
DC Craft [#1]

As he gazed upon his impressive home, Steve Breaker felt pride. 

He felt pride as he gazed as his enormous automatic farms of pumpkins and watermelons, his farms of wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, sugar canes, cabbages, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, and every single earth grown produce that could be found on planet Gaia, also known as Earth. He felt pride at his vast collection of animals that he was reproducing to reintroduce to the wild in hopes of fixing their population- wolves, tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes, chicken, cows, sheep, pigs, and even prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs and the megafauna of the pleistocene! Mammoths, giant sloths, giant badgers, giant cave bears, and even magical animals that should be extinct by now. 

His eyes gazed upon his empire, and he saw it good. 

After spending 5 years of his life working tirelessly on this personal project of creating the greatest base, he could say with great pride that he was the owner of the safest place in all the DC Universe and he knew that he was perfectly safe here- after all the things he crafted, after all the magical and technological reinforcements he laid down upon his base, his own private world, he also reinforced himself to protect it. Body, mind, and soul were reinforced by various other mods- Magic? He has it. Swords? He makes them! Protective wards against outer gods? He sure has done his best! He went as far as covering the entire place with lead and a small layer of Kryptonite so Superman can't approach his home. He placed anti Divination magic wards, anti radar technology, and all the antis he could ever think of. 

All thanks to a single ability of his- Being a Minecraft Player in the real world, being able to infuse himself with the ability to craft anything he knows exists, being able to fly, lift tons of weight alone, being impermeable to damage, survive the void of space, teleport anywhere he has been to or knows the location of, and so much more. He can do magic, he is a great at fighting, he has revived ancient species all because he wanted his home to have the largest diversity of animals for his personal zoo- He protected it so tightly that even if something got inside without his permission, it would be destroyed within seconds by all the security he has placed upon the entire damn moon.

Oh, right. 

He lives on the moon that he hollowed out- because he didn't need to sleep -placed a thin layer of lead with kryptonite in the middle before covering it with another layer of lead, placed a bunch of technology, magic artifacts, and went as far as to create golems and robots to protect his home from intruders. All the things he created to protect his home went from normal scientific explorations of the moon all the way up to interdimensional eldritch demon invasion, and he prepared for everything he could think of while also laying flexible plans for the protection of his home in case something happens that he did not plan for. And because he was the only one living here, he did not have any living attachments that could potentially be exploited by anyone who could even try to get to his home, where he placed every single little thing he had. 

Now, the reason he planned on releasing some of the species of animals he had for population effort was because he was bored and he loved animals. The best way to do it was to use a command, since he knew that commands were like Reality Bending- they acted on reality itself and he had no particular tell or scent or whatever you can use to locate the one who did it. He has used commands all the time, mostly the TP or teleport command to move from place to place, and he has rarely used the Gamemode Creative command to explore the depths of space, since he does not need to breathe when he is in Creative Mode. Mostly to collect resources that the earth doesn't have from asteroid belts, other planets, and even a few stars- he still has a Star Battery full of a Red Sun's radiation in case of emergencies. 

In fact, he has a lot of contingencies- even more than Batman. After all, he has his own Batcomputer! 

The way his crafting works is that, as long as he knows it exists, he can make it with enough effort and resources. As such, he has made himself his own batcomputer alongside a lot of other tech and items, which he needed to adapt some "Mods" into existence. He has dragons from the Ice and Fire mod, he has access to The End, The Nether, he can do so much that it overwhelms him sometimes… He has spent 5 long years working on his base that he divided into inner rings, and right now he is on the Outermost Ring, which is the ring directly beneath the surface of the moon and houses his less important farms, his zoo, his storage for not important items or abundant items, the industrial furnaces, the magical furnaces, the alien furnaces, and a few other little things here and there. 

There is the Outer Ring beneath the Outermost Ring where the monster and mob farms located alongside the alien farms can also be found. There is a farm dedicated to gathering soul dust from Wither Skeletons that spawn from spawners above and drop down to this massive grinder that breaks them apart, collects their drops and the experience dropped behind, and then disposes of anything that isn't useful or necessary! Here, you could also find Witch farms, regular Skeleton farms, Zombie farms, Drowned, Husks, Wardens, Creepers, Endermen, and a bunch of other mobs all to collect their essences. One of the most interesting items he can manipulate and use. 

Those essences were guarded on the next ring, the Inner Ring. 

The Inner Ring has various facilities that can be used for housing- for that is the housing district of his base! Villagers live here, alongside all other neutral mobs and villager variants that can be traded with. They are important because he can't really get his hand on everything at all time and these mindless husks that imitate sentient beings can infinitely summon items and trade for them with a certain cooldown time. They're not soulless, they have emotions and can speak, but he calls them mindless husks because… well, they're dumb! They constantly bump into each other, can't do math if emeralds or their respective currencies are not in there somehow, and they can't speak any languages besides humming and making weird noises. Machinery, from industrial revolution to cyberpunk levels, to even fantasy settings, blood based buildings, black stone buildings, buildings made of pure energy from this emotional spectrum thing. 

