
Arcane [#5]

"Hold on tight, we're going fast now!" Powder held tightly onto the fur of the beast as the ran through the streets of The Lanes, there was a large crowd and he didn't want to catch their attention, since it was always a bad thing to do in the Undercity! He came to a halt before his eyes calculated a safe route to take- jumping to the side and sinking his claws into the wall, Poison used his [Stealth] skill to erase his presence and began climbing the wall with Powder hanging from him- He focused for a second and vines bursted out of his back as wrapped around the little girl before she could fall and tied her to him so he could take an alternate route to Ekko's place. "Get ready, this is going to be a ride!" He chuckled as Powder, who was screaming a few seconds ago, felt the adrenaline kick in and rush through her veins- She felt like she was flying!

Being tightly held on her arms was the little Poro, Acid was shouting excited like his owner as they runned up the walls, jumping from pipe to pipe, feeling the rush of the wind in their hair as they dropped from feets in the air just to have their fall broken by a bed of vines and fuffly white mushrooms. "Hahahah!" Powder was laughing alongside Poison as Acid jumped up and down on top of her head, feeling excited still as they came to Ekko's place, where the Little Man lived alongside Benzo, the owner of this place... Benzo's Pawn Shop of course was the place, Powder was pushed forward by Poison to go ahead and call out to Ekko, who slept above the shop on his room. He hid in the shadows since he was a scary werewolf 12 year old who was going to take two 10 year old kids to play with him in the sewers.

It took some time but soon Ekko and Powder came jumping off the top and slid down the pipe: "So, where's Poison?" The little Ekko asked jumped back when the wolf's head appeared in front of him, upside-down as he hanged from the ceiling being held by vines. "How does he do that?" Ekko whispered to himself as Powder just moved her shoulders in a 'I don't know' gesture as Poison opened his hand, from where Acid walked over his arm onto the palm and sat there, looking cutely at Ekko: "Awwnn~ He's so cute! What is he?" Little Man picked up the little white Poro with a green helmet (with black stripes and a white skull) and stared at him as Acid made little Poro noises. "He's a Poro, there aren't many down here for some reason, but i got him from... Somewhere else. We live at my home, I wanna take you two there, if you wanna come!" They both heard of Poison's home, or how he talks about his home, it sounded wonderful but they all just thought it wasn't real due to the fact he described it as a paradise on earth...

So, curiousity took over, and they agreed to go with him.

"But we gotta take an alternate route!" He chuckled, he could take two kids up his back, but be didn't want because he would tire out before getting home so guiding them to his home was something he wanted to do for the sake of convenience. "Come, come." He turned around and looked up to the extensive walls and pipeworks, he jumped high and grabbed the pipe, lowering a rope of vines and roots he pulled both kids up to him and ran from above- Unaware that he was being followed by three other kids.

-Scene Cut-

"What is that guy- Wolf?" Mylo huffed a breath as Vi pulled him up, Claggor had this spyglass as he observed the large wolf humanoid jump from pipe to pipe, helping the other two kids following him when they couldn't jump on their own or when they were having any difficulty on following. ""We need to catch up, we're almost loosing them!" Vi cursed under her breath as she heard Claggor exclaiming, running through the pipes and jumping as she ran, hanging from place to place and pipe to pipe, swiftly and with Proficiency gainin speed just like Claggor and Mylo behind her. She was suspicious of that Poison guy, mostly because he looked dangerous with that scar and that wolf-like physiology and those dangerous claws that she saw sinking into iron easily- She dreaded what it could to do human flesh.

They followed them from a distance and watched as vines and roots always seemed to follow that guy's command, and they all thought of only one thing: Magic.

That put dread upon their hearts, knowing that guy also had magic in his arsenal besides those dangerous claws that tear through steel! "Some people are born lucky, i guess." Vi whispered before they continued following them- Until, they entered a large pipe, the trio of other kids quickly followed after, climbing up this weird pipe thingy that was weirdly full of vines and roots, with glowing mushrooms and several firelights... Green flying bugs that left behind this trail of reen fire behind as they flew past, making this beautiful scene of many little firelights fluttering around. They actually illuminated this dark tunnel, making it easier for them to go down the pipe, and the deeper they went, the more... Green the pipe became, with moss and soft grass growing on it, vines hanging from the ceiling of the pipe making it a little harder to see deep down the tunnel- Vi held onto Mylo as he almost fell forward, as the tunnel ended abruptly into a fall, and in the middle of this fall was a giant tree, Mylo would've fallen onto one of the branches of the tree, but their stunned silence screamed a thousand words as they saw the living proof of green life that wasn't toxic- on the Undercity!

"See!? This is my home." They looked down as down there stood, Poison, Powder, and Litte Man alongside a white and fluffy thing with a helmet on its head- They soon noticed the many trees down there, with much food, water, and shelter here: "T-this place is a paradise!" Mylo whispered from where he hanged, Vi and Claggor couldn't believe what they were seeing: "Wow!" Vi broke out of her stupefied state as she heard her sister laugh about something she couldn't see, but she heard the grinding of stone on stone and the gasp of Ekko as Poison said with his growly voice: "Oh, this is Mushroom! They're my... friend."

