
Cantrip [#2]

Ezhno woke up amongst the trees- The world had gone to chaos... He spent four days running and teleporting with [Blink] until he was far away from civilization, civilization which broke apart and was taken over by an army of these creatures calling themselves [Agoths]. The moment he reached the forest, the world had already been taken over, and humanity had become an enslaved race- He felt kinda guilty, but how was he supposed to know that this would become real!? But hey, at least he has a large cock! Goddammit, it's literally 2 feet long and 20 inches thick- How is he even going to use it? There's also the problem that he is literally obsessed with the concept of [Love] in such an unhealthy level that he would totally kidnap some random guy to be with him forever, and the option does seem like something interesting to do!

His body, his race, was completely changed - He is way stronger and faster than he ever was in his entire life, his muscles were large and could easily break stone and uproot trees, he could even eat raw meat if he wanted to. Using his magic several times is mentally tiring, but he can deal with it easily, seeing as this new body makes him tire slower than he would've if he was human. His long tongue (5 feet long) was like an entire new appendage that he had to learn how to control, but once he learned he became a master at using it to do things. He could lick his own skin to close shallow wounds, as his saliva had some healing properties, it was also very slick and slippery too, and when he was hungry it would drip from his skull face... He had eyes. They were completely red and could see in the dark easily enough. He could hear and smell way better, too, and he could also hide in plain sight.

He was a natural hunter, so good at stalking his prey that they wouldn't even notice him!

Until, of course, he met this child - a small 5 year old boy - and he immediately knew this was the one he was supposed to protect for 1 year due to his [Defend the Helpless] quest. His name was Greg, and he was an innocent young boy who was separated from his family as they ran away. They ended up entering another portal, but this one was green, and they didn't even notice they left him behind... Ahote really felt for the little one, taking him into his nest, where he slept the whole night after crying his eyes out. Ezhno completely isolated himself from the outside world, trying to keep himself safe from the invasive forces of the [Agoths] that sought to dominate the entire multiverse.

Today, on the 7th day ever since the world went to shit and on the 3rd day ever since Ezhno came to this forest, and on the 2nd day ever since he met Gregory, Ezhno finally finished his nest! He made it inside of a large empty tree trunk, where he placed the bones and skin of animals he hunted as well as dry leaves and sticks. He laid there and slept quickly, because the bones and sticks did nothing to his thick skin other than tickle a little, so he had Gregory sleeping on top of his large stomach- Another problem was clothing, having his 1,5 feet long soft cock dangling was not comfortable, so he had to make an underwear out of the hide of animals and leaves, but it was easier to say than do! Fire was also a thing because although he can use [Wellness] and [Vigor] to keep Gregory healthy, he needs to feed him something other than raw meat! He did not take any fire cantrip, so he had to try and learn, which was harder to do- He tried chanting random words and pointing his finger to dry leaves. He tried to even vomit on the leaves, but nothing worked- So What he did? Simple! He went to the nearest city and raided the supermarket in the middle of the night using the spell [Pocket] to store everything inside.

He was naturally stealthy thanks to his Monster origin, plus he had the [Murk] and [Mask] spells that hid his presence and appearance away, and that day he saw how the world had changed- The streets were completely empty save for a few lonely beasts and [Agoths] that were patrolling the steets, he managed to get inside the supermarket and get everything he needs before leaving with [Blink]. It was so easy that he did it several times in one night, getting clothes, food, books, and useful things to use inside a forest such as matches for a campfire!

"Good morning, pup." He didn't sleep the whole night, but he was energetic as ever as he greeted the little one Gregory - His hair was a tiny mess, and his body had a few cuts here and there from the sticks and bones, so he quickly touched him while saying a few words before the spell [Healing Hands] activated, healing the damage on the boy's body. "Hungry?" Gregory simply nodded. He was still a little sad that his dad and family left him behind, but he was also grateful that the big monster dude was friendly and helped him instead of eating him like his small mind told him to- Ah, surprise? Gregory is a reincarnated person! He was actually a she in her past life, living a recluse and sheltered lifestyle until the day she died lonely inside her giant mansion, since she was a rich lady. For the first time ever, she got to experience life and family love with her new father and mother, but at the last moment before safety, his mother threw them away so she could run faster.

Regardless, now he had someone else that was taking care of him - he knew that this big guy was meant to protect him, he felt it deep in his bones.