But the heart of his base is the Core. 

Here, he guards all his most prized items- A block of gold Kryptonite, his entire personal stash of totems of undying that he regularly refills, his personal enchanting room full of all enchantments, his potion station, his armors, weapons, personal teleportation pads for specific regions that he can get back from, he even has costumes of all the heroes that when worn giant their abilities- seriously, this is powered bullshit that can rewrite reality to a small degree! He has a portal gun, a black hole gun, grimoires of deadly magic, spawn eggs for Kaijus, portals to various dimensions, personal teleportation items in case of emergencies, various emergency kits for all sorts of situations, and even more shit that he has forgotten all about. He was proud of his accomplishments- he had just finished the last addition to the Zoo by bringing in a new baby to the Paleolithic Pen, a new baby Titanoboa when he got bored. He had aided the baby snake on hatching and automatically it became his pet, meaning it wouldn't be aggressive towards him, he knew that- and he felt the itch to go and fight something! 

He had taken upon an armor and wore it- a simple, kevlar armor enchanted with [Protection 10], [Shield Block 5], [Potion Pocket 10], [Unbreaking 10], [Loyalty 5], [Mending], [Fire Protection 10], [Blast Protection 10], [Depth Strider 10], [Totem Equiper 10], [Food Reserve 10], [Feather Falling 10], [Frost Walker 10], [Respiration 10], [Mind Protection 10], [Soul Protection 10], [Aqua Affinity 5], [Curse of Vanishing], [Thorns 10], [Projectile Protection 10], [Swift Sneak 10], and a few other useful enchantments… What? It's one of his personal armors that he made after thoroughly testing the enchantment system and making a lot of progress with that type of magic that he was now able to control to give himself any enchantment he wanted! Enchanted books were also very useful, seeing as he could use them to enchant an item instantly without having to use an enchantment table as a medium. 

As a weapon, he brought up a simple sword and a gun. The sword was enchanted with [Sharpness 10], [Sweeping Edge 10], [Breach 10], [Knockback 10], [Fire Aspect 5], [Frost Aspect 5], [Thunder Aspect 5], [Blink 5], [Yeet 100], [Loyalty 5], [Unbreaking 10], [Mending], [Curse of Vanishing], [Lifesteal 10], [Bleeding 5], [Rot 5], [Bane of Monsters 10], [Bane of Gods 10], and a bunch of other enchantments while his gun had the basics [Infinity], [Mending], [Power 10], [Punch 10], [Explosive Shots 10], [Impaling Shot 10], [Channeling 5], [Piercing 10], [Multishot 10], [Quick Charge 10], and a basic [Curse of Vanishing]. He didn't like using guns that much, so he didn't put as many enchantments as he could on them. As he packed a few packs of items he could use, enchanting them with [Loyalty 5] and [Anti Theft], he was mostly prepared to go down on earth again- not that he was paranoid and scared of the world beneath him, what're you talking about? 

Okay, maybe he is a bit scared of the Justice League and Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman- okay, he's afraid of this entire world! Okay!? 

…don't laugh. 

"Okay, Steve. You can do this- it's just go in, look for something to do, get out and back home, clean yourself in magma and make sure there are no trackers, magical or otherwise, stuck in you… I'll probably destroy this armor too after this, and probably torch the place I'll leave and enter from just in case… Fuck, can Batman track interdimensional travel through near reality bending? I already have my natural mind protection and my natural soul protection alongside my armor enchantments for that-" He paused, groaning. He has been shut in the moon for 5 damn years, it should be fine for him to leave, right? He is bored and he has isolated himself so utterly that he has no idea if anything major happened besides that weird alien invasion that kinda happened? It must be time travel and reality rewriting shenanigans, which he has protected his base from, thankfully. So the alien invasion definitely happened but didn't at the same time! "Okay, okay- just… One small step for a man, a huge step for my anxiety." 

As he took a step forward, Steve consciously connected the Teleport Command as he told reality itself to place him where he wanted to go- in an instant, he was gone from his base at the moon, appearing in a back of Crime Alley, in Gotham City. The reason he showed up here was because he wanted to- and this is going to sound pathetic -conquer his fear of the bat. What he did not expect, however, was to step out in an all out drama scene- You see, the reason Steve was afraid of Batman and that he had no connection to anyone living on Earth was because he met somebody the first year he appeared on this world, right after he was simply dropped by some random entity that wanted to see him suffer in this world of comics and death.

