
Conqueror [#10]

[1 Day after the War Game]

"Hold the fuckin' thing properly, you fuckin' imbecile." 

"B-but it's too big-"

"Do I look like a fucking care? Hold it, a strong grip this time, or else I'll have to punish you again."

"P-please captain, don't pun-punish me!" He blushed hard.

"Heh, you say that like you didn't enjoy it, you freaky fox." 

In the backyard of the Souma Familia, a large 7'5 feet tall red haired man looked down at a small 5'3 golden haired boy. Differently from what you would expect, the man had these small red lion-like ears on the top of his head (he also had ears on the side of his face like a regular human, which was kinda uncanny) and a long red tail that ended in a red puff, like a lion's tail. The golden haired boy, however, had this pair of large fox ears on the top of his head (he had no human ears, which was good) and this long golden fox tail that ended with a white tip. He was holding a wooden sword and swinging away at this wooden dummy while the big man watched. Clearly the fox boy had never swung a sword on his fucking life because he was having a hard time doing that, his hold on the wooden sword was pathetic, and his strength was non-existent. 

"Again." Darius said, and Haru soon swung his sword to hit the wooden dummy, and he hit it. But the sword slipped out of his hands, ricochet back, and hit his forehead making him let out this cutesy "Ah-" sound. Darius sighed so heavily that even the wooden dummy seemed to be embarrassed by what Haru just did. "...can you at least try to be useful?" Haru looked like he was on the verge of tears, a hand on his forehead as a little bump grew there: "..." Darius was really out of words... 

But this Haru kid really reminded him of the guy he was bodyguard for in his past life... Not in the same way, of course. That guy was a spoiled rich brat that had narcissistic tendencies and was an insufferable little bitch that he had to tame with his cock, molding him into the bitch to fuck whenever... Ah, he remembers the fun they had together, the bitch boy was horny all the time and Darius made him beg a few times for his cock too. He remembers this particular time where they were both on the brat's limousine and his dad was right outside of the car but the guy got really horny, so Darius had him kneeling between the seats of the car and sucking his dick while he got up and had half of his body on the outside of the car through the sun roof, he even talked to the brat's father as he fucked his son's throat.

Ah, sometimes he misses that brat... And then he remembers how fucking insufferable he was and he doesn't miss him anymore. 

"...get up." Darius really found some similarities between this golden fox boy named Haru and that rich brat- For one, they were both crybabies. Darius liked to fuck rough, always did, but when he went rough on the brat, he'd cry- Although that just made Darius fuck him harder. "Hold the sword again, and you're only allow to eat today if you fuckin' break this sword hitting this fuckin' dummy." Was he being harsh? Sure. But the harsher he was with the fox boy, the harder the results he would get thanks to his new Development ability. 

Let's take a look at his status? 


[Name: Darius Adonis 

Species: Pureblood Fanalis 

Level: 5

Age: 33


Strength - 900 [S]

Endurance - 798 [B]

Dexterity - 875 [A]

Agility - 778 [B]

Magic - 900 [S]


*Regenerative Healing Factor 

*Fanalis True Form


*Supernatural Durability (Type I)

*Draconic Sight


*Perfect Mimicry

*(Modified) Dia Fratel


*Uchide no Kozuchi 

Development Skills- 

*Abnormal Status Resistance (S)

*Fist Fighter (S)

*Magic Resistance (S)

*Hunter (A)

*Boss (A)]


[Boss: Pushing your subordinates further and beyond makes them break through their limits easier!]

See? This ability of his can make even the most spineless bitch into a proper warrior. 

And such spineless bitch just fell on his hands in the form of a virgin who somehow kept his virginity working in the red light district with the most whoring goddess of all times- Ishtar. "Seriously Darius, don't you think you're putting him through a lot?" Suddenly beside him, Souma asked- Darius didn't even flinch, he learned quickly that Souma could be very sneaky if he wanted to: "Nah, if I put too much pressure on him, he'd break... Then I'll just have to use the broken pieces and forge him into a warrior." Nodding to himself, Darius grinned widely: "Then he will finally put to use the fuckin' unique shit he has in the Dungeon, fighting for his life!" 

Haru just shivered. 

"If he fails, he'll have no food tonight." Darius then said, loud enough for the fox boy to heae loud and clear: "And he'll be punished too, just like yesterday." 

Ah, yesterday. Haru shivered just thinking about it, feeling shy and embarrassed as memories rushed to his mind. 

-scene cut- 

[After the War Game]

"So you're the virgin whore huh." Darius said as his eyes looked up and down the fox boy. He was wearing those dresses japanese people wear- what was the name of that thing again? Bah, who cares anyway: "From now on, you belong to the Souma Familia, and I am your captain. You are to refer to me as captain and only captain, unless I tell you to call somethimg else." 

"yes captain..." Nervous and shy, Haru whispered as he looked down at his feet, trying his best to look as small as possible.

"I didn't fucking hear you, bitch." Darius was not happy- He just had the opportunity to have a good fight and it ended fucking in an anticlimactic Deus Ex Machina moment that fucking made him kick the dead body of the frog faced bitch and turn it into minced meat, which is why the fucking bottom fox didn't look at him, must be afraid of him or something- But Darius doesn't care: "Speak louder, or I'll fucking make you scream."

"Ye-yes! Captain!" 

"Good..." Suddenlt, Darius' mind came up with a sadistic idea of doing something to the boy. He looked him up and down before grinning. His body, covered in blood, just made him way too intimidating: "...I am now covered in your bitch of a captain's blood. When we get to your new home, you will help me get rid of this blood." He was a virgin, right? So why not mess with him and take his virginity while at it too? He was clearly interested, Darius' eyes easily picked up on the small change in aura the fox boy went through, because he just adjusted his eyes... There was a change when he changed them into the draconic eyes, he could now see aura and magic around. 

