
Alchemist [#2]: Beginning

Ah, the beginning area.

A seemingly normal village with wooden houses, little flower gardens, and seemingly normal residents. The only interesting aspect of this place was that once you leave it, you can no longer return to it! Everyone just thought it was a feature and thay this place was only meant to be a place where you could get your class and a few smills before being done with it, only Stiles knew by now that this place was not normal.

First off, this place has a lot- And i mean, a LOT of secrets. 

Even Stiles himself hadn't find them all in his past life! He found a bunch of them, like how he could unlock a bunch of useful skills that he will use later on, or how to get at least five Legendary classes inside this place! "Ah, is that a Treant? Haven't seen anyone pick that race in a long time." Stiles came back to himself to see a small petite girl with black hair and black eyes stare at him with a cold face, her only remarkable features was the rather cute cat ears and tail she had. Stiles knew who she was! "Anyway, I'm your guide, you can call me B!" B, or rather, Bastet- The Goddess of Luck, Protection, and Disasters! She acted as the guide for new players, you could ask her where to go inside the Beginner Area and she would tell you where to go and how to go there. "Anyway, here, take this Beginner's Kit."

Ah, the Beginner's Kit. 

Feeling nostalgia burn in his bones, Stiles smiled at the Goddess and said: "Thank you Bastet." The reaction he got was instantaneous!

[The Goddess Bastet is surprised by your seemingly inhuman perception skills.]


"Oh, don't worry, I'm just a really knowledgeable immortal." That's what every single player has been called through the whole game- An Immortal. Well, they do revive whenever they die, so the name isn't wrong! "Tell me right now, Immortal, how did you find out!?" Her personality was exactly as he remembered hers to be! "Oh, don't worry about it." 

"Tell me, dammit!" Like a cat, whenever she sees something that makes her curious, she will chase after it until she gets what she wants. It's adorable to an extent. "Well, I'll tell you if you give me something... A quest for your blessing?" The way Bastet's eyes narrowed meant she was considering it, Stiles has had to reset his character in his past life so many times that he learned the personality this goddess has the most! And better yet? Once he takes and completes a quest given by her, no one else can! "Hm... Fine." Reluctantly, Bastet agreed to give him a quest, which he received immediately!

[Quest Received!]

[Name: Tell Me!]

[Description: Bastet is curious about how you know her. 

Objective: Answer Bastet's question.

Reward: Bastet's Blessing of Good Luck, Super Luck Status Unlocked, +50 Super Luck]

"Well-" Stiles grinned- this was going to be so easy! "-i was one of your people once." There was shock in the Goddess' face: "In fact, i know every single God in the Floating City of Agavaron." The Floating City of Agavaron, also known as the Beginner Area, where every single NPC is a Legendary NPC that is also a Divine Being. "So, that's how i know who you are!" He answered her question, which completed the quest, which meant he would get Bastet's Blessing as she is required to give it to him as a reward for completing a quest!

"B-but- I'M SO CURIOUS!" Bastet shouted: "How!? Fucking how!?" 

"Are you giving me another quest? This time the reward has to be better though." 

"Fuck-" Bastet kicked the ground angrily- She couldn't give him another quest, since she has given him one already! "-just, take it already, it's not like i want to know all your secrets or something." A small golden sphere was thrown by the catgirl, impacting him in the chest and fusing with his very game character and being! 

[You received the blessing of the Goddess Bastet!]

[As the first player to receive a Goddess' blessing, you unlocked the achievement: Blessed One]

[+5 Unassigned Stat Points]

[Bastet's Blessing of Good Luck

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: A blessing given by the cat goddess of Luck, Protection, and Disasters! This blessing has all three aspects in one!

Effects -

Out of Combat: Outside of combat, this blessing increases your luck in very positive ways. You may find yourself more lucky in some days as this blessing passively increases your luck randomly between 5-to-50% every game day (24 Game Hours = 1 Real World Hour), increasing the probability of many things.

In Combat: This blessing activates, giving you many benefits! 

+50% Dodging (Non-applicable to AOE damage)

+50% Crit Rate (Critical Damage doubles your damage)

+10% chance of activating the Skill: [Protection of the Gods] when attacked while having beneath 10% HP.

