
[Naruto]Sunagakure Legends:Genin's Comeback

In a twist of fate, an adult man is reborn into the world of Naruto, becoming a ninja of the Hidden Sand. His heart beats for Temari who will later be known as the wife of Shikamaru Nara of the Hidden Leaf... Set just before the Chunin Exams, the tale unfolds as the Sand and Sound's plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf, though yet to be executed, has already set the ninja world astir. Our hero, a Sand ninja with mastery over Puppetry and Mental Mysteries, partakes in the scheme to bring down the Leaf. He seizes the Kekkei Genkai of both Sakon and Ukon's doppelgangers and, using puppetry as his foundation, establishes an aerial combat unit. This propels him to the rank of Jonin and sets him on an ascendant path to become the Kazekage.

BlackSheep9 · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

A Distant Future

After clearing the scene, the Otofū squad lingered in the area for some time. It wasn't until they were certain no stragglers were coming to investigate that the four of them wearily made their way back to the border town. After a brief rest, they set off on the road home.

As for that shallow, nameless town—liable to be abandoned at any given moment—the Sand ninjas had no intention of troubling its residents further.

Why not completely eradicate the thieves lurking in the town? Beyond the reason of not wantonly killing the innocent, there was an unspoken truth.

Ninjas, by nature, were mercenaries born from conflict.

If the ninja world were harmonious, there would be no place for ninjas to exist.

Despite over a decade of peace among the Five Great Nations, wars among smaller countries were incessant.

The ongoing war between the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth was a stone's throw away, showing no signs of stopping. Then there was the Land of Rain, where the great ninja villages backed proxies vying for control of this perennially wet strategic location.

Proxy wars continued unabated until Hanzō's time, with rebellions emerging endlessly, though they had died down in recent years.

The barren Land of Wind had few missions to begin with; the tumultuous borders, neglected by both countries, contributed a significant portion of Sunagakure's income through assassination missions and protection contracts.

Especially with various bands of thieves, bounty hunters, and rogue ninjas, Sunagakure didn't exactly shun these lucrative commission tasks.

After all, these elements were difficult to eradicate. Even with considerable effort to wipe them out, they would rise again before long.

Sand ninjas, not being detached ascetics, naturally wouldn't engage in thankless tasks.

Ninjas often didn't represent justice, especially the Sand shinobi in precarious circumstances. They had to recognize this reality.

Survive, then strive to live better—this bore no relation to good or evil, only to position.

"Hey, Daimaru, is the ninja's claim of being a mere tool for completing missions just a way to feel better?" asked Yoru, her heart heavy with thoughts from the journey. Being a tool, a weapon, meant no need for guilt over bloodied hands, shifting responsibility to the mission's client—a very convincing self-justification.

"If that's how you want to see it, sure!"

Daimaru laughed, reaching out to ruffle Yoru's fluffy twin ponytails—a pleasant texture he hadn't felt in a while, stirring a sense of nostalgia.

"Tools, teammates, protection, will, legacy... that's all within the realm of the ninja way. If you want to walk steadfastly on the ninja path, you'll need to choose one eventually.

Many ninjas spend their lives without ever clarifying this question. So if you're asking me, I don't know either!"

The three Genin took a break in a sheltered corner, with signs of a sandstorm nearby. Otofū went to investigate the situation further; for Genin, sandstorms could be quite dangerous.

"Don't mess up my hair; it's already in disarray from the wind and sand, and it's very uncomfortable."

Yoru pushed away Daimaru's impertinent hand and hid behind Chien, glaring at Daimaru with displeasure.

"Alright, don't just bully your teammates. You might need Yoru's help one day, and by then it might be too late," Chien consoled Yoru and urged the restless Daimaru to behave.

"Then... Daimaru, what is your ninja way?"

"My ninja way?"

Daimaru laughed heartily.

"Talking about the ninja way is too far off. But, for now, I do have a goal, and that's to make Temari feel my profound love..."

"That's... well..."

Chien smiled wryly.

"Temari likes handsome men with clear brows and bright eyes. Someone like you... probably won't do."

Constant exposure to the desert's winds and sun made it strange for anyone to grow up looking like a fresh-faced young man.

"By that logic, there aren't many in Sunagakure who fit the bill!"

Looks and temperament are important, both innate and cultivated.

"I don't want to persuade you to give up anymore. You're too stubborn to listen anyway."

Chien glanced at the dust outside, noting the sandstorm seemed to be subsiding.

"You keep saying you want to participate in this year's Chunin Exams. Is it for Temari?"

After all, a man who can't beat a woman is too disappointing.

"Do you want to impress Temari with your performance at the Chunin Exams? With your strength, it seems a bit difficult!"

"I have my own plans!"

Daimaru declared, brimming with pride.

"The Chunin Exams will surely start with team competitions and end with individual matches. Although the content varies, the format is generally the same. You just need to cooperate with me through the team portion, and then you can do as you please. If you drop out later, that's fine too!"

Despite the setbacks in his self-development, he had many years of rebirth to show for something. With the advantage of complete information about the Chunin Exams, he couldn't resist trying.

"So confident? It seems your strength isn't as simple as it appears!"

Chien looked into Daimaru's self-assured eyes and said meaningfully,

"Since that's the case, shouldn't you let us witness it, to give your teammates some confidence?"

With that, Chien casually took out a folding fan, and Yoru, in turn, pulled out a kunai, challenging Daimaru with a provocative look.

"Oh? It seems you two have already conspired to test the strength of your teammate!"

Daimaru's smile faded.

"If I can't convince you today, you won't take my words seriously in the future, right?"

"Boasting requires strength to back it up. Otherwise, dragging two girls into embarrassment with you is quite unbecoming."

As she spoke, Chien's fan danced lightly, and the wind and sand that filled Daimaru's vision suddenly receded, leaving the surroundings as colorless as a faded sketch.

The sky and earth in his view were constantly rotating, collapsing, and then pressing down upon him.

"An illusion? Interesting! But the casting motion is too obvious..."

Daimaru reached out into the void before him, abruptly grasping a whip-like kick aimed at him, pulled forcefully, then executed a back throw, hurling the attacker away.

"Not enough power, too slow to react, a reckless attack with no contingency for the enemy's counter—hand-to-hand combat needs improvement, lacking experience!"

Looking towards an empty space, Daimaru formed hand seals.


The distorted scenery rapidly vanished, reverting to its original state.

Not far away, Chien, thrown by Daimaru, crouched on the ground, a dark handprint on her right calf showcasing Daimaru's formidable hand strength.

Yoru, covering Chien's side, had exerted herself to catch the airborne Chien to prevent injury. For the petite Yoru, it was no small feat.