It didn't seem to be something significant to him, but he did get the [Draconic Sight] ability.

[Draconic Sight: With your new eyes you can now see esoteric energy. From Mana, to Psy, Aura, Soul Energy, and any other type of energy you wish to see.]

See? Kinda cool, not gonna lie, even more so when he found out a good use for this- Seeing emotions. And right now the fox boy was fucking scared as fuck, but there was also a slight pink aura that made him smirk, he knows lust when he sees it. He is going to do what he does best: Seduce a closeted gay bottom bitch. 

After a few moments of courtesy about the whole War Game, Darius and his family went back home. Of course the entire Souma Familia came to watch the War Game! They even praised their fighters, making them act either shy and just happy. Darius also carried Silverly like a fireman, or like on would carry a bag of potatoes. As they got to the Souma Familia state, Darius lowered Silverly gave him to their God and picked up the fox boy and said: "Well, I do need a shower- And you are going to help me." The fox boy suddenly looked like a tomato, blushing heavily: "W-what!?"

Darius didn't answer him and simply walked over to the baths of the Souma Familia state with the fox boy now on his arms, being carried like a princess so Darius had full view of the boy's face. They passed through an arch and soon they arrived at the baths- The place was a large open area pool with several pillars surrounding it. There, a large pool of crystal clear water reflected the setting sun's light, creating this small but visible prismatic show of lights and colors. Darius settled the boy down and removed his clothes. He was wearing his favorite sleeves shirt - "Because sleeves are a prison, and my guns are free." - that had been ruined by blood: "Urgh... gotta wash this away." He smoothly also took off his pants. They weren't impressive clothes, they were rather common among people of Orario, it's the fact that they were covered in blood that made them... unique? That's a way to call it.

'You ready, fox boy? You gotta a work to do." He turned around- he was not wearing any underwear, because why would he? It's not like he cares! Immediately, he turned around to look at the fox boy just to see that he had passed out... for some reason? "Hey, wake up." Darius channeled his [Perfect Mimicry] and channeled the powers of a small yellow rat loved by many people, sending a small shock that brought the boy up to consciousness- Only for him to see, face first, the largest cock he has ever seen in his entire 17 years of life. 

It was long and fucking thick, a weapon of mass destruction, if you will. 


"Get up... Or would I need to punish you?" There was a dark threat in his voice but a small dark desire in his eyes, both promised pain and maybe pleasure. "What's your name, fox boy?" 


"Well then, Haru, I guess I need to punish you, huh?" 

Haru had no time to react because Darius picked him up and threw him into the large pool. The boy hadn't even taken his clothes off, so he flailed for a moment until- Slapsh! Darius walked slowly towards the pool and sank into it, he was so tall that the water only reached halfway to his chest, from his eight pack, four were covered by the crystalline water. His hairy body looked even more enticing to look at. The blood easily washed away from his body and made the crystalline water have a shade of red: "..." 

Well, he can fix this. 

"Dia Fratel." Two words. With just two words, a diamond shaped red crystal manifested in the water, the red blood that made the water dirty simply vanished, making the water be crystal clear once again. Looking down at the fox boy, Haru, who pushed his head out of the water, Darius grinned: "Come here, little fox." The wet fox couldn't do anything but comply, his aura had this purple coloration that showed his fear but the moment he looked at him, it got this soft pale pink coloration. He shyly approached, and when he was in range, Darius simply picked him up: "Nobody ever told you that you shouldn't take a bath with clothes on?" Without any sort of warning, Darius ripped Haru's clothes apart, making the boy suddenly gasp. His body was pale and his skin soft, he had a small birth mark on the left side of his chest, and he was completely hairless. "Heh, you're adorable at least." 

"A-ah..." Haru, blushing, started to cry: "N-now nobody will marry me!" 

"...what?" Darius.exe is confused.

Instead of answering, the boy cried.

"..." What the fuck? Marry him? Isn't he, like, one of the whores of Ishtar? I mean, she did say he was a virgin, maybe that's what he's talking about? "Shut it." Darius pulled the boy in a breathtaking kiss- Haru's eyes widened as he felt the powerful tongue of the larger man push into his mouth, inexperienced and shy, he didn't know what to do, but he had to do absolutely nothing because Darius just took care of it all. They made out for some time, and when Darius pulled back, Haru's whole face was completely red and he was panting, tears at the corner of his eyes- 

"Fuck-" Darius couldn't help but curse: "-if marriage is the hol' up, then fine, I'll marry you." Rolling his eyes, Darius just took the boy and pressed him to his chest, his buttocks pressing against his cock: "Shall we go right for the honey moon?" It was at that moment that Haru felt a big and thick thing press against his back- He stuttered random noises as his face became too red, this small amount of steam floating out of his head. "...okay, this is weird." 

Darius decided to just finger him, fucking the fox boy's little prostate with his fingers until the fox boy came, he cried a little more about how no one woupd marry him anymore until Darius simply forced him silent with another kiss and told him he'd take responsibility of whatever, just to shut him up.

-Scene Cut-

And that was Haru's "punishment", he was teased and had his prostate abused by thick fingers for an entire night. 

But yesterday was yesterday and today is today, and today was Haru's first training. And Darius was not one to go easy on his subordinates after all. "Souma, can you show me his status?" 

"Sure, Darius."



Name: Sanjouno Haru

Level: 1

Age: 17


Strength: 88 [I]

Endurance: 108 [H]

Dexterity: 100 [H]

Agility: 89 [I]

Magic: 586 [D]




*Uchide no Kozuchi


"...need more training." Darius sighed- Seriously, this kid is too weak.