
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
86 Chs

7: Missions (2)

"Shouldn't you be in class, Cloud-chan?" - asked a beautiful blonde woman with honey-colored eyes. She was wearing white blouse that could barely contain her gigantic breasts, as well as a black skirt that clung to her large hips. She was the definition of eroticism, accompanying it with an honest and kind attitude, with a hint of confusion.

"Yes, but there's something I need to check first" - Cloud replied as he shook his head in the direction of Shizuka Marikawa, another of [Highschool of the Dead]'s main characters, as well as the group's nurse.

His encounter with her was mere coincidence, after a day of working overtime at his job, he ended up at a bar, a place where he found Shizuka in a clear state of drunkenness, being harassed by a group of men. He quickly stopped them and took the nurse away, who ended up vomiting in his bathroom.

Yes, their first encounter wasn't the most "romantic," but at least it was a start.

"Do you want me to give you another blowjob?" - Shizuka asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"As tempting as the offer is, now is not the time" - Cloud replied as he shook his head. Yes, that was the relationship he had with Shizuka, it was slightly erotic, though they never went beyond a certain limit for fear of being discovered, after all, the nurse had a huge future ahead of her, one she didn't want to lose.

Many people called her an idiot, but that was stupid, and Cloud knew it, after all, no stupid person could ever get a medical degree.

"Oh" - Shizuka nodded before returning to her work.

Cloud just smiled, though his expression changed as he watched the timer get closer and closer to completion, until it was finally time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[The plot has started, initiating the mission...]

[Mandatory mission: Make at least 3 of the original protagonists survive for more than 60 days. If more protagonists survive, the final grade will be higher]

[Secondary Mission 1 [Messiah] : Ensure the survival of the following secondary characters for the 60 days of the mission: Saya Takagi's parents, Alice's father, Airi Kawamoto, Miku Yuki, Kyoko Hayashi, Asami Nakaoka, Rika Minami] (The more survivors, the higher the final grade will be).

[Optional Mission 2 [Hunting Time]: Kill 1,000 zombies. The rank of the mission increases or decreases depending on the number of extra or remaining zombies]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"It's pretty much as I thought" - Cloud muttered before nodding and running back to the dojo, though not before telling Shizuka to have everything ready to escape.

The sexy blonde nurse gave the young man a confused look, though she quickly nodded. She trusted Cloud, so without hesitation she began to pack everything she needed.

* * * * *

"Don't you feel something strange, Teshima sensei?" - asked a beautiful woman in her early 30s. She had long dark brown hair. She was wearing a white office suit that matched her seductive body, large breasts and hips along with a small waist.

"I'm sorry, Kyoko sensei" - replied a man in his 30s who was wearing a sports tracksuit - "I don't feel anything weird."

Kyoko Hiyashi frowned slightly before she saw how someone seemed to be walking in their direction - "Look."

"What?" - Teshima asked as she looked in the direction where the woman was pointing - "What's weird about it?"

Kyoko continued to frown as she instinctively felt a deep fear.

"Hey, this is a private area!" - Teshima exclaimed as he approached the gate, however, the person who was walking towards the entrance, didn't seem to be listening to him - "Last warning, or we'll call the police!"

"Teshima sensei, I think we'd better back off" - Kyoko said in panic.

Teshima was about to calm her down, when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Without realizing it, the unknown man had come to his side and had given him a firm bite on the shoulder, to the point that blood had flown out.

"Kya!" - Kyoko let out a cry of terror as she watched Teshima fall to the ground, only to get up a few seconds later - "Teshima sensei?"

Teshima slowly walked over to where Kyoko was standing with blood still oozing from his shoulder.

Kyoko tried to back up as she crawled because she felt her legs not responding to her desires, though to her terror, Teshima was moving faster than her until he reached in front of her.

The brown-haired woman let out a high-pitched scream of terror that echoed throughout the schoolyard as she watched Teshima open his mouth, ready to take a bite out of her.