It was definitely orchestrated at the time, but he met a pissed off kid who he later learned was called Jason Todd. He met the Second Robin as soon as he appeared in this world- it was definitely not a coincidence, at all! But at the time he didn't know that the kid was Jason Todd, they kinda became friends because Steve made himself a small base near a sewer entrance with all the resources he could gather, and Jason ended up there… For months he would visit whenever he was pissed, and Steve was fine with it. And then Batman appeared one night when Robin had gone missing for months close to his base- he was scary, sure, but not scary enough to make Steve abandon earth and go live on the moon. 

Until he broke his legs because he was "lying" to him.

Looking back, maybe Batman wasn't in a very great mental state, but it certainly made Steve scared of Batman enough to make his paranoia spiral out of control, so in a fit of panic he discovered three things: he could teleport, he could respawn after dying, and apparently lying on a bunch of rocks roughly shaped like a bed counted as a spawn point. So yeah, he got himself a bunch of oxygen tubes and went swimming on the moon! Temperature wasn't that much of an issue when he discovered he could enter Creative Mode for a few minutes (hours, now-a-days) and terraform the interior of the moon. Where he made a base on the moon, he chose to just stay there as his mind kept him thinking that Batman was coming after him, that the Justice League, Darkseid, Shazam, Wonder Woman, the entire Green Lantern Corp, and even Captain America- the guy was in a whole damn other universe and Steve was paranoid he'd appear too. 

And that is how he discovered he was undiagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder! His psychiatrist diagnosed him almost instantly, which made Steve just go "huh, that makes sense" before using his Memory Wipe magic to make the psychiatrist forget he was ever there before wiping clean all proof of him ever being there- nobody was harmed, but a building did catch fire. 'Is that Jason?' What Steve had just stepped out into was Jason Todd, The Joker, and Batman on the roof of the tallest peak of Crime Alley. Steve's eyesight was great, so he watched as Batman threw a Batarang against Jason's fingers holding the trigger of the gun, making him drop it. 

Well, Batman saving the Joker? On his watch?

'...you know what, how about no?' With a thought, Steve used the Teleport Command and made The Joker disappear. You see, Steve has made extensive and deep cells within the End Dimension, suspended within The Void of the dimension! The cell was built completely of Obsidian with a layer of Bedrock on the outside, surrounded by Kryptonite and properly enchanted to hold anything he could think of- and because it was on the void, Steve could easily throw whoever was inside the cell into the void to their demise. 'Okay, I feel like I did the best thing in the world just now- getting rid of the Joker sounds awesome, but I need to go back there and place a Soul Sand Anchor to make sure his soul can't escape that prison even after death, and maybe stuff him full of Totems of Undying and feed him only Golden Apples, that way he can stay young forever and never die within the cell.' Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. 

"Oh, wait." Jason was bleeding now, right? They were kinda friends before he most likely got kidnapped by the Joker and died- hey, avenging one's kinda friend is a big step, right? The psychiatrist did say he needed to make more connections, so maybe he can start here? "Okay, just go up there, introduce yourself, and then try to get Jason alone! Easy, right? Easy." With a deep breath, Steve activated the [Potion Pocket] enchantment and allowed the Invisibility Potion to flow through his armor and make him invisible, he also allowed his body to float upwards as he took upon the Creative Mode as easily as breathing. His form, risen like the sun, floated until he landed right before Batman and Red Hood. He took a moment to breathe in and sigh as he said out loud: "If you're looking for the clown… He's gone." Batman lashed out instantly- Steve didn't expect that, but the Batarang thrown at him hit his armor, clicking off in a metallic sound. 

"Show yourself!" Batman was looking right at where he had been, because as soon as the Batarang had hit his armor, Steve was flying away and around. 

'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!' Steve weaved around, standing above the duo- Red Hood looked hurt and tired, but also angry too. "Well, you don't mind if I take the boy too, do you?" Steve did not wait for an answer, he teleported Jason to the only place he could think of: his own home on the moon. There was no sign of teleportation- Jason simply was there, and then he wasn't. "Well, this has been fun.. Goodbye." He immediately teleported away as well, not daring to stay there- okay, so he kinda kidnapped someone who was kinda his friend? I mean, does it make you their friend if you talk constantly and offer them shelter when they don't wanna deal with their family? Steve believes so.

As he appeared once more inside his room on the moon, Steve immediately sighed- He had teleported Jason in, thankfully he had the decency to give him a token that would temporarily make him a visitor, not triggering any of the defense mechanisms. The problem was that, as soon as he appeared in the room, there was a gun to the back of his head and a knife to his throat. 

"Who are you? Where am I? Where did you send the Joker to!?" 

"...okay, uhhh…" Steve closed his eyes for a moment and the gun and knife were gone, he was a few feet away from Jason. He slowly pulled out his helmet and looked at Jason: "Uh, hi? I don't know if you remember me, but I'm… Steve? C-can we talk?" 

Jason stayed still. They made eye contact, and Jason pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit his forehead and fell harmlessly on the ground. 

"...Well, talking seems a lot more fun out of nowhere."