
Gray [#5]

James Jägerman was fucking pissed off.

You give everything for someone and then they decide they're better than you and fucking leave you. Looking for greater things, greater opportunities, not realizing that they threw away the best thing they ever could have had- In particular, he was pissed off about the little faggot he had. 

His disappointment of a son fucking disappeared before the big game, making them lose to the Clivesdale Chemists- FUCKING CLIVESDALE!!!

In his anger -"Fuck!"- He kicked the door of his home closed, like he always did whenever he had a bad day. He huffed like a bull as he went to the kitchen- the dishes were still in the sink, the pantry was still empty, and the counter was still dirty. That fucking boy was gone and now he was the one who had to do every fucking thing now- He always knew the little fag was a coward, just like his fucking mother, couldn't live with the consequences of their actions so they had to flee, run away from them! "-pieces of shit..." In his left hand, he held a six pack of beer and on his right, he held his trusty bat. He was going out to play with the boys later after the game, maybe then his mood will get better? Bah, who is he kidding? That faggot son of his decided to dip and now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Just thinking about the eay the others would see him, would blame him for letting his son ruin the game, just thinking about the embarrassment that his son caused him was enough to rise his blood pressure higher and higher.

That little fucking fag. 

He always knew- even though the boy worked hard to hide, try to convey something else, tried as he might he couldn't fully hide the little looks or the way every single faggot in this world was born. No son of him was fucking soft as that boy was, and even though he put him through the necessary lessons to toughen the boy up, nothing ever truly worked like he wanted it to. James was ashamed that his son turned out to be such a pussy, but he was angry with him more than any amount of disappointment or embarrassment that he could muster in his heart- he hopes he's dead now, because only dead the boy would stop embarrassing him... But for now, he has to deal with the fact that the bitch boy had run away. 

And not only did he ran away, he also destroyed every chance he had at going to college- they lost the fucking game to Clivesdale! That was like the biggest, dirtiest, most fucking disgusting that happened today. 

He was about to curse his fucking son again when there was a knocking sound at the front door of his home. He felt like he was going to snap if he is not left alone right now... "Who the fuck-" He never truly got a lot of visitors, people knew that he's not a very patient man nor a very good neighbor to have any kind of conversation with and that he's way better than they would ever be in their pathetic little lives, so they mostly left him alone with the exception of the annoying fuckers of the church. After a long day at the Hatchetfield Factory today and watching them lose to FUCKING CLIVESDALE, he was fucking tired and angry and just wanted to get the fuck back home and relax, but some fucker is knocking at his door!? He angrily got up from the couch and was ready to fucking punch the face of whoever was knocking at his door as he opened it- Only to see a weird kid with an eyepatch and wearing black and looking at his eyes with his single exposed eye- it had this weird red glow to it, and James wondered what the fuck was in that beer that he drank, because he's pretty sure the kid's shadow was moving by itself: "Mr. Jägerman?" The only thing he could see from the kid were his cold, pale eye that seemed to stare right at his fucking soul, so cold that it made his anger momentarily stop and freeze as he stared at that single eye... that single eye that made him so... weak...? "So I came to the right house, then."

"And who the fuck-" Remembering his anger at being disturbed and snapping out of whatever fucking shit just happened, finding a newfound sense of righteousness at being disturbed, he was about to fucking ask "who the fuck do you think you are and what the fuck are you doing at my house at this hour" when he felt a sharp and agonizing pain on his back, and a hand puled his body back into the house with such a strength that he felt a few patches of his skin being pulled off. "-ARGH-" He was about to scream when another hand covered his mouth, a pale hand with visible blue veins and dark, black nails, sank into his face.

They were sharp, sharp enough to cut his skin and make him swallow his scream back in fright as bright red eyes stared deep into his soul as a familiar face came to view- a face he hasn't seen since two weeks, his one and only son. 

The kid who he would was berate. 

The kid who he wished could just listen and become what he never was.

The kid who he would beat the shit out of whenever he didn't do what he had to do. 

The kid who disobeyed him constantly and had to be reminded of who owned him.

The kid who now held his beating heart in his hand. His weird, transparent, glowy hand. 

"Oops, Maxie~!" A voice. Hauntingly sweet and exaggerated to the point of making him almost want to throw up whispered from behind him. He heard the door closing and a key clicking, and he knew that the door had closed. "You can't go harvesting the organ now! I need to preserve it... Well, don't worry, you didn't hurt the heart at all and it is still usable!" A hand gripped the bloody and beating heart that was slowing down on the ghostly hand of his son, who neveer broke eye contact with him- that rage in his eyes was something he could never teach. The boy had always been soft, and no matter how many times James tried to teach him how to properly show rage, the boy never got it right. 

But now? 

Now he was seething. He was burning with pure and undeniable rage... That was something he could never teach. 

"But Maxie... You can't be satisfied with a simple and quick kill, right?" Before he could even think, he felt his heart beating. He blinked, confused, because his heart was no longer in the hands of his ghostly son. "You need to make him suffer daily, make him beg for death, destroy his spirit until even those fuckers don't want him." A cold hand dragged itself across his cheek before it forcefully pulled his mouth open: "Don't worry, I know how to take care of a garden, so a single vegetable won't be a problem at all..."

