
[Only I'm Need] (RWBY)

‘No reason for me to be a hero. No reason to stop the robber. But I wanted to test myself. See how far my mind could go before shutting down. And so I sneaked up to the robber. I grabbed the gun barrel and his arm and swung it down on my knee. The crack was disgusting. The shiver it sent through my spine. The disgust that almost erupted through my mouth. But I held out. And I killed. With the first kill, the robber, I felt my heart clench, the bile from my throat rise once more, the tears that felt though my eyes. But I held out. The second kill was easier. A old man somewhere in his 60s. The third kill was even easier. The bullet torn through her chest with no resistance. And the fourth, fifth, sixth. And then the seventh. A young cute girl no younger then what seemed to be 5 years old. That was the hardest. The bullet tore through her head with little resistance. And you know what hit me the hardest about that. I didn’t cry no more. I felt the vomit rise no more. And I felt my heart clench no more. I adapted to killing. Im use to it by the seventh. By the death of a child, I was use to killing. But it didn’t matter what I felt. I put the gun against my head. And pulled. Not because of the child. But because even before the robber this day was the worst. My home gone. My job gone. Everything gone. So I might as well go out with a bang. =-=-=-= But why do I still feel alive. And so small.

FrozenNeko · Khác
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15 Chs

Writers Block

Read the title. Ill try my best to output a chapter, but give me a couple days to format and plan my whole plot and which other characters to add, OC I meant.

Ill also have to basically change a few things of Canon as some JUST don't make sense.

Ill be planning until end of Volume 1 then stop few days and plan, then begin Volume 2.

I'll try to make it seem like Volume 1 ACTUALLY ended and not just a random stop and transaction to next Volume.

Please bare with me, but I have noticed the lack of quality and consistently in my chapters so Ill try to fix.