
Game World (4#)

Erik managed to get himself a job on the same hospital he was staying- NOt only because he was formed in Medicine, but also because of his magic that could heal many injuries, [Holy Magic] was known for being one of the best healing magics out there, it has spells to heal almost every single mortal ailment you can think of, because magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly. Magic is so much and it cannot be comprehended if not studied utterly from beggining to end, which it's something Erik really wants to do because he loves the magical aspect of the game!

But first, he needs to learn more about this world, more about the culture of supernatural creatures!

"Here, a gift for you brat." He turned back to look at the Hospital's Director, who was on the same room as him- He was a bit distracted about it, but it's been a week since he has joined this hospital as a doctor, he was, specifically, a Family Medicine Doctor, who treats patients of all ages in all kinds of diseases and illnesses, making sure that he also helps the supernatural side of this hospital. It was strange really, he met several patients of several different species of magical origins like Vampires, Shifters, Dwarves, and Nymphs, as well as the Fey (Who all seemed to take a like on him, to his worry, since they all like to flirt with him, and like to tease him whenever he blushes) and other creatures. Great part of the Supernatural community are the Halves, those who have blood of other creatures, like the Half-Devils, who all have the blood of Demons running through their veins, Half-Angels (Who also have Angel blood running through their veins) and so many Halves!

Half-Nymphs, Half-Elementals (A humanoid born from the relationship between an Elemental and another creature), Elves (They are Half-Fey creatures, not fully fey, but not fully human), Half-Elves (The same as before, but the child between an Elf and another creature), Orcs, Trolls, Minotaurs, Half-Orcs, Half-Minotaurs, Half-Trolls, and many humanoid creatures that have interesting features! He met Nagas (People with snake lower bodies), he met even some Harpies and Mermaids as well. They're all so friendly with him as the new addition to the supernatural world they live in... Right now, he was in a resting room alongside the Director of this Hospital, a powerful Witch by the name of Rerth Broknik, a dark skinned woman with a gorgeous red hair that went down her waist, and a menancin look on her eyes that would make the most daring man shiver.

She was a beauty.

And she took a like to him like he was a child, she was WAY older than he was, she has been alive for three centuries now, and she calls him brat because to her, he is a cute kid. "OH, thank you..." She was 5'3 but even so, Erik, with his massive 6'7 frame felt intimidated whenever he looked at her, she had this powerful magical aura around her, she was cleaerly someone you don't wanna mess with. Looking down at what he received, Erik lifted an eyebrow, because what he received was a book- [Guide to the Supernatural- Who dis?] a guide to every single creature in the supernatural world, with their names, languages they speak, and some details about their origin, which was welcomed by Erik with a smile on his face. "This is amazing, thank you Director Broknik." He tried to be polite, but she just slapped his back and said: "Go on, read some and learn more so you don't embarrass yourself." There was also a simple etiquette guide alongside the books, the do's and don'ts of each and every species. Like how he could bow to Fey, but never offer a handshake because it was considered rude among the Fey... So that's why they looked at him strangely when he offered anhandshake, now he feels bad about it.

[New Skill:

[(P) Etiquette I]

[Always remember, manners maketh the man.]

Looking at another new skill he received, Erik felt good about himself, in one week he managed to get some skills and increase his proficiency in some!

[Character Screen:

Name: Erick Bright

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Origin: Magical

Sub-Origin: Awakened

Domains: Holy [Apprentice], Illusions [Apprentice]

Magic System: [Imagination/Will]

Holy Spells: [(A) Heal II]

Illusion Spells: [(A) Glamour I]

Background: [Doctor]


Passive: [(P) Medicine II], [(P) Cooking II], [(P) Magical Regeneration I], [(P) Pain Resistance I], [(P) Acting I], [(P) Lying I], [(P) Attractive II], [(P) Reading II], [(P) Mental Reesistance I], [(P) Etiquette I]

Active: [(A/P) Magic Sight II]


How he managed to get the [(P) Reading II] skill was easy, it simply increased his reading speed and he got it from simply reading a book when he got to his apartment, he got [(P) Mental Resistance I] when a Fey guy tried to seduce him using a Spell from the [Enchantment] catgory of magic, a simple spell really, called [Alure] that would your target find you attractive- But Erik resisted the spell easily when the target tried touching him in a not very friendly way... He got [(A) Glamour I] when he was taught by all others from the hospital that had non-common traits, such as wings or burning hair. They taught him this neat trick everyone can do, a simple spell from the [Illusion] Domain of Magic that can easily hide your apperence from others of non-magical nature.

Most people from magical origins can use magic, mostly weak spells such as Cantrips, or better known as [Utility] Spells, spells that help making their lives a lot better! But those who cannot use magic can buy or get a enchanted item that has the same effects as a [Glamour] Spell as long as they know where to find it.

