
Hunter (#5) [Edited]


Name: Jackson Lumos Tenebris

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 223 Centimeters (2 Meters and 23 Centimeters) (7'3)

Class: [Hunter]

Permanent Companions: [John Constantine]


[Hunter's Instinct], [Hunter's Mental Immunity], [Superior Supernatural Senses], [Blade Mastery], [Werewolf], [Regeneration], [Superhuman Physique], [Superhuman Senses], [Alpha Authority], [Pain Resistance]

Unique Skills:



[Dagger Of the Shining Sun], [Hunting Corssbow], [Silver Shortsword], [Clothing (1x)], [Sniper Rifle (1x)], [Canned Food (10x)], [Water Bottles (10x)], [Medicine Box (2x)]



Looking at his current status, Jackson smiled, he just used his Unique Skill [Upgrade] on another one of his skills, and that one was his [Hunter's Supernatural Sense], which was a skill that worked in a simple way: He could sense supernatural creatures around him, and whenever he saw those creatures, his [Hunter's Instinct] would activate, giving him some information about the creature before him, it also would tell him how to kill the creature, if killing it is possible. The upgraded [Hunter's Supernatural Senses] became the skill [Superior Supernatural Senses], which were exactly as the name says, better than before and also way sharper. He could tell whenever something supernatural was around, that also applied to energy in the air, so he could feel the changing tides of magic all around him.

Supernatural is something, as the name says, that is not natural by human standards. So him being able to feel magic in the air, detect whenever someone casted a spell on that place, and based on the energy left behind, what kind of spell it was cast... Is something he was proud of. John of course helped him, his help was ~really~ appreciated and "rewarded".

Talking about John, Jackson also used [Upgrade] on him, more specifically, on his [Magic] Skill, John was static about it, he couldn't believe that spells he could not dream about casting before were so easy for him to use now... Even the Sanguinis Chronosis, a spell that uses blood to stop time for a determined amount of- well, here comes the irony- time. He could cast it so easily, even without the blood at all. Basically his [Magic] Skill became the upgraded [Meta Magic], a type of magic that does not abide by magic multiversal rules, such as the limitation on spell power and spell variety in some worlds. Sadly, after using his skill on John, he discovered he had to wait for another whole week before his skill cooldown was done due to him using to upgrade someone else's skills, and not his, and also the fact that the skill he upgraded was a powerful skill as well.


Name: John Constantine

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Blond hair, Blue Eyes.

Height: 6'0 (1, 83)

Class: [Magic User]

[John Constantine Skills:

[Meta Magic], [Demon Blood], [Exorcism], [Ocultism], [Deception], [Escapology], [Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)], [Hypnosis], [Indomitable Will], [Intimidation],[Investigation], [Multilingualism], [Occultism], [Singing]

Unique SKills: N/A]

"So... Where are we now?" John's slightly tired voice caught his attention rather quickly, since the man was tired because of him. He couldn't stop fucking him (Even if he wanted, which he didn't), in the end, he hurt his beloved's back rather roughly, nothing magic couldn't fix but it made him feel a little bad about it. "Well... Do you remeber that book written by a very transphobic bitch? Well, we're on Harry Potter now."

"Wait, we're at Harry Potter? That shitty attempt at imitating the magical world?"

"Hey! I'm a Hufflepuff, you adorable dork."

"Well, that sounds dumb."

"It means i'm extremelly loyal, okay?"

John was secretly happy to hear that, he was rather anxious that Jack would leave him, why? Everyone did, the Wheel of Fate made sure he would be alone due to his misfortune, Fate was bound to him as he was to it, he had both luck and unluck on him, luck to survive the disasters that his unluck brings... Almost as if he absorbed the luck of other people around him, it brought him success and power, sure, but it was also a double edged weapon that ended up hurting a lot of people he loved. Thankfully, he can't feel the Wheel of Fate, it seems that the end of his original universe brought the end of his connection to the Wheel of Fate, or rather, Destiny of the Endless as their name was.

Thankfully, he's finally free.

"That's good..." John whispered to himself, but Jack heard it loud and clear, the smile on his lips grew. They were now in a dark forest, the trees were darker than normal oak or similar trees, almost as if someone had burned them and turned them into charcoal, the night sky was shining with the several shining stars and a silver full moon. "Beautiful..." John whispered, it truly was beautiful and he couldn't remember when was the last time he sat down and enjoyed looking at the stars above. Jack was just staring at his blue eyes that reflected the stars, making it a sky of its own, but a even more beautiful sky. "Yeah." Jackson smiled, his heart felt full even though he knows John for, like, 5 days? Yeah, probably 5 days now. "Beautiful." They were talking about different things, but they were both beautifl in their eyes.

'Oh god... I got it bad.' Jackson soon realized, he had fallen for him? Oh God, how? That's is so fast! But looking at the peaceful look on John's face, as if he finally was at peace after so many yearrs of not letting his guard down, relaxed beside him, looking at the sky and enjoying himself. Jack couldn't help but lean in into his embrace, which surprised the man in question, who blushed and wrapped his arms around Jack's shoulders as the werewolf smiled softly and started sniffing him. "This is great..." John heard Jack whisper and had a small smile on his lips, he was getting attached to him- no, he didn't love him, not yet at least, but he was starting to. In five fucking days, this man, this fucking hot man with a gentle, shy, teasing, flirty personality is making him fall in love with him.