"Here, have this." Gregory soon found on his hands a chocolate bar? He looked up at the big monstrosity, who was now wearing underwear! Although it looked really tight and uncomfortable on his body: "Oh this? Uhm, it's kinda awkward to wear clothes that aren't that big you know? I'm trying to make a robe that will cover most of my body. That way, i don't have to wear uncomfortable things anymore." Ezhno really wanted to take this underwear off - It was very uncomfortable! It was too tight, and it hurt a little bit.

Regardless, he did do something productive today! He did math.

He needs to spend 1095 days inside a forest and away from civilization, which roughly translates to 26,298 hours inside this forest! He has a lot of time for a lot of things, and most of the time, he will spend training his Cantrips to make them stronger so he can protect himself and this little guy! It's his quest, after all... 'Status.'




Name: Ahote Ezhno | Age: 25 | Race: Monster (Wendigo)


Home Away From Home (You must create a stable home on the other side of one of the portals).

- Time: 1 Month

(+5 Points)

Call of the Wild (You must live out in the wild, supported by nothing but your skills and magic and what you grow or hunt yourself. You can live only in structures you make and can't spend 20% of your time close to civilizations.)

- Time: 3 Years

(+20 Points)

Let No Weight Slip My Hand (You must spend at least 1 hour per day for 3 months exercising rigorously. This could be running, lifting weights, fighting, or any other physical activity that improves your body)

- Time: 3 months

(+5 Points)

Let my mouth tell no lies (You can not deliberately speak lies. You can, however, omit the truth).

- Time: 3 months

(+5 points)

Defend the Helpless (You will come upon a helpless being, who you will have to protect its life for the next year)

- Time: 1 Year

(+1 Tier to all Protection Spells)

[World Quest]

The Resistance: Shortly after the portals opened, your world was invaded by enemy forces that have taken over Earth! You cannot stop this, but you can train and grow stronger so you can one day take back your world, form a resistance against these invaders.

Time - 10 Years

(Double All Points)


×[Attack Cantrips]×

[Bleed] -

Method: [Chant (-2 Points): 4 seconds of words or gestures. Can hold the spell for 1 minute after casting] <Tier 1>

Target: [Harmful (-4 Points): The target must have tried to harm you in the last five minutes and be within 60 feet of you] <Tier 2>

Damage: [Old Wounds (-3 Points): Multiple cuts appear on the target, focusing mostly on old wounds they've taken previously, which bleeds freely for the duration of the cantrip] <Tier 1>

Duration: [3 Minutes (-3 Points): Wounds bleed for at least 3 minutes, strongly resisting healing and clotting during this time.] <Tier 2>

[Ray of Frost] -

Range: [40 feet (-1 Point): Increases range to 40 feet.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Jagged (-5 Points): Ice forms sharp spikes, piercing the target or otherwise restricting movement.] <Tier 2>

Intensity: [Moderately (-3 Points): Decreases speed by 30%] <Tier 1>

Duration: [10 Minuted (-2 Points): Ice and slow effects last for 10 minutes] <Tier 1>

[Fist] -

Style: [Combo (-2 Points): Energy influences both hands and is expanded after four hits. Energy grants basic knowledge on punching and blocking] <Tier 1>

Power: [Strong (-4 Points): The strength of the punch is increased 20 times] <Tier 2>

Effect: [Echoing (-3 Points): The impact of the hit vibrates through armor and thin barriers, hitting what is behind them.] <Tier 2>

Type: [Counter (-2 Points): You can use an energy-infused body part to block an attack, killing the kinetic energy of the blow and using it to enchant your next attack.] <Tier 1>

□[Defense Cantrips]□

[Forcedisk] -

Size: [Medium (-2 Points): The size of a manhole cover] <Tier 1>

Type: [Anchored (-2 Points): Can be attached to an object and move alongside it when the object is moved. Provides resistance to the object relative to the disk's strength] <Tier 1>

Power: [Moderate (-2 Points): Can endure a few thousand pounds of force before breaking]

Duration: [3 Minutes (-3 Points): Lasts three minutes before vanishing] <Tier 2>

[Denumbra] -

Density: [Umbral (-5 Points): Perfectly dark, reflects no light, and even absorbs some forms of energy] <Tier 3>

Shape: [Distorted (-3 Points): Twists and shifts can be used to create temporary tendrils and barriers] <Tier 2>

Substance: [Heavy (-2 Points): Substance of thick fog. Slightly slows foreign kinetic energy] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Moderately (-2 Points): Focus drifts from your form. Resistable]

[Toughness] -

Method: [Chant (-2 Points): Chants for 5 seconds alongside physical contact for 1 second] <Tier 1>

