
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · Tranh châm biếm
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86 Chs

63: New Student

"Let's get this over with quickly..." - muttered Chifuyu, who seemed on the verge of losing her patience - "Personal data."

"Cloud Strife, chronological age, 16 years old" - answered Cloud while shaking his head - "Physical age, 18 years old because of the experiments"

"Blood type" - said Chifuyu while ignoring the young man's words.

"Liquid" - Cloud replied sarcastically.

"Likes and dislikes" - muttered Chifuyu neutrally - "Current power level".

"Many things" - Cloud replied with boredom - "Unknown power level, though we could test it with a little battle, Chifuyu-san, I always wanted to know how strong the strongest woman in the world was"

"I don't have that title anymore" - Chifuyu said as she wrote on her sheet all the information she had gotten from the blond.

"If you say so..." - Cloud simply shrugged when he heard this.

"Did your eyes change because of the experiments too?" - Maya asked as she watched with surprise the strange reptilian pupil in the boy's beautiful blue eyes, though far from looking strange, these gave the young man a mysterious aura that made him more attractive.

"Yes" - nodded Cloud with a small smile, though inside he was starting to curse his hormones - "Request to have a room as far away from the female students of the academy as possible, from what I can detect, my hormones are starting to get out of control, possibly because of my almost null interaction with the opposite sex."

"Granted" - nodded Chifuyu with a small smile because this was perfect - "Yamada sensei will take you to your new home."

"Huh? Me?!" - Maya exclaimed with a red face as she felt how the boy's gaze again rested on her body. It was as if he was watching her completely naked, which was uncomfortable and exciting in equal parts - "Ok..."

* * * * *

"I'm sorry this has all been so awkward" - Cloud said as he couldn't take his eyes off the teacher's huge buttocks.

" It's o-ok, I understand it's hard for you too" - replied Maya with a sympathetic smile, although inside she was screaming because she felt that the young man was giving her the attention she hadn't received in all her past.

The two continued to move forward in silence until they reached what would be their new room.

"Thank you very much, Maya Yamada sensei" - Cloud said with a small toothy smile.

"Y-You don't have to thank me" - replied Maya as she blushed - "Y-You can call me Maya sensei."

"I understand, Maya-chan" - Cloud replied as he took her hand and gave her a quick kiss.

Maya began to feel her heart pounding as steam rose from her ears.

Cloud smiled slightly, though his expression changed to one of terror when he noticed what she was doing - "I'm sorry, Maya sensei! It's just that you..."

"D-Don't apologize, I-I understand what you're trying to say" - Maya said as she turned around, so he wouldn't notice her face red with embarrassment - "A-Anyway, I have some things to do, so I'll take my leave."

Cloud was about to say goodbye, when he felt something soft on his lips that made him open his eyes in surprise.

"S-See ya!" - Maya exclaimed after finishing the kiss before rushing off.

"What happened?" - Cloud asked as he touched his lips. He didn't understand how everything had happened so fast, though if he could read Maya's thoughts, he would more or less understand why.

* * *

"You idiot! You can't do that with the first boy who shows you attention and affection!" - Maya exclaimed in her thoughts as she felt her face heat up with every step she took as she remembered her very daring action.

She normally had a cool head, but the boy's constant seduction had worked better than he thought it would, to the point that Maya could feel how her "affinity" with him was at its peak in a few interactions, though it wasn't as if she was to blame for this, not when her male interactions could be counted with the fingers of her hand, and these had ended badly because of the men only caring about her breasts, which were too big for her liking.

"I better stop thinking about this..." - Maya muttered as she walked into the teacher's lounge, though no matter how many minutes passed, the kiss she had initiated was still present in her thoughts.

* * * * *

Two days had passed, and presently Maya was entering the classroom with dark circles under her beautiful emerald green eyes.

The girls looked at each other, confused at the appearance of the beautiful teacher - "Ahem! I'm sure you heard the rumors that a new male student will be coming to our class today, the reason for this is simple, so we'll have the two boys together, so they can socialize without worries"

The girls let out a squeal of excitement as the look of the only boy inside the classroom changed to one of happiness because he would finally have someone who understood him. Oh, don't get him wrong, he was happy for the attention like any boy, but at the same time it was awkward, the girls were glued to him 24/7 and wouldn't even let him go to the bathroom alone. It was so annoying that there were many times he was about to explode, but he quickly regained his composure because that would be rude and put him in an even worse position.

Ichika Orimura again let out a sigh of relief as he felt how his curse would soon be reduced by at least 50%.

""Yamada sensei! Is it true the rumor that our new partner is the ultimate soldier?"" - asked a pretty black-haired girl.

"Yes, that's him" - nodded Maya with a small smile, though he quickly blushed as he remembered what she had done - "Ahem! Indeed, he is the new addition to the academy, as for the reason for this decision, it is simply to keep the only man capable of fighting directly with our [IS], as well as gaining experience against enemies using other types of weaponry"

The girls began to talk amongst themselves while one of them frowned slightly, after all, she still couldn't believe that someone had managed to obtain an armament that could compare to the battlesuits that her older sister had designed. She was Houki Shinonono, Tabane's younger sister, as well as one of the possible candidates for Japan's representative.

She had changed a lot during all these years, and her body was the clearest proof. Houki still wore her ponytail that reached down to her butt, as well as the huge white ribbon with red lines that one of her childhood friends had given her, though the most apparent change was her curves, she was not only taller than a standard Japanese girl, but her body far surpassed girls her age, big breasts, firm butt and a slim waist, all thanks to her training as a swordswoman.

"Is he handsome?" - asked another girl as the others squealed again.

Houki just frowned because honestly, she didn't care if this boy was handsome or not, she only cared about few people, those being her parents, Tabane, her older sister, Ichika and her older sister, Chifuyu-san, and finally the boy who still haunted her thoughts, the person who had saved her from being kidnapped, Cloud.

"W-Well, yeah, he's handsome" - Maya replied with a red face, which made the girls raise an eyebrow because they didn't expect this reaction.

Houki frowned slightly, though she quickly put it aside, after all, it wasn't the first time she heard an instructor having a relationship with one of her students, much less when 99.9% of these were women who spent all their time with people of the same gender. It was no surprise the number of lesbian relationships amongst [IS] pilots, which is why the government had started projects to increase Japan's steadily declining birth rate.

"Sorry for the delay" - said Chifuyu as she entered the classroom and frowned as she noticed how animated her students were - "Am I missing something?"

The girls quickly fell silent as the instructor arrived, who simply snorted in disdain.

"Anyway, Yamada sensei must have already informed you that we will have a new student today" - said Chifuyu calmly as she looked around - "I'm sure you have to be excited, but you can leave the questions for another time... Come in"

The door opened, and from it a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes appeared.

The girls let out a squeal of excitement as they watched the young man walk towards the podium, the place where a blushing teacher and another who seemed to be exasperated by how much she was rubbing her forehead, although there were two people who were looking at the newcomer in surprise.

"C-Cloud?" - Ichika and Houki asked as they looked at the young blond, at the same time as memories of the past suddenly popped into their heads.

"My name is Cloud Strife, it's a pleasure to meet you" - Cloud said simply while ignoring the girls' scream.


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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