-Scene Cut-

'Oh my Janna!' He kept a cool expression outside, but inside he was going feral! The golem worked! Standing in front of him was the metal, stone, and plants that grew out of the golem's body- it was a beautiful being, with two holes on top of the head for eyes where a green glow emanated, there were several firelights on top of the golem, and on the chest of the golem stood the green glowing rune stone that he made to be the golem's heart! It worked, and he was so proud of himself for making it! He panicked for a second on naming it, but then he saw the brown mushroom growing on the left shoulder of the golem and decided to name it Mushroom! It's a cute name and he liked it, not a bad name for the first golem he has ever created.

"Uhm, Mushroom?" Powder, the ever loving curious little girl that she was, did not let the opportunity to question something go and went straight to the naming abilities Poison had- I mean, he's named Poison for Janna's sake! "Well, yeah! Look-" He pointed at the brown mushrooms growing on the golem's left shoulder with a grin as he looked at the other kids: "See? Mushrooms." Ekko facepalmed as Powder just snorted- "Regardless of my naming sense, i brought you guys here because i wanted to show you- This!" He made a flourishing gesture to the large tree, there was two swings alongside a slide going down from the top, there were rope ladders and platforms all around the tree, courtesy of Poison's hardworking hand. He worked so hard that he got two new skills and level them up to level 4 in one day!


Name: Poison

HP: 500/500

MP: 500/500

SP: 500/500

Gender: Male

Ttles: [Reborn], [Magicborn], [Born from Misery], [Survivor], [Chimera]

[Reborn: You have been Reborn from another world!

+ Unique Skill]

[Magicborn: You were born with an innate magical ability!

+ Magic Skill]

[Born from Misery: You were born in a place where misery is a normal occurrence, you're used to it.

+ Antipathy Skill]

[Survivor: You survived something someone weaker would surely die from.

+ Defy Death skill]

[Chimera: You are the amalgamation of two or more different creatures put together into something better, with more power.

+ Skills, Status, 5 Levels]

Lvl: 13 (+5 per lvl)

Class: [Thief lvl 8]


Str: 25

End: 25

Vit: 25

Agi: 30

Dex: 30

Int: 20

Wis: 20

Char: 20

Will: 29

Extra Stat Points: 85


Passive Skills: [Parkour lvl 8], [Sprinting lvl 8], [Polearm Proficiency lvl 2], [Poison Resistance lvl 18], [Disease Resistance lvl 13], [Pain Resistance lvl 22], [Acid Resistance lvl 10], [Regeneration lvl 5], [Eternal Hunger lvl 6], [Sharp Senses lvl 6], [Natural Weapon Proficiency lvl 7], [Self Control lvl 8], [Tailoring lvl 5], [Climbing lvl 5], [Woodworking lvl 4], [Crafting lvl 4]

Active Skills: [Innate Magic: Nature lvl 2], [Antipathy lvl 3], [Fear Howl lvl 3], [Bloodlust lvl 4]

Class Skills: [(A) Stealth lvl 9], [(P) Crime lvl 10], [(A) Silent Steps lvl 7]

Unique Skills: [Inventory lvl 2], [Defy Death lvl 1]


"Wow..." Grinnig at the awe they had witnessing the product of his hard work, Poison soon received a notification:

[Congratulations, you managed to create a Sentient (With feelings and instincts, like an animal) Creature with your [Nature Magic]! You received the title:

Golem Creator: You managed to create life in the form of a Golem!

+ Magicraft skill]

[Magicraft lvl 1: You can create things with and of magic.]

The description was really vague and did not give him any idea of what he could and couldn't make... Could he make Hextech-like things? Maybe, he'll have to try later. "Mushroom here can't speak, but they can feel and think, so be mindful of that okay?" Poison warned the due of kids- Snap! The sound of a branch breaking caught his attention, he inhaled the scents around him in a whiff before he froze- there were other people here.

In his home.

Now, nature's a force to be reckoned with- it can be... Unpredictable sometimes, so when he felt the danger of people around, his first thought was: 'I need to protect this place.' And so, everything let loose to protect this place-

From below his feet, roots and vines shot to the sky, creating a dome and closing every single exit and entrace, he also willed Powder and Little Man to be tied by vines and roots to make a protective cocoon around them to act as a shield in case he has to fight, and at last but not least, the firelights around him all flew up and started to swarm everywhere with their green light, forming this giant clouds of bugs thay illuminated the recent darkness creted by the dome of vines and roots that followed the desire to protect their home. "In the name of Janna, come out of your hiding." He imagined anything, but a pink-haired girl falling from the tree above him with her hand stretched forward in a superman pose puching him wasn't one of them!

There was an echoing cracking sound as his jaw cracked and broke, since the impact of the hit was placed in a way it hit his jaw alone- and this girl was surprisingly strong for a kid like her.

She landed on her feet after the impact broke off Poison's jaw, making the wolf boy whine in pain as he heard a male voice echoing from the back: "We're gonna take you out of there!" Followed by muffled sounds of confusion, but he couldn't focus on it... The taste of blood entered his mouth!

[Bloodlust activated.]

[All status except [Will] +50% for 4 minutes]

[-50% Will]

[You are now dangerously close to loosing control.]

[Self Control is now level 9]

He wanted to tear this girl apart, but he pulled back, only to swipe his claw wide up, making her dodge it easily.

He wanted blood.