Target: [Bone (-8 Points): Grants secondary power depending on the essence (Flesh+Muscle+Bones)] <Tier 3>

Essence: [Stone (-2 Points): Increases defense when in the flesh, quadruples strength when in the muscle, grants knock back attacks when in the bone] <Tier 1>

Duration: [12 Minutes (-1 Point): Lasts for 12 minutes] <Tier 1>

♡[Healing Cantrips]♡

[Healing Hands] -

Method: [Gesture (-6 Points): A simple gesture that takes less than 1 second] <Tier 3>

Shape: [Loose (-2 Points): The healing aura can spread out several inches from your the palm kf your hand, but it is partially blocked by non-living objects.] <Tier 1>

Intensity: [Moderate (-3 Points): Encourages natural healing at 200 faster than the normal healing, acts as though general medicine care gas been given.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [5 Minutes (-5 Points): The healing aura will last for 5 minutes and remove the required focus.] <Tier 3>

[Vigor] -

Method: [Chant (-1 Point): 5 seconds of chanting and 1 second skin contact with the target] <Tier 1>

Target: [Cleansing (-3 Points): Provides energy of a long nap. Body is cleaned as if taken a shower, slows dirtying while the spell lasts] <Tier 1>

Type: [Another (-1 Point): You can cast this spell on someone else] <Tier 1>

Duration: [1 Minute (0 Points): Effects of spell last 1 minute. Instantaneous effects do not vanish.] <Tier 0>


Method: [Words (-3 Points): 3 seconds of complicated words, followed by 1 second of physical contact] <Tier 2>

Intensity: [Lingering (-2 Points): The effects last a little after the spell ends] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Recuperating (-5 Points): Grants a large boost to the immunity system, granting resistance to diseases, toxins, poisons, and others. Greatly increases te speed of recovery.] <Tier 2>

Duration: [1 Hour (-1 Point): Spell effects lasted for 1 hour, and lingering effects last for another 45 minutes] <Tier 1>

°•°●[Summon Cantrips]●°•°

[Animal Friend] -

Size: [Small (-1 Point): Can confortably fit on your lap or a chair.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Intelligent (-2 Points): Has roughly human levels of intelligence, but a mentality that roughly translates to their instincts] <Tier 1>

Disposition: [Obedient (-2 Points): It obeys your commands unless it strongly disagrees with them.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [1 Hour (-1 Point): The creature stays for 1 hour before vanishing.] <Tier 1>

[Infestation] -

Density: [Thick (-2 Points): House-sized swarm of tiny insects, thick enough to hinder visibility] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Alarming (-3 Points): Large and induces a strong avatic fear response] <Tier 1>

Range: [50 feet (-1 Point): Can be summoned within 50 of you, and can move twice that range away from you.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [5 Minutes (-1 Point): Swarm last about t minutes before vanishing] <Tier 1>

[Seance] -

Method: [Ritual (-1 Point): 15 seconds of words and gestures] <Tier 1>

Bond: [Communicate (0 Points): You can call a spirit to communicate with you, only you will be able to see and speak to this spirit. It will also stay in the immediate area around you.] <Tier 0>

Range: [Local (-1 Point): You can draw spirits that match a given criteria within an area of 100 miles around you or another location connected to the spirit if you know its name.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Nature Spirits (-3 Points): You can call upon the spirits of nature, such as trees or rivers] <Tier 1>

~◇[Interaction Cantrips]◇~

[Mask] -

Depth: [Thin (-0 Points): The effect is thin, can hide you from those who are not aware of your presence, or are distracted.] <Tier 0>

Nature: [Observable (-1 Point): Hides your major features. Those who see you will not be able to remember details about your appearance] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Obscure (-0 Points): Whatever is being hidden is immune to detection magic while also making it clear that it is being hidden] <Tier 0>

Duration: [3 Hours (-2 Points): It lasts for 3 hours before ending] <Tier 1>

[Message] -

Range: [200 Feet (-2 Points): Target must be within 200 feet of you to establish the message bond, can not go twice that distance, or else the spell fails] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Translated (-1 Point): Your words are received and translated perfectly. Your intent too, in whatever language the target knows best.] <Tier 1>

Response: [Meaning (-1 Point): You can understand the meaning behind the words the target sends you back.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [5 Minutes (-1 Point): Lasts for 5 minutes before it ends] <Tier 1>