[Protection of the Gods: Creates a barrier surrounding your body, making you immune to all and every type of damage for 2 seconds]

"Well, thank you very much Bastet, I'll be on my way now-" Stiles turned around and gave his back to the Goddess while counting inside his head with a hidden mischievous grin on his lips: 'One, two, three... Right about now~'

"Wait!" Screamed the cat goddess: "I want to know still!"

Stiles sighed softly- His plan was coming along beautifully! "Well, you could try to convince another God to give me a quest too, the reward has to be their blessings too." And here comes the main part of his plan- Entice the Goddess Bastet with any information he might be able to give, answer her questions vaguely while also making sure to egg on her curiosity as much as possible! Stiles is sure she has at least a few favors with a few other Gods so she can call in those favors to get them to give quests to him with the reward being their blessings. 

"Uhm... okay." I mean, they're just blessings! They have blessed mortals before, so what difference makes blessing an Immortal? It's not really that big of a deal.


Name: Glory Edge 

Lvl: 01

Race: Treant

Titles: [Blessed One]

Class: None

HP (Vit×5): 25/25

MP (Int×5): 25/25

SP (End×5): 25/25

USP (Unassigned Stat Points): 05


[Starter Stats: 5]

Strength (STR): 5 - Increases weight carrying and physical damage

Endurance (END): 5 - Increases SP and physical damage resistance up to 10%

Vitality (VIT): 5 - Increases HP and resistance against long-term damage (Poison, Fire, Ice, etc) up to 10%

Dexterity (DEX): 5 - Increases dodging and hit rate

Agility (AGI): 5 - Increases attack and movement speed

Intelligence (INT): 5 - Increases magical damage and MP.

Wisdom (WIS): 5 - Increases MP regain, Cooldown Reduction up to a max of10%.

Willpower (WIL): 5 - Increases magical defense up to 10%

Special Stats

Superluck (LUK+): 50 - Better than the normal [Luck] stat, instead of increasing the drop rate by monsters by 00.5% with each point, increases drop rate by 0.5% by each point. 


Skills (And classes) are separated into Mundane, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, Epic, Legendary, qnd Mythical. 

Racial Skills: 

[Naturally Stealthy (Lvl 1)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon

Description: Increases stealth by 10% inside forests or areas of heavy vegetagion]

[Tree's Voice (Lvl 1)

Type: Active Skill

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Increases the growth speed of plants around you when you sing by 10%.]

Class Skills: 


Passive Skills: 

[Alchemy (Lvl 1): 

Type: Passive/Active Production Skill

Rank: Rare

Description: The ability to change one thing into another! Grants the ability to change, modify, and analyze materials and their components for the creation of items.

Active - [Transmute]

Description: Change one material into a higher quality material but lose 50% of the original material! (Ie: Wood to Stone, Stone to Iron, and so on)

Cost: 50 MP (×2 every change)]

Active Skills: 


Unique Skills

[Bastet's Blessing of Good Luck

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: A blessing given by the cat goddess of Luck, Protection, and Disasters! This blessing has all three aspects in one!

Effects -

Out of Combat: Outside of combat, this blessing increases your luck in very positive ways. You may find yourself more lucky in some days as this blessing passively increases your luck randomly between 5-to-50% every game day (24 Game Hours = 1 Real World Hour), increasing the probability of many things.

In Combat: This blessing activates, giving you many benefits! 

+50% Dodging (Non-applicable to AOE damage)

+50% Crit Rate (Critical Damage doubles your damage)

+10% chance of activating the Skill: [Protection of the Gods] when attacked while having beneath 10% HP.

[Protection of the Gods: Creates a barrier surrounding your body, making you immune to all and every type of damage for 2 seconds]

Ah... Stiles smiled seeing his status- This is just the first step to greatness.

He will still pledge his loyalty to the mob, because the benefits he would get from them outweighs the risks. 'But first i need to start the foundation of my life in the game, and then go find the Hales... But which one?' By now the only Hale Stiles knew where to find was the most dangerous one: Peter Hale. 

But there is one event that is going to happen thay Stiles remembers... The kidnapping of Lilliana Hale.

His daughter.