
Chapter 54 The fox will come and hunt you all

Feng Xilou's cultivation was at the 1st level of the Emperor Profound Stage.

As for Xia Qingyue. She was at the 5th level of the Earth Profound Realm.

Their cultivation gap was too vast for her to fight back depending on her skill alone.

If he were just the Sky Profound Stage cultivator, Xia Qingyue was confident that she could fight and run away safely.

However, with his cultivation and his powerful subordinates, she could not resist at all.

'Fortunately, this city is in Na'er Gege's domain. He must have already known that someone was messing with me.'

Xia Qingyue thought to herself. She had blind trust in her fiancee.

"Come with me right this instant."

Feng Xilou tried to force Xia Qingyue to come with him. Even though she was still young. He didn't care.

He just had to wait for her to grow up more and made her his concubine.

And when he was about to drag Xia Qingyue with him.

Suddenly he felt a very powerful presence nearby.

He had never felt like this before, even when he was in front of his father, Feng Hengkong, the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire.


Feng Xilou unintentionally released Xia Qingyue's hand for a moment.

Xia Qingyue saw the opportunity so she used that opportunity to run away toward the direction in which she could feel the powerful presence.

"You are dead."

Xia Qingyue said calmly as she knew what was going to happen to him in the next moment.

Feng Xilou could only watch her mocking him and run away without doing anything.

Even though he was a lot stronger than the people of the Blue Wind Empire, he was actually a coward.

And after Xia Qingyue successfully ran away from Feng Xilou, a powerful voice echoed through the whole city.

"Who I am is defined by how you behave. And when you decide to touch my people, You will face the consequences."

A young man with blond hair appeared in front of him like a ghost.

His shining, bloody red eyes were looking at him with malice.

Feng Xilou felt like he was standing in front of the embodiment of death itself.

Those eyes seemed to pierce right through his soul, sending a wave of terror through his entire being.

Feng Xilou was about to lose his consciousness. 

However, before he lost himself in fear, Someone came to his rescue.

"How dare you treat the prince with such disrespect! His highness is Feng Xilou, the 14th prince of the divine Phoenix Empire!"

His subordinates quickly came in front of Feng Xilou when they sensed that the owner of the blood red eyes was only the 1st level of the Emperor Profound Realm.

They thought that when the young man heard Feng Xilou's name and status, he would show fear, but they were wrong. 

Not only did the young man not look fearful, he looked at them with cold eyes and said,

"So what? Do I have to care for such an ant?"

"You really don't know how high heaven is. You're just an Emperor Profound Realm cultivator. How dare you speak so arrogantly?"

One of Feng Xilou's men said that and he immediately pounced towards the young man. 

He thought that he would be able to easily defeat the young man.

"Humph, it is your people who don't know how high heaven really is."

The young man disappeared before his eyes when he was about to reach him and then he reappeared above his head.

The young man then suddenly did a dropkick at him.

He wanted to defend himself, but it was too late. 

The young man's leg made contact with him causing a powerful explosion that sent shockwaves throughout the area, leaving behind a crater.

He died instantly facing such a powerful kick.

The others looked on in shock. They had never thought that a young man would be so powerful to kill Feng Xilou's subordinate with just a simple kick.

"So, who's next?"

The young man's sinister grin sent chills down their spines. 

They realized that the young man wasn't just a cultivator in the Emperor Profound Realm.

He must be far stronger than that if he could kill someone who had the cultivation at the Emperor Profound Realm as easily as that.

"If you don't come to me, I will come to you then."

The young man disappeared and appeared many times. Every time he appeared, someone would be dead.

The young man then looked at Feng Xilou.

He was now falling on the ground and trembling uncontrollable.

The young man then said to him with contempt.

"I will not kill you, but you have to go and tell your father this. The fox will come and hunt all of you."

The young man looked at Feng Xilou with so much disgust.

Feng Xilou heard that, and he quickly ran away, leaving all of his subordinates behind.

The young man then killed all of his subordinates in a matter of seconds.

"I—I will never step inside this empire again."

Feng Xilou swore to himself. He didn't care at all if his subordinates died.

All he thought was himself.

After Feng Xilou had left. Xia Qingyue approached the young man.

She said to him softly.

"Na'er Gege, Is that you?"

Xia Qingyue came close to the young man who was actually Xuan Na'er or Uzumanki Naruto.

"It's me. Yue-chan."

Naruto said and smiled at her. His aura went back to that of the bright young man again.

"But, You kill all of the people here."

Normally it would be Daji who killed people for Naruto.

However, this time it was Naruto who did the deed himself.

Naruto looked bothered for a second before his expression went back to normal.

"I kill them because they are trying to do something bad to you. And sooner or later I will have to kill someone to protect what is mine."

Naruto felt like vomiting but he held it in. 

This was the first time he killed someone with his two hands. And it was on his birthday.

"Na'er gege…"

Xia Qingyue felt guilty that she was the reason that Naruto had to suffer. 

She could tell that it affected him but she didn't know what to say in this situation.

"It's okay. I will overcome it." 

Naruto said and looked at her.

"Let's go home together shall we. Everyone is waiting for you."

Xia Qingyue nodded her head and then she grabbed his hand which was very cold.

She then tried to warm his hand as much as she could.

This was the least thing she could do for him when he protected her at the cost of his innocence.

"Yes, let's go home."

Xia Qingyue considered any place that she was with him her home.

Naruto brought Xia Qingyue back with him. His hands were stained with blood but he didn't care.

All he cared for was the safety of his loved ones.

"You did well, Naruto-chan."

"Yes, Kaa-chan. And what do you mean that we will go and hunt them. Do you perhap know them before?"

Daji went silent a little bit before she spoke to him.

"Kaa-chan will tell you something about them. It is very important for Naruto-chan to know about it."

Naruto felt that it must be something serious so he would listen to her no matter what.