
[Naruto]Sunagakure Legends:Genin's Comeback

In a twist of fate, an adult man is reborn into the world of Naruto, becoming a ninja of the Hidden Sand. His heart beats for Temari who will later be known as the wife of Shikamaru Nara of the Hidden Leaf... Set just before the Chunin Exams, the tale unfolds as the Sand and Sound's plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf, though yet to be executed, has already set the ninja world astir. Our hero, a Sand ninja with mastery over Puppetry and Mental Mysteries, partakes in the scheme to bring down the Leaf. He seizes the Kekkei Genkai of both Sakon and Ukon's doppelgangers and, using puppetry as his foundation, establishes an aerial combat unit. This propels him to the rank of Jonin and sets him on an ascendant path to become the Kazekage.

BlackSheep9 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

"Wait, we've got incoming!"

The timid Karin issued a warning to her teammates with a quiver in her voice.

"Enemies? How's that possible? We barely moved, and we're already being targeted?"

The Grass ninja wielding a long sword found it hard to believe.

"It's true. They're closing in fast, and they're heading straight for us. No mistake."

"Who is it?"

The slightly shorter leader asked.

"It's that Sand puppeteer, Daimaru."

"That hot-tempered, loudmouth Sand ninja? Perfect, let's test his strength. His two teammates don't look too tough; this might be our chance..."

"I think... it's better to avoid them..."

"Shut up, you fool!"

The sword-bearing Grass ninja shoved the meek Karin aside,

"If you weren't so useless, we wouldn't have to be so cautious..."

Not realizing their own strength, instead of fleeing, they were heading straight into the lion's den, much to the delight of the pursuing Baki team.

"Unlucky for over a decade, and finally, our luck turns today. Yome, Chiyo, get ready..."

It was rare for genin, outside of the joint Chunin Exam, to encounter combat with ninja from other villages.

Sparring with your own village's genin felt very different from fighting outsiders.

Daimaru, leading the charge, flung out his puppet from his shoulder, its steel-reinforced fan colliding with the opponent's swinging long sword.

"I'll tie up his puppet; you go for his real body..."

Before the words were finished, a short Grass ninja charged straight in, kunai aimed at Daimaru's heart.

"Die, you damn puppeteer!"


A straight punch landed squarely on the chin of the short Grass ninja.

There was a crisp snap, likely a fractured jaw.

"Going for the kill right from the start. Grass ninja are truly a bunch of ill-mannered folks. Thought you could beat a puppeteer in close quarters? For someone like you, I don't even need chakra to turn you into a pig's head!"

Daimaru followed up with a heavy stomp to the abdomen, causing the ninja to spit blood and faint.

Meanwhile, Chiyo, in sync with Daimaru's puppet Temari, took down the sword-bearing Grass ninja in a few exchanges.

Yome didn't stop to engage with the two somewhat capable Grass ninja, heading straight for Karin's hiding spot to capture her and retrieve the Earth Scroll the Baki team needed from her pouch.


Hidden by a small river, Karin sat slumped, unsure of what to do next, while the sword-bearing Grass ninja and the short one were bound hand and foot by Daimaru's puppet, kneeling on the ground, waiting for Daimaru's judgment.

"Why do you monsters insist on bullying us weaklings?"

"Such tears, such sorrow. It breaks the heart and moves one to tears!"

Daimaru, with an air of indifference, drawled lazily,

"Your weakness, your bullying, my fault?"

"You've won already, take the scroll and leave. Why stay and continue to humiliate us?"

"How unsightly!"

Daimaru advanced, kicking them to the ground with a swift boot,

"Before the fight, full of bluster. After defeat, blaming everyone but yourselves. You're not even as respectable as that little girl over there. She might be afraid, but she hasn't lost her wits like you cowards."

"Enough already, Daimaru!"

Chiyo tugged at Daimaru's sleeve,

"Temari's not here to witness your show of force, let's just leave!"

Yome added,

"Yeah, now that we've collected both the Heaven and Earth Scrolls, we can head straight for the central tower and pass the second stage with ease!"

"Not so fast!"

"Hey, Daimaru, didn't you promise Captain Baki you wouldn't stir up trouble in the rest of the Chunin Exam? Don't mess around!"

Chiyo urged nervously, fearing Daimaru might cause another disaster they couldn't clean up,

"This is a survival competition where we've signed a death waiver. One slip up could cost us our lives. You might not fear, but Yome and I can't afford such turmoil."

"Don't worry, would I ever put my dear teammates in danger?"

As Daimaru spoke, he kicked the feigning sword-bearer and stepped on the whimpering short Grass ninja leader's face.

"You scum, I wonder how you even passed the first stage's written test. But alas, your luck ends here with me. Your Chunin Exam should've ended, but..."

Daimaru picked up a pair of black-framed glasses from the ground, wiped the dust from the lenses, and slowly approached the trembling Karin. He crouched down and carefully placed the glasses on her nose.

"Little girl, in recognition of your spirit, I'll give you a chance..."

It was unclear how Daimaru discerned any backbone in the petrified Karin, but he went on with his blatant lies.

"Hey, Daimaru, what are you..."

Daimaru waved his hand to silence Chiyo and Yome, who were about to say something, and then pulled out a "Heaven Scroll," offering it to the bewildered Karin,

"We've taken your Earth Scroll, and we can't just give it back. But we have an extra 'Heaven Scroll.' It's of no use to us, so we're giving it to you."

Seeing Karin frozen, Daimaru placed the scroll on the ground before her.

"I've left it here for you. Whether you take it or not is up to you. With your strength, staying in the Forest of Death could be good or bad; it's hard to say. Perhaps my momentary compassion will cost you your lives. Ha ha..."

Daimaru stood up with a meaningless laugh:

"Yome, Chiyo, let's go!"

The two female ninja, burdened with thoughts, glanced at the confused Karin and then at the "Heaven Scroll" on the ground. After hesitating, they followed Daimaru's steps.

Moments later, once they realized the Baki team had truly left, the sword-bearing Grass ninja struggling to his feet, staggered over to Karin, picked up the "Heaven Scroll" from the ground, and fiercely bit into her arm,

"It's all your fault, you useless trash! If it wasn't for you, we would've escaped by now."

The other short Grass ninja also unceremoniously got up and bit into Karin's other arm.

The pain made Karin scream involuntarily, but her two companions, quickly healed by her unique abilities, had no compassion as they berated the helpless girl.


Elsewhere, as the Baki team took a break to eat, Chiyo couldn't help but ask,

"Daimaru, when did we get an extra Heaven Scroll?"

Yome spoke up with some dissatisfaction,

"What extra Heaven Scroll? Daimaru, even though you're the boss, at least consider our feelings. Why give away a Heaven Scroll to the Grass ninja?"

"Don't be silly, you two..."

Daimaru smiled mysteriously, producing a set of Heaven and Earth Scrolls,

"See? All intact. Don't worry, I'm not foolish."