
Healer [#4]

"So... You're a Werewolf?"

"And you're a Caladrius... Never met one before."

"I mean, yeah? Technically, but then again, i can be other things too- Also, i never met a Werewolf before too!" Erik's eyes glowed with excitement as Peter chuckled- he had been in full recovery with Erik's help and experimental collagen treatment to heal the burn scars done with the patient's concent. Or that was the official take! In fact, Erik's magical abilities helped Peter heal faster than his werewolf regeneration could even hope to achieve, because in a single day Peter was a 100% back to full physical health, except his wolf was still damaged and would take a while for his Werewolf abilities to come back to their fullest power! I mean, he could shift his claws for now, he didn't have that much strength or speed, but his senses were the first thing that came back.

Mainly his sense of smell- Let's ignore the fact that this was the first sense because Peter's horny dog of a wolf wanted to smell his Mate to know, truly know, what they smelled like and Peter must say: It was absolutely addictive and divine. Cold and soft like feathers touching fresh snow, but also warm and caring like a warm summer breeze through the wind-chimes of the Hale House, it also had that sharp and thick smell of pure and unadulterated giddiness and slight anxiety 24/7. It was amusing watching him ramble and talk about mythology, asking him questions about what he knew to be real and what he knew for sure wasn't!

But with the appearance of Erik himself, Peter doubted the things he knew, because they might as well be real. Also, Erik said he could be a Caladrius Bird now or be something else later if he wanted to, which doesn't make sense to him, but he won't comment on that for now. "So, how do you guys even work? Do you guys like, need the full moon to transform? Do you guys have like, hierarchical pack dynamics? Average dick size? Do yor guys foresking also regenerates so you don't cut it off? Like, how big are you in size of body and in size of dic- Oh Gods and Demons, do you have a knot!? You can stop me from talking whenever!" Question after question, Erik excitedly asked and became more amazed and excited to know the answer to even some... Urgh... Private questions. "Calm down, little one." Technically Erik was younger than Peter, since his body was only 25 while Peter was 32, which meant he was older amd therefore, the big one (wink): "To answer your questions... Yes, the foreskin regenerates, so all wolves are uncut if that's what you're asking about- Yes i do have a knot, I only popped it once before, but i know it's there. We have pack dynamics in our packs, to summarize it all and make it basic... Alphas are the leader, Betas are the followers, and Omegas are the ones without a pack."

Erik was blushing that Peter was answering even his inappropriate questions, but he kept hearing as he explained: "We don't need the full moon to fully transform, Werewolf have three shifting phases: Beta Form, which is most werewolves can shift to, Alpha Form which only Alphas can shift to, and Full Shift, which is when a werewolf shifts into a full wolf, or when a shifter fully shifts into their own shifter spirit." Erik hummed and looked at his fingers, they turned into black talons before he pulled them back: "That's impressive work right there, it takes a while to learn how to control it after all, you did a good work pup." Peter praising him and calling him pup was a kink ge didn't know he had, but it was interesting to find out! "We werewolves have anchors, or what attaches us to the world and keeps us from going feral and loosing our minds... Mine was revenge, revenge for my murdered family, that was what kept me going until you appeared." This time, Erik didn't comment or stopped Peter like he wanted to... No, he listened and blushed as the man had his hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes: "My anchor shifted from revenge to you so quick i didn't know it was possible to happen like that."

Erik felt his hair stand up, almost like they were- "And your feathers are very soft." He closed his eyes and enjoyed the hand patting his feathers, because his hair turned into feathers as he let go of some of his control and transformed partially into his white Caladrius form, revealing the long silver ribbon-like tails, that were now five (5) instead of three (3) like it was before. "Huh, this is new..." When a hsnd touched the ribbon-like tail, Erik fell forward immediately, since they were really sensitive, like the rest of his body, he could feel the change in air pressure and temperature by his skin alone damn it! "P-peter... Don't touch me there." The way the man's eyes glowed blue made Erik fear for his hole, but their flirting had to end as Peter turned to face the door, which meant someone was coming to the room.

Erik pushed himself away before he started to act like he was taking care of Peter, like he was applying some lotion on the skin of his leg when Melissa knocked on the door before opening it: "Hi Erik, Hi Peter." Erik smiled at Melissa as a greeting before Peter smirked and preened with that cocky smirk on his face, like a peacock, and said flirtatious: "Hello Melissa McCall, best nurse in this hospital and dear lady, how may I, humble and handsome Peter Hale be of your service m'lady." Peter could clearly smell the faint scent of jealousy and grinned at Erik, who just pinched him while applying lotion to his leg, making Peter wince in pain when a sharp talon scratched his leg: "Oh, i guess your muscular pains are back, right Peter?" Peter was a werewolf, and werwolves were predators, they lived in a dominance battle between their ranks, Alphas will always feel threatened when there's another Alpha in their surroundings, while Betas will also challenge themselves in a dominance battle to see who's the best Beta of their pack- Peter was no different, he was considered the best Beta of the whole Hale Pack because of his fighting and trickery skills... But now?

