
[Naruto]Sunagakure Legends:Genin's Comeback

In a twist of fate, an adult man is reborn into the world of Naruto, becoming a ninja of the Hidden Sand. His heart beats for Temari who will later be known as the wife of Shikamaru Nara of the Hidden Leaf... Set just before the Chunin Exams, the tale unfolds as the Sand and Sound's plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf, though yet to be executed, has already set the ninja world astir. Our hero, a Sand ninja with mastery over Puppetry and Mental Mysteries, partakes in the scheme to bring down the Leaf. He seizes the Kekkei Genkai of both Sakon and Ukon's doppelgangers and, using puppetry as his foundation, establishes an aerial combat unit. This propels him to the rank of Jonin and sets him on an ascendant path to become the Kazekage.

BlackSheep9 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Words Become Actions

Senza's performance was beyond expectation—not only did it catch her opponent Fujin off-guard, but it also surprised Daimaru. Her illusionary technique relied on a specially crafted feather fan, which could fold up like a regular fan and resembled a dance fan with its beautiful plumage.

Fujin had probably pegged Senza as a Ninjutsu-weak illusionary ninja. But that fan was more than a mere tool for casting illusions. The ribs were made of rare alloy, incredibly hard, with edges hidden among the feathers that were exceptionally sharp.

The fan was not only an assist for casting illusions but also a weapon in close combat. "The longer the reach, the stronger the impact; the shorter, the greater the risk." Senza's close combat ability wasn't bad; with the fan in hand, she managed to hold her own.

Especially when combined with her movement techniques, her unique fan dance didn't just push Fujin back on his heels but also left him vulnerable to her ultra-close-range illusions, which were impossible to defend against during the intense focus of battle.

Fujin's strength wasn't enough for a quick decision in close combat and was soon pushed back by Senza, who turned the tables on him.

"Interesting!" Daimaru mused.

With so many ninjas in the world, there were always unique talents that could catch one's eye. Combining Ninjutsu with Taijutsu to create NinTaijutsu was something many high-level ninjas were aware of, with the Raikage's lineage from Kumogakure and their Lightning Release Chakra Mode being the most famous.

Sunagakure's arch-enemy, Iwagakure's Four-Tails Jinchūriki Roshi's Lava Release Chakra Mode had given many Sand ninjas a hard time.

Senza was still weak compared to those big names, but her combat style certainly caught Daimaru's attention. Merely combining Taijutsu with Genjutsu, of course, had nothing to do with Daimaru's whimsical so-called "Genjutsu Chakra Mode" or "GenTaijutsu," but it did have some significance for reference.

Under Daimaru's approving gaze, Fujin, his head throbbing from the constant surge of illusionary power, was caught off-guard and pierced through the shoulder by the sharp edge of the fan. A severe pain followed by a forceful knee to the jaw knocked him out with a concussion.

"The winner—Senza!" The referee announced the result, and the defeated Fujin was carried away.

The next ninja to enter the arena had exaggerated eyeshadow, barely concealed by his slim sunglasses. He held a kunai in one hand and swung a chain mace in the other.

"A ninja tool thrower?"

Daimaru frowned. This type of mid-range attacker usually acted as the jack-of-all-trades and support ninja within a team. Perhaps not outstanding in any particular area, but their ability to drag out a fight was formidable.

It seemed Senza might struggle with her energy reserves after the intense battle.

"I'm called Micron, not as reckless as Fujin. Your tactics won't work on me."

"It seems there's no chance!" Daimaru felt a pang of regret. Genin had only so much chakra, and Senza, being a girl, was at a noticeable disadvantage in terms of stamina.

As expected, even with Senza's tenacious resistance, Micron's cautious attacks eventually wore her down until she collapsed from exhaustion.

Yoru, who was slightly less skilled than Senza but possessed extraordinary vision, could anticipate the direction of Micron's attacks. Whether it was kunai or shuriken, she dodged them with minimal movement.

Her small and agile body contained surprising strength. Even in close combat, she managed to fend off attacks and even landed a few counterstrikes on Micron's abdomen, causing him great pain and forcing him to reconsider his underestimation.

"Trying to run out the clock for an automatic win after an hour?"

Ignoring Micron's questioning, Yoru silently kept her distance, vigilant against her opponent's attacks.

"Quite the tough one. Are you able to dodge because of those eyes?"

Micron formed hand seals.

"Earth Release: Dust Devil!"

A surge of chakra swirled around Micron, kicking up dust and creating a sandstorm. Yoru could only shield her eyes with her hands to prevent the sand from blinding her.

Seizing the opportunity, Micron unleashed a barrage of shuriken, several of which struck Yoru in the thigh and arm. Then, a figure burst through the dust, kicking Yoru hard in the waist.

Unable to withstand much damage, Yoru was swiftly defeated.

"You should be satisfied that I had to use so much chakra and reveal my ace, which I intended to keep hidden until the Chunin Exam to defeat you," Micron said.

After briefly checking Yoru's injuries and confirming they weren't severe, Daimaru casually approached the still panting Micron.

"If that's the extent of your trump card, there won't be a place for you in the Chunin Exam, scum!"

Daimaru cracked his neck and flexed his wrists.

"Referee, shall we begin?"


Unfazed by Daimaru's vulgar language, Micron retorted,

"Are you angry because I injured your teammates?"

"No, being weak and losing is no one's fault but your own! I just can't stand the look on your face, like everything is under control. I'm itching to punch it and see if it changes expression."

"Try if you can!"

"Then I won't hold back!"

Daimaru flashed a brilliant smile,

"Beating up someone I dislike is something I enjoy the most."

As he spoke, Daimaru's right foot stomped forward, and the ground's sand rippled like waves, the wobbling horizon making it hard to stand.

In an instant, a wave of sand rose from the ground, slapping towards Micron.

Micron, not to be outdone, waved his hand, and a wall of sand formed in front of him.

"It won't be easy to defeat me with that kind of Ninjutsu. Your abilities don't match your arrogant words..."

As Micron retreated and defended, a nimble figure burst through the sand wave, shattered the earthen wall, and appeared before Micron.

"Using Ninjutsu was just a greeting! I said I'd punch you, and I meant with my fists, idiot!"

A heavy fist landed on Micron's cheek, shattering his sunglasses and sending him flying back with the sound of a dislocated jaw. His body twisted mid-air, and before a look of surprise could settle on his face, he was knocked unconscious on the ground.

The quick resolution of the battle caught the referee off-guard.

"Hey, you alright? Seems you can't take a punch! Referee, I won, right?"

"Winner, Daimaru!"

"Next one, let's get started!"

The last challenger, with bushy brows and no odd attire, stepped forward.

"You're really impatient, bastard! Don't lump me with those two useless guys. Remember the name who will defeat you—Sachin..."

"Enough with the babbling!"

Daimaru leisurely cleaned his ears, casually interrupting the challenge,

"You're called Sachin? That's quite a coincidence. Known as the 'Red Sandstorm', I think you should consider a new name!"