
Chapter 26 Winter is coming

The councilors were gathered in the Hokage office.

They came to the Hokage office because they wanted to demand justice for their friends who were threatened by Tsunade last night.

"She can't do that to the councilors. She has no right to threaten the life of our friends!"

They came in like they owned the place.

They thought that Hiruzen would listen to them like always, but it was not like they thought.

Hiruzen looked at them with cold eyes before speaking.

"Then what were they doing in the Senju family's residential area? They should know that the area is a restricted area. If they enter without permission they will be punished by the ninja law."

Hiruzen stood up from his chair and looked out of the window.

"So tell me what I should do with your friends who broke the law? Should I punish them all myself or Should I let my disciple punish them?"

The councilors were speechless. In front of them was no longer the old senile anymore. But the hardened Shinobi who had survived three Great Ninja World Wars.

They had long forgotten how scary this old man was. And now he has come back.

"Why don't you answer? Which option should I take?"

The councilors couldn't answer because of whichever option. Their friend would be punished severely.

Hiruzen knew that it was a waste of time to wait for them to choose. They must have known already that he won't back down from their wrong doing anymore.

"I advise you all to stay low from now on. Because If I pick a wind of your dirty deeds even a little. I shall bring down my wrath upon you and your family. Remember it."

The councilors were still needed in order to manage the village. He just needed to put  a leash on them. 

And if they listen well, they are good dogs. But if not, they needed to be put down.

This was the cruelty that he would show them.


"You what? Address me properly. Otherwise, my Anbu might do something."

The councilor who was about to curse at Hiruzen got a blade close to his neck. He didn't even know that an Anbu appeared behind him and could kill him anytime.

"This is the village that was founded by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Your friends had trespassed into the Senju Clan's residential area without permission. Normally, I would order execution on your friends. But let me hear my disciple's opinion first."

All the councilors could only nod their head. They could not do anything anymore as the old Hiruzen had returned.

They knew that not only their friends would be punished. Some of them would also be caught and punished as well.

"Now you all can leave but you all can't not go outside the village for the time being. If you tried to get out. You will be killed on sight."

They then ran away as fast as they could. They had to go to their places to hide their dirty deeds.

Hiruzen felt refreshed after being suppressed by them for a very long time. He should have done it like this from the beginning.

"Sometimes listening to Danzo might actually work better than I thought."

Hiruzen shook his head and told Anbu to call for Tsunade. He would hand this case to her to see what she would decide for their punishment.

This was some kind of test to check if she was ready to be a Hokage or not.

On the main street. People were very busy living their life.

Naruto, after having a hearty ramen, walked around the village with a smile on his face.

Everything had changed after five years he was away from the village.

No one dared to do something bad to him because Tsunade and Shizune already spread the rumor that the boy they always called demon fox was actually related to Senju.

They mistook him for being a demon fox because of the faulty information that the councilors spread.

When they heard that it was the councilors that spread the rumors. They became extremely guilty.

Those bunch of blood sucking monsters were equally hated by almost everyone in the village.

And if they were the ones who spread rumors about Naruto being a demon fox. That meant it was likely to be fake.

And if Tsunade found those who mistreat him. She would kick them out of the village or those who didn't physically harm him would be fined with a massive amount that could leave them bankrupt.

So everyone in the village tried their best to not cause him any trouble and treated him very well.

"Tsunade-shishou surely works fast."

Naruto was very happy that Tsunade would treat him well but in the past sometimes she just looked at him like she saw someone else in him and he didn't like it.

However, lately she seemed to get out of it and Naruto became even more happy.

Naruto was chilling and the snow started to fall.

"Oh, it's winter already. Because my body is so strong I don't really feel cold at all."

Naruto used to think that winter was the most hateful season in the world because he was kicked out of the orphanage during that season and had to try so hard to survive.

But for five years he had good memories during such a season with everyone. His hate for this season became dull and disappeared.

He enjoyed basking himself in the cold winter because he just felt it nice and not bone chilling cold.

He walked through a playground he used to play with his friend. He couldn't help but think of Sakura and Ino.

Would they still remember him?

And when he walked by the swing. He heard the voice of the boys saying something mean to a girl.

The girl was crying silently as they were talking bad about her eyes.

Naruto felt angry. He saw himself in her. The bullies were those he still hated the most.

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!