
[Naruto]Sunagakure Legends:Genin's Comeback

In a twist of fate, an adult man is reborn into the world of Naruto, becoming a ninja of the Hidden Sand. His heart beats for Temari who will later be known as the wife of Shikamaru Nara of the Hidden Leaf... Set just before the Chunin Exams, the tale unfolds as the Sand and Sound's plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf, though yet to be executed, has already set the ninja world astir. Our hero, a Sand ninja with mastery over Puppetry and Mental Mysteries, partakes in the scheme to bring down the Leaf. He seizes the Kekkei Genkai of both Sakon and Ukon's doppelgangers and, using puppetry as his foundation, establishes an aerial combat unit. This propels him to the rank of Jonin and sets him on an ascendant path to become the Kazekage.

BlackSheep9 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Restless Thoughts

Temari had been feeling restless lately. Since the conclusion of the preliminary Chunin Exam qualifications, something about the words of her teacher, Jonin Maki, seemed off.

"What does it mean to be prepared to defend the honor of Sunagakure with our lives? Is the mere Chunin Exam really that perilous?"

Gaara was a problem child who didn't care about anything, and Kankuro was unreliable, always tinkering with his heap of ragged puppets.

Only Temari, who seemed brusque but was actually keenly observant, could sense that something was amiss.

Some things were difficult to discuss, and even asking others wouldn't yield answers.

After venting some of her frustration at the training grounds, Temari headed to her friend's house as promised. Being the daughter of the Kazekage, she wasn't short of flatterers.

Many young shinobi, deluded by infatuation, attempted to win Temari's heart, seeking to elevate their status.

There were a few kunoichi of similar status to Temari, but most were temperamental heiresses with whom Temari could hardly find common ground.

Enjoying the privileges her father's position brought, she also bore the brunt of inevitable criticism.

Befriending Senza was something that came naturally to her.

Back in the ninja academy, they were both shinobi who wielded fans and shared a fondness for plants.

Their common interests had solidified their friendship over the years.

Despite the stark disparity in their status and abilities, it had never affected their bond.

These past few days, Senza had risked venturing out to bring back several precious desert plants, hoping to concoct potent elixirs in preparation for the Chunin Exams.

Before that, she wanted Temari to see her achievements, so she had extended a special invitation.

The heart-to-heart with her friend eased some of the knots in Temari's heart.

"With these, our chances in the Chunin Exams have increased!"

The efficacy was yet to be seen, but at least they had tried.

"Senza, be careful during the Chunin Exams."

Temari wanted to warn her but was constrained by Maki's admonition not to spread disheartening news casually.

"Don't underestimate me now. I might just surprise you!"


Temari sighed silently, unsure of how to explain her concerns.

"You're acting a bit strange today, Temari. What's troubling you?"

"The only thing bothering me lately is your idiot teammate, Daimaru. I don't know why he keeps pestering me..."

"It depends on the person! I see him almost every day, and he's never tried to take advantage of me. And Yoru, in Daimaru's eyes, is probably just a kid who hasn't grown up yet!"

"As if being pestered by him is something to be proud of! Not many can converse with me without regard to family background. Honestly, having a fool for a friend isn't so bad, but Daimaru is just..."

Temari waved dismissively,

"Too foolish to handle!"

"Miss Temari sure is greedy!"

Senza giggled behind her hand,

"Life's dissatisfaction often stems from excessive demands. If Daimaru were a bit smarter, plenty of girls would like him. Compared to the many eccentric young shinobi in our village, Daimaru is actually quite normal..."

"You say that, but..."

Temari pondered lazily, chin in hand,

"There's no end to stupidity, only varying degrees!"

Her brothers were no saints, and among the shinobi she knew, there were plenty more outrageous than Daimaru.

"Actually, having been teamed up with Daimaru for nearly three months, I've always felt that he's..."

Senza reminisced about their time together,

"A bit contradictory, perhaps..."


Temari's interest piqued,

"You seem quite fond of him?"

"Not exactly fond, but so far, I haven't seen a Sand shinobi of our age who surpasses him!"

"That's high praise! Have you lost your mind... or maybe caught some of Daimaru's stupidity?"

Senza laughed lightly, pushing away Temari's hand that had reached out to check her forehead,

"You think Daimaru's a bit silly, and I get that. But from what I see, he only seems to lose his wits around you. Most of the time, he's quite exceptional!"

"Hey, you're in such a hurry to defend your teammate? If you fancy him, I can reject him to his face, end his fixation on me, and you can swoop in!"

"You don't understand!"

Senza shook her head,

"Daimaru has never looked at me properly. In his eyes, I'm just a kunoichi... of the female gender."

"Your romance ended before it began? How dull..."

Temari teased.

Their familiar way of interacting didn't lead to grudges over a bit of rudeness.

"The proud phoenix soaring high doesn't care for the chattering sparrows in the woods!"

Senza spoke with a touch of regret,

"Though it's hard to accept, Daimaru's judgment is spot on; he set his sights on the best!"

"Are you indirectly complimenting me? Don't expect any reward!"

"No need! I just hope that no matter what the future holds, we'll always be friends."

"Of course!"

Temari's lips curled into a smile,

"Don't die in the Chunin Exams; I'd be sad."

"Is it that serious?"

Senza was taken aback, then laughed,

"You too, be careful! If you need help, don't hesitate. Daimaru is so eager for a chance to play the hero, he's nearly delusional!"

"If that day ever comes, I might just see him in a new light!"

Temari scoffed.

Troubles that she, Kankuro, and Gaara couldn't handle weren't likely to be solved by Daimaru.


In the single shinobi apartments, Lady Saya was unusually diligent at home, checking her puppets for flaws.

Next door, Daimaru patiently sculpted his own substitute puppet.

Though not a traditional puppeteer, the art of deceiving enemies and protecting oneself had to be mastered.

Not just that, Daimaru didn't waste the leftover materials.

Considering potential enemies in the Chunin Exams and the "Konoha Crush" plan, he crafted some specific devices, ready for their moment to shine.

Meanwhile, Maki, as the Jonin leader and the official commander, was busy selecting ninjas for the mission as planned.

Daimaru's former team leader, Satetsu, and his current leader, Otofuku, were both conscripted, and even Sunajin, a Chunin he knew from the northern fortress, was assigned to the raid team for the third phase of the exam.

As the departure date drew near, Daimaru, initially anxious, found his calm.

Returning home for a rare visit, he exchanged few words with his grandfather, still at odds, and his mother, a housewife with little knowledge of ninja affairs.

After bidding farewell to his family, the Genin, burdened with various thoughts, collected their passes and set off for Konohagakure.