And John doesn't know how to react, Jackson broke through ever wall he had set for himself and saw the raw and fragile part of his heart, his ugly truths, and yet didn't even react... So he just decided to go with the flow and see how it goes.

But their peace was cut short, after all, they were on the Forbidden Forest, the famous forest where you would certainly be in danger if you entered it! A howl echoed through the night, making John's muscles tense a little as he prepared himself for a fight, sadly they couldn't bring Valken with them because he was not a Permanent Companion nor did Jack had a [Companion Slot Ticket] that made one person he met a Permanent Companion if he wanted to bring them with him through the multiverse. He's glad he at least could bring John with him- they can learn more about this world together, and also about each other too.

[New Main Quest:

Chain Main Quest:

Kill Main Target: (0/1): Tom Mavollo Riddle

Rewards: [World Ticket (1x)], [Companion Slot Ticket (1x)], [Unique Skill Ticket (1x)]

Chain: Destroy his Horcruxes: 0/6

Nagini, Goblet, Diary (destroyed), Locket, Ring, Diadem, Harry Potter

Rewards: [Return Ticket (1x)], [Random Skill Ticket (1x)] (Per Horcrux)]

[Side Quest: Kill Side Targets:


Rewards: [Magic Item Ticket (1x)]

[Side Quest: Teaching

Become a Teacher at Hogwarts,{ your comopanion can also be one} (HIghly Reccomended:: Defense Against The Dark Arts)

Rewards: [Magical Scholar Equipment Ticket (1x)]

[Side Quest: Kill a Dementor

Kill one of the dark figures that are considered unkillable, for they were never alive.

Rewards: [Ammortal & Immortal Slayer Unique Skill]

Looking through his objectives and reading them, Jackson soon noticed that the diary used by Voldemort was already destroyed, which means the events of the second book already happened... He also needs to know if this here was an alternate universe or something like that, because he wants to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes and kill him, which is going to be rather easy if he gets in contact with at least one Horcrux, because John would be able to destroy the soul connected to the item rather easily, and if not, detect it easily to find where Tom is.

Looking at the blond man who was tensily holding him, Jack smiled and said: "I'm really lucky to have you.."

"Now's not the time to flirt, we have visitors." As soon as he finished his sentence, a huge, grey wolf-man hybrid tumbled out of the treeline, accompained by a black dog that growled at the Werewolf. "Huh." Was Jack's only answer at that, he quickly got on his feet and growled at the two beings in front of him, soon Jack's [Superior Supernatural Senses] blazed to alert him, he tried to ignore the energy around him, everywhere, in the air, on the earth, on the trees, everywhere. [Hunter's Instinct] activated and he soon received information about the Werewolf before him and how to kill it, basically silver would do just fine. "John, my dear, you can sit aside, protect yourself, i'll take care of the 0dogs."

Taking out his shortsword that reflected the full moon's shine, he moved faster than the werewolf who instinctly wanted to bite him, wanted to contaminate him with his curse and spread it further, but Jackson's already a werewolf, it would never work. With the [Blade Mastery] skill at his side, Jackson had an easy time, alongside his stronger, faster, more resistant body, full of stamina to burn, he easily dodged or reflected the beast's claws and teeth with precise hits. There were small cuts on the beast's body that did not close or heal due to the silver weapon that Jack was using, he hurt the beast a lot before the black dog could jump at him to try and protect his friend- however, he did not expect for the man dodge him so easily before kicking the werewolf on the guts and jumping back in a backflip, landind on his left leg before looking up at him.

Sirius Black cursed on his head before turning back into his human form- it was risky, but he needed to save Remus!

"Stop!" He screamed, wand pointing towards the man who ignored him, Sirius saw no option other than casting a spell towards the man, so he shouted: "Expelliarmus!" A red beam of energy quickly left his wand and hit the man's body, who just looked at him funny, his weapon didn't even move! Sirius was stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered as he pointed his wand forward once more, ready to cast another spell, when suddenly the same red beam he just shot out of his wand, hit him, and his wand flew away into the hands of a blondman who was sitting by the tre, looking at him with a blank expression. He was also holding a wand in his hands, so Sirius knew- which was pretty obvious as well- that the man before him was a wizard, and the man wielding the sword is also a wizard, how else is he supposed to be so strong without using some type of magic!?

"Please!" Sirius didn't see any other option, i mean, he could turn into his Animagus form and try to attack the man again, but he was too fast for him to bite, so no way he would be stupid enough to try that again! So his only option was try to persuadef them, or beg, if that kept Remus alive! "Please don't kill him! He's my friend!" However, thanks to his luck, or rather, unluck, a flock- (A flock? No, it would be more of a... What's a group of Dementors called? Maybe i'll call it a Omen, Yeah) An Omen of Dementors flew down on them, making both men just look at the creatures, he swears he saw he tall man grin.

And Jackson did grin, because his [Hunter's Instinct] did activate, meaning a Demetor can be killed, killed by overwhelming it with large amounts of good emotions. Basically, he has to use Expectro Pantronus or something like that and when it has too much, it explodes, dying. But that's the only way he can kill it with his tools in hand- And fun fact, his [Hunter's Instinct] skill considers John as one of his assets to hunt, so he can use his beloved's magic to kill the Dementor- there were other ways, but they would take preparation, and John could kill it if he wanted, but then Jackson wouldn't be able to get the achievement. He has to overwhelm it with good emotions via magic... But he can't use magic, can he?

I mean, it's everywher in this place... Maybe he can move it, control it?