
GID [#1]: It's All Real


This is a work of fiction for degenerates on the internet. This does not reflect what I think or do. Don't fuck your dad and brother- unless they're very hot. Then send them to me, I'll fuck him.

[Congratulations Zyos Zachary Zane, you're now a Gamer.]

Blinking, Zyos looked at the floating screen in front of his eyes. 'Am i hallucinating again?' He has been having some pretty heavy hallucinations recently due to his sleep deprivation thanks to his insomnia, which is thanks to both his depression and his anxiety. "Hey son-" Zyos turned to look at his father, the man was 38, he had made the mistake of impregnating Zyos's mother when they were he was 18 and she was 16, they both decided to keep him and got married, and now at the age of 20 Zyos still lives with his father and his younger brother, Alexander. "-Alex is asking if you could maybe take him to a party today? At Zack's house or something like that, anyway I'm going now, don't leave your brother alone tonight." Zyos waved to his father and watched him leave- He was wearing thight shorts today, is he going to that gay club he had gone to last week? Zyos felt a jealousy burn deep inside his heart, he wanted his father ever since he was 12 years old and discovered his own sexuality, he knew it wasn't normal- It was really bad, but he wanted his dad.

Then his younger brother came along- He is 4 years younger than Zyos, being 16 and just recently came out to them as Bisexual, which both men of the family firmly supported seeing as their dad was Pansexual and Zyos himself was very gay! 

[New Quest Generated: Protect Younger Brother!

Description: Your father has given you the task of protecting your younger brother for the night, do not let anything bad happen to him tonight! 

Rewards; Father's Affection +10, Brother's Affection +10, XP +500, [1] Passive Skill!] 

'Huh, okay?' I mean, he was going to protect his brother already, this just makes him want to protect him more! 'Hey, if its a game, where's my status?' He just thought about it for a moment and suddenly a screen appeared in front of his eyes- It had a character screen with numbers and even an [Inventory] tab!

[<Status> - <Inventory> - <Skills> - <Shop> - Relationship List> 

Name: Zyos Zachary Zane 

[♡HP♡: 100/100] - (5× Vit)

[○MP○: 100/100] - (5× Int)

[□SP□: 100/100] - (5× End)

Lvl: 01 

Age: 20 | Race: Human | Sex: Male | Gender: Alpha (Prime)

Sexuality: Gay

Titles: [Gamer], [Taboo]


Physical Stats: 

Strength: 10 | Endurance: 20

Dexterity: 10 | Vitality: 20 

Agility: 10 | Virility: 20

Mental Stats: 

Intelligence: 20 | Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 20 | Willpower: 10 

Manipulation: 20 | Perception: 10


Passive Skills: 

[Taboo lvl 1: This skill is granted to those who wish or have broken a taboo, the higher the level this skill is, the greater your level of corruption. At higher levels, you can even entice the break of Taboo on others.]

[Dazzling Gaze lvl 5: Anyone who looks into your eyes have 5% chance of getting into a state of [Dazzled], this skill has a passive Cooldown of 1 second and as long as eye contact is locked, the target may fall into a [Hypnotic] status.]

Active Skills: 

[Soft Touch lvl 1: Your skilled hands can make muscles relax and make the blood flow better, at higher levels can even increase the pleasure your hands bring to others.] 

Unique Skills: 

[Gamer: Your mind and body act as if you are a video-game's character. Damage to your body will be converted to damage to HP, once HP hits 0, your body will start to be really damaged. Sleeping in a bed can heal every non-permanent status effect and heal all MP, HP, and SP to the max.] 

[Dungeon Create/Destroy lvl 1: 

[Lvl 1] Mirror World: A complete copy of the world around you, only accessible to you.

[Lvl 10] ...

[Lvl 15] ...

[Lvl 20] ...

"Hey big bro-" Snapping out of his thoughts, Zyos smiled at his little brother who was naturally smaller than him- Zyos was about 6'3, he had some muscles but he didn't work out that much, he mainly did it to keep a good figure. His hair was short and spiky, he had rare heterochromatic eyes, one was bright blue and the other bright emerald green, many men have said his eyes are like prisons that hold the soul of those who look for too long. "-I'm ready." He normally didn't look over his brother, but today he did because he was feeling extremely protective of him- It was at that simple moment he saw something on his brother's pocket... A condom? 'Who?' Jealousy burned in his heart again and he felt ashamed of feeling so possessive of his brother and father, he just wanted to fuck them and keep them to himself, they were his and his alone! "Sure baby bro, we'll leave soon." He smiled at his brother while secretly planning on how to make them leave the party early, he doesn't want his brother losing his virginity with some teen whore or jock from that fucking party- He should just take his virginity right here and now, he should, he is stronger than his brother!