And he passed out. 


Max was still angry. He was still seething, but he trusted Lucian... Lucian hasn't betrayed him, he hasn't hurt him, he hasn't done anything that would make him feel bad... Lucian is good. Lucian has been helpful, Lucian is the the one he needs to trust. With deep and controlled breaths- which was weird, since he doesn't need to breathe -he was able to calm down enough to return to Lucian and watch as he dragged his father's still living body down to the basement. 

There, he would do something... Max could feel his own corpse now. It was moving weirdly by itself, apparently it was coming back to life in a way that technically made him immortal with a bunch of extra steps? He didn't understand much, but what he did understand was that his dad was going to become a vegetable that was going to suffer endless pain while also keeping him alive! The moment his father dies, he gets ejected out of his flesh and bone body and needs to get a new one, or that's how Lucian explained it to him. "...is it ready?" He was quite eager. He could feel his new heart beating slowly but strongly. The pieces of his corpse now being revived were being held by this weird energy as Lucian sewed them together. His naked body was being touched, and if he had a dick, he knew exactly what would be happening right now! "Is it ready? I can feel it already, is it ready?" 

"Not yet." Lucian simply and calmly answered- Max wondered how he could keep his cool like this? Being surrounded by blood and corpses: "I am still doing some upgrades... Your lungs need to be stronger to pull enough oxygen for your stronger heart. Your muscles need to be stronger too, as your bones, and your blood, and your other internal organs... some need to be replaced too." Grumbling something about lightning and how books are a lie, Lucian pulled thread backwards with his hands bloodied and red, before he carefully pulled back: "What you think? Not my greatest work, but I'm still going to improve it- I'm thinking of adding extra-" Max tunned him out as he looked towards himself. His corpse was weirdly fresh and looked more alive now than before... He could feel, right on his chest, his heart beating. It was loud, it was strong, and it was powerful enough that he felt his whole ghostly body being pulled by it. His eyes looked sunken a bit, and his lips completely purple and dead, but each heartbeat seemed to make the death fade away. A bright red rune of energy seemed to pulse alongside his heartbeat, and a few others seemed to glow alongside his body too, but they were integrated into this sick tattoo that looked weird but also really, really cool. 

"-and that's when I add the Dickatron 3000, with all the updates you asked for! Its got lasers, it can get sharp enough to pierce through rock, you can shoot it like a missile, and you can even pull it out- I just need to make some adjustments to your pelvis." Lucian shrugged as he began to work on his extremely mutilated lower body: "Don't worry, this isn't the first bottom surgery I do!" And true to his words, the mess that was his genitals seemed to fade away as he worked on it. He pulled out this thing. It was big, like he asked for, and it was clearly created using metal because he could see lights emanating from it. It clearly was a penis, but it looked modern and really like a robot dick. "Now, I got some skin add-ons too! But that'll have to wait for a while-" He pulled something, a thin and long wire-like metal blade that looked intimidating. He began to write on the metal before he began to draw on the skin of his body, it went bone deep and Max could feel Lucian draw something on his bones, and he worked his magic. "Testicles too, here- They don't necessarily produce sperm... I mean, I can make them do that if want to, but that'll take a longer while, and I'll need more than this basement can get me, so balls are only esthetic for now." He added these balls of steel that he asked for- it was exactly the way he asked for. 

"Huh, this is kinda cool- weird, but cool." Max was weirded out a bit by the whole surgery thing, but he died anyway, so who cares!? "Woah- it feels real- Stop touching it! I'm not gay!" He felt it like it was part of him and not some metal thing, and it felt good and sensitive, so when Lucian touched it again, he felt it. It felt good, and that freaked him the fuck out, making him lash out immediately. Verbally, that is! He wanted to, for a moment, punch Lucian, but seeing him with only a single eye made him pause and feel guilty enough to stop him from lashing out. 

"I am literally a doctor." Lucian rolled his eyes: "If you get a boner, that's perfectly normal. It's a new dick, you gotta test it out! Orgasm is going to feel weird the first few times, because you won't have anything to shoot, so it's like, dry. And you can have various of them, one after the other, because your refractory period os literally gone-" 

"Refra what now?"

"-...you know, the little period of time you gotta wait before you can cum again?" 

"That has never happened to me." 

"...okay, that's kinda rare."


"So..." Lucian grinned, looking at the body he worked on- It took him a little bit of readjusting Max's coordination, since his brain had been dead for a while. He had to get him a new one and modify it to perfectly reflect Max's body, and that had the unforseen consequence of giving Max the ability to speak French, but that's beside the point. "Ready for school, Mr. Walking Dead." 

Lowering his black sunglasses, straightening his back, and grinned widely- his pearly white teeth, made from bone extracted from his father's femur -as he looked towards Hatchetfield High: "Born ready." 

"...well, technically reborn."

"Shut up." 

That was said with the least amount of heat Maxwell Jägerman has ever told someone to shut up in his entire life.