She slowly closed her eyes, awaiting her fate, though after a few seconds of "peace", she noticed that nothing was happening, so she slowly opened her eyes, only to see in terror how Teshima's head was falling a few feet away from her - "KYA!"

* * * * *

"Did you see that!" - Takashi exclaimed in terror.

"Strife just killed Teshima sensei!" - shouted a boy as he felt his crotch getting wet, though no one was paying attention to this detail.

"Didn't you notice?! Teshima got up after that man bit him and liters of blood came out of his wound!" - exclaimed another boy - "That thing was clearly a zombie!"

"A zombie?!" - exclaimed the other students as they looked at each other, as if trying to find the context of the situation, but no matter how hard they tried, there was no answer against all their doubts.

"Look, more of those guys are coming in our direction!" - exclaimed a boy with glasses, fearful because this scene is something that would be in a zombie movie.

"We have to find Saya" - said Rei while looking at her friends.

"You're right, Airi-chan is in that class" - replied Takashi in panic.

"Relax, those things aren't here yet, so it's possible that we'll find them before everything goes to shit" - said Miku as the three of them ran to their friend's classroom, though not before grabbing some items to defend themselves in case of emergency.

* * * * *

"What the fuck is going on!" - Saya exclaimed in terror - "Why is everyone going crazy!"

"Easy, Saya-chan" - exclaimed Airi as she took her friend's hand - "Come on, Hirano-kun, we have to meet up with the others!"

"Sorry" - muttered Kohta Hirano, a 17-year-old boy, fat and with glasses, the typical Otaku stereotype.

"Don't apologize, you haven't done anything wrong yet, not to mention that now we have to meet with the others" - Saya said as she drew a long sigh to calm herself down, after all, losing her cool was lethal in chaotic situations - "Let's go"

"Ok" - nodded Airi and Kohta.

* * * * *

"I didn't expect to see you ready to leave, Marikawa sensei" - Saeko said as she entered the infirmary.

"Cloud-chan told me to be ready, though I'm surprised it was you who came looking for me, Busujima-chan" - replied Shizuka as she cocked her head to the side - "What's going on?"

"I heard it's a zombie outbreak while running to the infirmary" - Saeko replied with a frown.

"I don't have anything against it" - muttered Shizuka before shaking her head - "Ok, let's go, we have to meet Cloud-chan".

"I was thinking the same thing" - replied Saeko as she decided to ignore for now why the sexy nurse was treating the boy who had gained her interest with such familiarity - "Let's go."

"Ok!" - Shizuka exclaimed earnestly as the two beautiful women walked out of the infirmary into the chaos.

* * * * *

"Please don't leave me behind!" - Kyoko exclaimed as she hugged the blond like a Koala - "I don't want to die!"

"Relax, I promise I'll protect you" - Cloud replied with a small smile to try to calm the woman down, although he had to admit that it was hard to fight with huge boobs pressing against his back.

Kyoko seemed to understand this, so she quickly let go of the blonde boy with her cheeks as red as tomatoes - "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, this is a normal thing" - Cloud replied while shaking his head. He wasn't lying to make the teacher feel better, this situation was something normal in human beings, it was something similar to when someone was drowning, they in desperation, would try to grab anything to stay afloat.

Kyoko nodded weakly, although the calm after that moment of tension, made her analyze all the information at once. She had not only survived death, but had also witnessed the murder of a colleague, and what was worse, she was standing next to the murderer.

"I'll explain the situation a bit, Kyoko sensei" - Cloud said as he noticed how the woman's body tensed up - "Teshima sensei was bitten by a zombie."

"Zombie?" - Kyoko repeated as she looked at the entrance, only to turn pale when she saw how a group of those... things... entered the school - "Oh no!"

Cloud looked back, though his expression changed as he began to hear the screams of the students - "Impossible, those things haven't gotten far enough through the gate yet! Unless..."

Cloud quickly poked his head out of a nearby window, only to turn pale as he saw how a sea of zombies were entering through the other entrances.


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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