He stared into beautiful yet menacing eyes of his Mate and shivered when he saw cold anger behind those eyes, a feeling of coldness filled his soul and he felt defeated in a single stare- Which made him submit by slightly showing his neck, which made Erik let go of his already healed leg before they turned their attention back to Melissa: "Well... I'm here to inform you, Peter, that we tried to contact your only living relatives after you woke up but we haven't found any contact information on them yet, I'm so sorry." Peter huffed angry and sad at the same time, Erik just patted him in the back while using his [Emotional Healing], he was getting better at it the more he used it, which let him heal faster and deeper the traumatic state Peter found himself in: "But im better news... Your recent readings are back and the doctors decided that you are healthy enough to be released!" The smile that bloomed on Peter's face could only be damped by the sudden look of disappointment that appeared on Erik's face before he covered it up with a small smile that looked relatively genuine.

But he couldn't hide his smell, and he reeked of sadness, which confused Peter until he connected the dots and smiled inside his mind- Erik thought they wouldn't see each other again because he's getting released! That's cute, he admitts it, but he'll have to clear that confusion in a bit: "Thank you for telling me, Melissa." The woman nodded and excused herself because she had work to do, and Erik was left alone with Peter once again, who grasped his hand and looked at him: "Listen, just because I'm being released, it doesn't mean I won't see you again." Erik nodded a little ashamed for feeling so needy all the time, but Peter was having none of it! "Maybe... I could crash in with you for a night? Only until i get an apartment." It was like a candle was lit in the darkness of the abyss- A single flicker of hope psssed through Erik's eyes and Peter knew he caught the bait he left him.

A single night? Pffft! As if... he'll be living in that house with his Mate. That's all he needs.

-Scene Cut-

Erik's house was... Unique? It had two floors, a basement, an attic, and a garden backyard. When he said he was kinda of a herbalist, he wasn't lying! Peter could smell many flowers from the garden and also smell the scent of something downstairs that reeked of Erik's new scent- Sunflowers. "What you're brewing downstairs, my little witch?" Peter teasingly asked as he rested his shoulder against the table and watched Erik cook something for him- For him! He could feel his wolf purring in content at the sight of his mate providing for him, which made Peter feel a little spoiled, but that's fine too. "Hm... I think it's medicine? Yeah, found it in a book, probably my mom's? She liked to brew things, now that i think about it, she probably was a witch." In this umiverse, Erik grew only with his mother, she was a hard-working single mom who taught her son how to be like the sun- Big, better, shining, warm, larger than life itself... She taught him how to identify plants and make soaps, lotions, and even things Erik would call potions. He found a book of hers in the attic yesterday before he went to the hospital and tried to brew the potion named [Sun's Touch] that used Sunflower seeds, Mistletoe, Slugs, and the feather of a bird who was slayed in the midday sun.

"Huh, interesting." Erik nodded as he flipped the pancake, he had added chocolate chips in there not sure if Peter'd like it or not... "Here, we have Blueberry Pancakes, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, and i can even make you Strawberry and Orange Pancakes if that's what you're into." Peter hummed in deligjt as he took the large plate of chocolate chip pancakes and dug right in, happy to smell the scent of relief and glee from his beloved and adored mate.

"I'll go on a errand today, I'll be back by night, okay?" He had the urge to kiss his mate then anf there, but they haven't even done anything other thsn hold hands and the ocasional teasing touch Peter liked to do, so it was a surprise to him when Erik hummed and pulled him into a quick but sweet peck on his lips. Peter's eyed were wide in shock as Erik walked away, smelling and smilling smug to shock Peter for once and tease him back!

Oh, but he'd get him back for that, Peter grinned as Erik felt a shiver run down his spine as a bad but also strangely good feeling sparked in his back.

Little did he know, Peter planned on making his back glow- By cracking it like a glowstick.

-Scene Cut-

[Quest: Helping the One

Objective: Heal the Target (Peter Hale) to the maximum of his physical health.

Bonus Objective: Heal the Target (Peter Hale) to the maximum of his mental health.

Bonus Objective: Heal the Target (Peter Hale) to the maximum of his emotional health.

Bonus Objective: Heal the Target (Peter Hale) to the maximum of his Spiritual health.


1st: [Clear Wounds] skill (Completed)

2nd: [Mental Cure] skill

3rd: [Emotional Suppressant]

4th: [Spiritual Enchantment]

Good Luck.]

This was the quest he received one day, he completed the first objective today, which granted him a new skill to add to his things:


Name: Erik Asclepius Goodman

Age: 25

Race: Human [Caladrius]

Forms: [Caladrius]

Skills: [Healing], [Emotional Healing], [Disease Transference], [Disease Spreading], [Disease Resistance], [Self Healing], [Aura Sight], [Converted Healing], [Clear Wounds]

[Clear Wounds: You can magically clean all wounds on someone's body, be it internal or external, getting rid of all bacteria, viruses, and other forms of infection around the wounds]

That's it.

That's the skill! Simple, yet useful in case he wants to make sure his future patients are okay, because Peter brought up the fact that he knew a few magical shops in his life and he wanted to know if Erik was willing to make something similar in the far future and Erik agreed, cause he thought it was a great idsa.

He was lost in thought, his home was peaceful, his garden beautiful, but the sudden feeling of urgency tightened his heart.

Something happened to Peter.