□[Manipulation Cantrips]□

[Fog] -

Density: [Thick (-1 Point): Thick enough to obscure vision] <Tier 1>

Substance: [Cloudy (-1 Point): Mist can be concentrated to imitate a cloud, making it rain and even snow] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Cloying (-0 Points): Fog provides a vague sense of where those inside it are] <Tier 0>

Range: [40 feet (-2 Points): Fog must be within 40 feet of you and can not be more than 10 feet wide.] <Tier 1>

[Murk] -

Thickness: [Thick (-1 Point): Cloud is thick and makes it harder to see what is inside. Lights have a hard time illuminating the cloud] <Tier 1>

Contents: [Empty (-0 Points): Cloud is just magical darkness] <Tier 0>

Effect: [Concealing (-0 points): Magic cloud only affects light] <Tier 0>

Range: [30 feet (-2 Points): Can be cast within a 30-foot diameter within 20 feet of the caster.] <Tier 1>

[Hideaway] -

Entrance: [Lockable (-1 Point): An obvious door that can be locked] <Tier 1>

Size: [Medium (-1 Point): The size of an average living room, with a couple of (0 tier) smaller side rooms] <Tier 1>

Contents: [Empty (-0 Points): Completely empty except for walls, ceiling, and floor. Items can be brought inside but will be forced out once spell ends.] <Tier 0>

Duration: [6 Hours (-1 Point): Lasts for 6 hours, can create up to 2 Hideaways at the same time.] <Tier 1>

<~○[Effect Cantrips]○~>

[Blink] -

Method: [Words (-3 Points): A word that takes 1 second to say] <Tier 2>

Type: [Shift (-1 Point): Displacement is silent, no longer with a loud bang] <Tier 1>

Target: [Friend (-2 Points): Can teleport yourself alongside someone else or items with an equal amount of 300 pounds of weight] <Tier 1>

Range: [400 feet (-3 Points): Can teleport up to 400 points of distance with either a clear line of sight or clear visualization of the location] <Tier 1>

[Pocket] -

Size: [Medium (-1 Point): Portals are 3 feet across] <Tier 1>

Type: [Supported (-2 Points: Must be laid in a flat surface] <Tier 1>

Range: [25 Feet (-2 Points): Must be within 25 feet of you. Two portals can be opened at the same time.] <Tier 1>

Volume: [Moderate (-3 Points): 700 cubic of volume, it has a basic featureless floor, can be divided into separate pocket dimensions of several different sizes. The same dimension persists after the spell ends, keeping you items safe.] <Tier 0>

[Featherfall] -

Method: [Words (-2 Points): 2 seconds of words that activate the spell] <Tier 1>

Target: [Another (-1 Point): Can target someone else within 40 feet of you while also targeting yourself.] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Float (-2 Points): Can floating up and down freely, defying gravity for the duration of the spell. If the target is an inanimate object, you control its movements] <Tier 1>

Duration: [10 Minutes (-1 Point): Lasts for 10 minutes. Once the spell ends, the target will receive the weakest form of this spell, drifting or 1 minute.] <Tier 1>



'Huh.' He had a lot of them to work with- The ones he should he really focusing on right now are the [Attack] cantrips and the [Defense] cantrips, to always have a way to defend himself - He pointed his finger towards a tree and this thin beam of bright blue color bursted out of his fingertip, smashing against the tree trunk 30 feet away from him before it exploded into a shower of frost and ice spikes around the tree, covering a good part of the tree in frost for about 10 minutes, upon which the ice completely shattered and faded away as if it was never there to begin with. He also tested the [Forcedisk] cantrip to make this manhole cover sized disk that he could attach to something to move alongside it, like the little bracelet on Gregory's wrist!

He focused next on his next objective: A robe.

He found one on the shops he invaded and stole from, but they were too small for his large body, so he decided to sew them together to make a large one or get a large cloth to make a giant robe.

In the end, he and Gregory ate good food before going through what would become their daily routines for the next year: Ezhno put the boy on his shoulders, got on all fours, and trod across the forest, patrolling his territory to make sure there weren't any invaders or enemies within- To make it easier on his, he cast the spells [Fog] to surround them in a circle (It made so others couldn't see them, he could see through his fog as he was the caster of the spell!) as well as [Murk] to hide away their bodies from magical light before using [Mask] to keep them from being detected by any form of detection. Both [Murk] and [Mask] required focus to keep the effects. It was a headache to keep them, but he was able to keep both up at the same time, which made him proud of himself.

He was making quick progress thanks to his [Monster] biology, which made it easier on him to cast magic.