his eyes immediatly met John's blue eyes and he was stunned in place, staring at them. "I..." Jackson gulped, now he understands why Johnwas so angry, maybe- "I'm sorry, but i promise you. i did not take advantage of you while you were unconcious. i would never do that, unless you ask me to, i would never do that, at all."

"That wasn't what i thought happened." Noticing how he hurt his- boyfriend? lover? what are they at this point?- was by how he didn't say what made him upset and assumed that John assumed that he fucked him while he was asleep, which i something that John would never assume when Jack is involved, John felt a little bad for insinuating that. He thought it was pretty obvious why he was naked, wasn't it? Well, it's best to explain then: "I was upset because when i woke up, you were biting my fucking ear. I told you many times i don't enjoy it, it hurts you twat." John swears he could see Jack's ears deflate as he looked down, like a puppy that was scolded- 'Why the fuck is he so adorable!? No! Focus, John, focus.' Thinking to himself, John once again turned to look at the fucking door, asking: "And what was that knock on the door anyway?"

"Oh, that?" Jack mood did a full 180º, his sad, down face turned into a sparkling smile as he acted like a puppy, happy to have his attention "You see, no matter how many times i asked or wished for it, every single clock that was brought ot the room was not... Great." Looking to the side, John saw several broken clock parts, like, a ton of them. "So i had to work with what i did have! So i just got a pendulum and made it hit the wood every ten minutes, so i can tell time. So if 1 hour is 60 minutes, and the pendulum hits the wood every 10 minutes, it hits the wood 10 times per hour. It hit the wood 100 times already, so 10 hours... I guess? I was never good at math, i also think it regulated the thing wrong... It took, like, one hour to make this shit, it swings around the entire room, i had to create walls with bookshelves here!" Only then did John notice that these walls were actually bookshelves, filled with different books.

"Interesting." His attention was immediatly snatched away by one of the books on the bookshelf, named [History of Magic, Second Goblin War (Told by a Goblin) by Gibberianish Grobbiartir] when he opened the book, he found it written on the same letters as the cover, which were total gibberish to Jack, but he could understand them perfectly due to the spell he silently willed on himself as soon as he noticed he was surrounded by books. "Hey- John? H-hey?" Jackson tried to get his attention, but John was lost to the book, so he did what he could do, and that was to grab the dinner and silently slice it. This felt natural, providing for his- Wait, what are they? Are they boyfriends? lovers? Mates in a werewolf scenario? Oh my Gods, what are they?

He finished cutting the food- which he chose for John, which were: Steak, some eggs, rice (because rice is a light food, okay!?) and some toats, because John liked toast. For drink he chose Firewhiskey, because John was an undenayable Alcoholic, so maybe he'll enjoy this thing? "John..."


"John... I think it's important to talk more about this, about us."

John's full attention was back on the conversation they were about to have- he confesses, he doesn't think he is ready yet for a relationship with him, due to his fear of rejection, even though he's pretty sure Jackson would never leave him. But this was fear, something irrational, something that did not follow reason of understading of human logic or understanding... But he can give it a try, try it just for a little bit, maybe he'll enjoy it. "Well... I don't know." He was opening his heart now: "Look, i don't think i know what we are or what we can be, but i think i might be willing to learn what we could be." Jackson tilted his head sideways a little- he's not very bright, even though he has the surname Lumos, his sister often called him a HImbo, which is a pretty accurate description sometimes- Well, sure he drinks that good ol' 'Respect Women Juice™' but only to a certain point.

"Then..." He grasped for John's hand that was not holding the book and intertwned their fingers, looking into the man's beautiful blue eyes that reflected the candlelight, his heart started to beat wildly as he got a little nervous about what he was about to ask: "Uhm... Boyfriends? Lovers? Mates?" He couldn't decide on which one to pick, so he let John choose which one he liked the most, so when he heard John's response, he smiled: "Lovers. Love... That one's good." The distance between their lips closed in, like a sunrise, they kissed. Warm, comforting, welcoming, light coming to dissipate the darkness of the night, so many ways that he could describe how it felt but, the only word that could evel get you a glimpse of what it felt like, was the word: Paradise.

It felt like heaven, like the concept of heaven itself. For a moment he thought he had died, but no, he was alive! And as long as he stays alive, he'll get to experience this for some time.

He absoultely loved it.

-Scene Cut-

John was fed by Jackson, even though the man himself didn't want to, but Jack persuaded him by telling him: "You can focus all you mind on reading, besides, i like feeding you like this..." He felt a little strange about it, but that strangeness was replaced by a warm feeling on his chest whener he saw Jackson smiling from the corner of his eyes. He was shining like the sun, the warm, cozy atmosphere of this dark enclosed space with floating candles was broken apart by Jackson's smlie, it was the sun itself, so no amount of light could compare to it. 'Oh no.. i got it bad, don't i?' And strangely enough, he was fine with it, albeit hesitant on the start, that happy, shiny smile changed his hesitation into adoration.

Suddenly, one of the candles broke apart and fell down, Jackson quickly summoned another one, which made John curious: "How do you do that?" His voice was loud and clear on this empty room, which made him happier than ever, because like this, he didn't need to raise his voice and break away the peace within this small world that they now shared. "This?" Jack smiled at John as another floating candle appeared in front of him, this one was blue though, blue like his eyes. "Yeah."

"Well... i don't do it. The room does, and all you need to do is know the feeling of what you want it to do."

"What do you mean by 'feeling' of it?"

"Can't you feel the magic around the air?"

"Yeah, i can."

"Then try to feel the magic of this candle."

John did just that, he focused as he stared into the candle, and soon he felt it, how there was something inside the candle, absorbing magic around it, transfering it to the candle, and then, making it float. It felt different from the magic around the air itself, so it was easy to pick it up, next he felt it all around them, several thousand different feelings than the magic in the air, each one different or similar to others, with some changes. "This..."

"Beautiful, isn't?"

On his mind's eye Constantine could see thousands of little star-like spheres, all around them. They each had their own colors and sizes, some were red, some were blue, some were pink, green, white, and even brown, they all felt differently too! Hot, cold, smooth, raspy, hard, and squishy too, which made John quite disoriented for a moment before he quickly recovered from all this magical sensory overload. "T-this is increadible..." Jack smiled at his lover- heh- as the man smiled back like a four year old realeased on a candy shop with an unlimited amount of money as they were told: "Buy everything you want." Oh, that was his dream when he was, like, 16, but he was a different kid. He likes sweet things! That's why he absolutely loves John's smell, which makes him slightly hard, but they're naked now, close together, not time for sex, only love.

"Runes." John said as he summoned the same feeling he had when he looked over at the canldes and other enchanted items on this room, but this time he also used a simple illusion spell to make a hologram-like image of the thing he was feeling, and soon enough, a red rune appeared glowing before them, the intricate and detailed hilogram shattered away as he willed it to. "This... This opens a whole new world of opportunity." He knew a few things about Rune magic, back in his universe he focused more on rituals that, sure, some had symbols and runes- But these are completely different from any Runes he knows.

Jackson lied down on the bed, watched John summon a blank book and a pen- which didn't come, so he just tried to summon something to use to write, then came a feather- a quill- and he had to use that to write instead. Not his first time using a quill, so his writing went well.

Jackson tuned out as he watched John work and experiment on thousand different runes, combinations, several uses, and reaction to anti-magic as well as other types of ultimate magic that he could use, such as Chrono Magic and Fate Magic. To help, Jackson kept quiet, but inside his head he was playing those lowfy playlists that he would listen to whenever he wanted to study for a test.

It was calming to watch John focus and work, it was so calming, that he fell asleep then and there.