
Hero One-Shot

"You left us!" She said, sadness in her eyes.

"I didn't leave you... You moved on with your life and left me behind. Tell me one thing that has happened to me this month? C'mon, tell me, when did you call?" He mocked her, knowing the answer to his question.

"I-" She couldn't answer that... He was right, she didn't bother to look for her best friend because she thought he was fine, and she had to save the world once again from another world-ending threat.

"Yeah... After all, I am just your 'Gay Best Friend' Am I not? No one cares if something bad happens to me... Did they tell you what happened when I vanished that day and appeared at my house a week after? Did they not? Of course, they didn't. You had other problems to deal with such as saving the world from another catastrophic ending by an explosion or something like that! It's so impressive how saved the whole world, but wasn't able to save one person..." He stopped the tears that were falling from his eyes long gone now. "You know that crazy doctor guy, what was his name again? Oh, yeah, Doctor Hermes, was with those villains that are your enemies you know? They wanted me to tell who you were behind your secret identity of Wonder Girl... Of course, I never told them anything, but how wonderful it was to be tortured for 1 week with no breaks!" His voice practically dripped poison at each word he said, his eyes no longer as she remembered them.

"Jey, I'm sorry i-" She pleaded, trying to get her best friend to calm down, but he won't listen this time.

"No! You are not sorry. You are never sorry for everything you ever did to me, at first I thought it was cool you wanted to be my friend when were in high school... I thought i was finally free from loneliness... But then you suddenly get powers and goes around saving the world and leaving your precious little friend in the dark. Did you know my dad hates me? Did you know my mother killed herself? Did you know that I tried to commit suicide three times already? No! You didn't know because you never bothered to even ask how I was, how I was feeling that day! Because admit it, you don't care about me... I am just your 'Gay' best friend aren't I? Always the support character in your little world of lies and deception..." He was tired, not even angry anymore... Just tired.

"Jey, I'm so sorry, but please I know you're feeling down but I need your help with-" It was urgent, she needed his help with something important.

"Have you not been listening to me!?" He shouted, his previous tiredness gone and replaced by flaming anger. After all, everything he said to her just... Went through one ear and left the other. His body began to shake uncontrollably, his muscles screamed in pain as he cried, no longer tears but blood, his eyes were red as despair consumed his mind. "You are not my friend and will never be!" He shouted as black wings sprouted out of his back, his skin being ripped apart as new muscle and bone began to form the wings, it was very bloody. His voice started to get distorted as he cried, she tried to get close to her friend but he pulled away, his eyes no longer human but animalistic... Wild. "Leave." His voice was cold, uncaring, and aggressively flat...

As if he became a robot that didn't feel anything.

"Jey I can't leave you like that! I need to help you-" She felt her body being thrown away against the wall of the room as the black wing hit her body, Jey said once again: "You are not the hero, Thalya..." He looked at the window, his newly acquired wings were uncomfortable on his back... He needed to stretch them. "Heroes save people... You chose the world over your best friend. You abandoned me... Left me behind... And now that I am growing, now that I moved on with my life, you dare to come into my house and say I left you and your little boyfriend!?" With his angry shout, everything around in the room started to float, as if gravity was turned down. "You know nothing of me, you don't care about me, and you are not welcome inside my house EVER AGAIN!" With his last shout, Thalya was thrown against the wall with such force that the wall broke and she was thrown outside, where her boyfriend and sidekick was.

Jey spread his wings and looked down upon her. Saying this loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear: "Leave. I don't want you here ever again... You are nothing but a nuisance in my life, only bringing me pain even when I gave you all my support, all my heart, and soul for you while you did nothing for me-"

"That's not true! She did something for you!" Thalya's boyfriend and sidekick said as he held her closer to him. "She saved you from your abusive household-"

"Pfffft-" Jey didn't know why, but it only felt funny... "Hahahhahahahaha!" His laughter echoed around as Thalya looked at her best friend with sadness, his laughter clearly of a madman. He couldn't care less though, it felt less and less of a way to show his pain and more of a... freeing experience. As his laughter died down, he looked at the stranger lying on the floor being held by her boyfriend holding her close and mocked: "You know that's not true... My mother commits suicide and she didn't save me from an abusive household~ She made everything worse by putting me in an abusive friendship! Also, you told me to be quiet, didn't you? When I was tortured for a whole weak and was then freed after the villains found that I was useless, oh how nice of them if it wasn't for the little chip inside my head..."

At his word, he took out a chip from his pocket, showing it to them. "I love how you told me to shut up because she had better things to do, or in your words 'Worse things to take care of'..." The chip floated above his hand for a second before it exploded, the flames spread around them in hateful destruction... However, the flames started to move and what happened is something they couldn't believe. Jey stood there, wings spread out, holding a fireball a few inches above his hand, floating there. "Curious thing... Did you know that taking out a chip from your head with telekinesis is a very hard process? Well, it took me a long time to do that at least. I had to deactivate it first, or else it would have exploded in my head, Fun isn't it?"

The fireball suddenly shrank to the size of a small ping-pong ball before being launched on the air where it exploded, on the skies, not hurting anyone. Both Thalya and her boyfriend looked at Jey surprised... "What?" He asked, his mocking and sarcastic voice never being more aggressive: "You thought I would use it to hurt civilians?" Thalya felt ashamed... She thought about that, making Jey shake his head.

"I am better than you, Thalya, way better than your little boyfriend too. So, I will tell you once again, leave this neighborhood and never come back, you are not welcome here, Wonder Girl." He stepped back inside as the wall of his house began to repair itself, the trick was that the pieces that were blown away when Thalya was thrown out of the house simply began to close the hole by Jey's mental command, he connected every one of them to an atomic level.