But no- He is afraid of his brother's hate, he can't afford to even consider it, fear gripped his heart every time he even considered that. 

You see- Their mother wasn't the best person, well, she was the shit. Manipulative, liked to lie, and blamed a lot of things in the falling relationship between her and his father on him, and once they got divorced Zyos had a few issues thanks to his mother's mental abuse. Well, for one, he got paranoid and extremely afraid of being left alone, that is his worst fear ever! He fears that his family will leave him if they know, but he can't stop himself from wanting to fuck his dad and brother, breed them like good little bitches, take them apart and make them his through and through. He wants them so fucking bad- "Alex, let's go?" Alex jumped into the passager seat of Zyos' old jeep that his father got him for his 16th birthday, it was a piece of junk but it was his piece of junk that his dad got him y'know? "Today I'll come with you." He saw how Alex's eyes widened and his jaw tightened, ready to talk back like the teenager that he was, only to make Zyos growl back: "No. This isn't up to discussion, i cannot bear the thought of you being surrounded by a bunch of horny teenagers with alcohol, and i will come with you and you won't say anything about it, do you understand me?" 

He had no idea just where that came from, but he saw how Alex's muscles tensed for a moment before relaxing for a moment- 'What?'

[Your actions have unlocked a skill!]

[Active Skill, Effect Skill] - [Command lvl 1: Your authority is greater than the inferior men around you, your dominance over them is natural. Speak a command, if the target is weaker than you, the target will follow your command - Automatically works on submissive targets.] 

"Okay." He saw his younger brother look away from him, and for a moment he swore he could see a blush on his face, but it must be his mind playing tricks on him again. "I love you too much to risk you." Placing his hand on his brother's thigh as they stopped at a red light, he decided to help his brother relax and used the skill [Soft Touch lvl 1] to make his brother's thigh muscle relax- He didn't know that it also had the effect of deeply arousing his younger brother who had to look away and pretend he wasn't feeling like he wanted to just cry and beg his big bro to do something to him- Anything he wants. The words 'I love you too much to risk you' echoed in his mind, he wanted to say "I love you too" but he knew he would mean in a complete different way than his brother. "Anyway, what's the party even about? Some punk jock who got too cocky and decided to throw a party while his parents aren't home?" Zyos heard his little bro snicker and smiled, at least he can make him laugh right? "Well, you summarized it well enough... Zack's a cool guy, a little hot headed but he is cool abot most things, he invited me because he and his girlfriend wanted me there..." At the mention of Zack and his girlfriend, Alex blushed harder and Zyos had to stop himself from cursing as he tightened the hold on the steering wheel.

"Oh? Is that why you're bringing condoms?" His voice was cold and emotionless as he said that, he saw his yonguer brother flinching at tbe mention of condoms and look guilty: "No, i get it." He smiled at his brother before turning to look back at the road: "You just want to stick your dick in something warm, or have a dick inside you, i get it-" He could sweat he saw his little brother grow a cute shade of pink, but he kept talking more: "But i swear to you, it's not worthy losing your virginity with someone in a party... I'd like for you to be safe and trust the one who will take your virginity, someone who will guide you and love you, someone who will keep you safe baby-" He sighed, he meant to add the 'bro' at the end but he didn't- And he couldn't lie to himself how he enjoyed saying it, calling his brother baby was so fucking good! "Is it too much to ask for my baby to be safe?" They soon fell into silence, awkward silence, Zyos felt like he fucked it all up but he did mean to say all of that! He just kept quiet and soon they arrived at their destination since Zyos sadly knew where Zack lived- He was one of Alex's good friends.

He also thinks Zack wants to fuck his little brother, either that or he wants his little brother to have a threesome with him and his girlfriend. 

He turned to his brother just in time to see him almost jump out of the car and close the door quickly- He felt so bad for a moment, but he quickly sighed and took a look at his floating screen... '[Inventory]?' Soon a long grid of little cubes appeared on his face, he shrugged before pushing the key of his car into one of the little holes and watched in amazement as it simply just- Stood there. "Wait, is this real?" He spoke out loud this time, taking and putting the key in and out of the little cubes.

Oh shit.

This was real. 

If that is real- "Relationship List." 

[Relationships: [Name - Relationship Title - Affection Meter] 

Alexander Zachary Zane - [Blood] Brother - Affection: 50/100 (Crush)

Brian Zachary Zane - [Blood] Father - Affection: 30/100 (Fatherly Love)

Harry - Acquaintance - Affection: 5/100 (Good Impression)


Unknown to Zyos, a large grin grew on his face as he read the (Crush) on the Affection meter of his brother. "Oh." A flame was easily set alight on his heart, he knew- He could take his brother, but only if he played his cards right.