Also, apparently he has to go to this Welcoming Party for the Magic Users of the Supernatural Community- even among the supernatural world, an [Awakened] is something very rare, and an [Awakened] with a rare innate magic as he has is something worthy looking at, so several of the big shots of the supernatural world decided to invite him to this party, and he has to go. Like, it would be a terrible offence if he doesn't, whicch could anger some of the most powerful creaetures of this world, and he doesn't want that. With the book he received from Director Broknik, he learned about the most influential people of the world alongside the most powerful (Individually that is).

There are some organizations who are also invited to this gathering of powerful beings, such as The Ten Rings, Kamar-Taj, the Circles- an organization of Druids, those who follow the balance of Nature-, the Olympians- an organization that comes from Greece, they keep contact with Zeus and all their Gods, that apparently are real. The Covens (An organization that represents all Witches and Wizards as well), and at last but not least, the White Bone, a group of Good Necromancers who use their magical ability to lay rest to the dead, preventing them to become undead creatures that unt for humans.

Each leader of such organization would be present to meet him, because his raw potential could be endless, not only due to him being an [Awakened]- which are known to having a strange affinity to magic- but also because of his Internal Magic, which is something that hasn't been seen for some time now, at least as a Primary Magic that an [Awakened] or [Born] category of magic user has been born with... And also because [Holy Magic] can become [Angelical Magic], which is a very rare and powerful type of magic that includes many types of magics that most angels are able to use, such as [Healing Magic], [Light Magic], [Soul Magic], [Time Magic], [Elemental Magic], [Order Magic Magic] and others. Even the mysterious Ta Lo will participate on this meeting, no one knows where their village stands- Well, almost everyone, since the Ancient One knows where they are, she has visited them several times through centuries. There will even be a Great Ancient Dragon there!

Dragons are real, just like Half-Dragons (Humanoids who are descendants of Dragons) are also real, they range from several species, but the most powerful ones are the Great Ancient ones, because they are pretty much immortal! They can resist any and every attack, and if they die, they can bring themselves back from the dead through sheer will alone, which is something amazing! There are several Ressurection Spells around, but most of them have some kind of restriction, like, needing the target's bones, needing to know the target's name, or simply a time limit for ressurection, and not to say about the energy it uses!

He needed to be prepared to meet a bunch of influential people who want a piece of his ass, or who at least want to make connections with him, lay a roda to possible connections on the future, or maybe do more. There will be a lot of people there, way more than he just said would be, since there were many other influential organizations on the supernatural world, like the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of the Fey (who will definetly be there), and the several packs, prides, and whatever else you call a gathering of shifters of the same species (A.k.a Werewolves, Weretigers, Werelions, Wereelephants, and every single other Were Creature) that will probably be there as well. 'I definetly need conections, but Erik is a sweetheart, no way naive, but wouldn't seek first... He would wait? Probably, Erik Bright would wait for someone to approach him, and he would be surprised to be approached, he would be surprised to even be considered something so important due to his low self-esteem. He doesn't believe he is worthy it.'

Yes... He isn't worthy, or at least he thinks he isn't.

'Oh, i also need formal cloting, i don't own a tuxedo or something formal at all!' Erik had another thing to the list... Find a magical store that sells enchanted clothing.

-Scene Cut-

[Report N3º: Erik Bright, Male, 24 Years Old, [Awakened].

Erik Bright, one of the Doctors at California's greatest hospital, for both the natural and supernatural sides of the world, was invited to one of the most important events of the supernatural world due to his rare nature- [Awakened] are rare, not only his primary magic is the rare [Holy Magic], his nature also intrigued a lot of people due to the fact that most [Awakeneds] are unstable and excentric...

I even tried to charm him, but he broke free easily. Interesting, right? Felt bad for that though, the way he looked at me is still stuck on my head.

But the whole week he was watched and observed closely, he never acted like a normal [Awakened] person would- He didn't act like a desperate person who just got power to get revenge, nor did he act like a mad man who could make the world feel his pain- No, he acted like a literal saint, like a adorable guy who just wanted to help. Even on the comfort of his own home he never acted like a mad man. The only way he actd diffrently than he normally does was when he saw a kid with a bruise, he simply healed the kid and stood by their side, comforting them, trying to distract them from things.

When asked about it, he simply said: "I don't want them to cry alone, so i just stood there with them, making sure if they wanted to cry, they had someone to cry with them."

He just went from [Adorable Little Baby] to [Husband Material]. This is my report, Evyl Skylin Revir.]

[Response from HQ: Thank you, Evyl, and please do not try to seduce the target next time, or you'll lose your privileges.]