
[In The Palace Of Gods]

Dark_Ages · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Ch. 5 Punch without Touch

[In The Palace Of Gods]

Chapter 5

Punch without Touch

(Good morning sensei. Today's my first martial arts lesson right?)

(Yep. But don't get too excited, he's not gonna go easy on you!) I told you yesterday, didn't I?

(Anyways, what's for breakfast?) You didn't tell me anything!


(So would mind telling me about why you are here, Lisanna?)

(I want you to give me daily updates on 'that' thing.)

(Don't wanna! It's such a pain!) And I don't want to hear your voice everyday!

(Don't be like that, N-A-K-U - C-H-A-N You're making your little sister sad.) I know that you care about me.

(Tch. Fine–) Naku gave in to his sister, a tall woman with eyes like a madman- or rather a madwoman. She had pretty hair, skin so smooth that one couldn't resist touching it, and a perfect figure. But that look in her eyes ruined it all.



(Ah- Good morning Naku sensei.) I was waiting eagerly.

(Just Naku is fine.) I don't want to be called sensei.

(Kay. So we are going to start our first lesson today right, Naku.)

(That's right. But first I need to analyse your strength. Come at me with all you got!) Don't hesitate cause of my looks. That would be very rude!

(Yes!! Here I go —) He's a little too defenceless !

He threw a punch at him which he easily dodged. He then tried to kick him on his face to which he bent down backwards and dodged it. A shocked Neon tried to grab him which resulted in a hole in his stomach. Though it healed quickly, it still hurts.

(Argghh- Wh- What did you do?)

(I simply punched you in the stomach.) It was nothing special.

(But I'm very sure that you did not touch me.) Though I won't bet anything..

(You're right, I did not touch you. I simply gathered mana in front of my fist and then gave it a straight motion. It was fast and had force which resulted in that hole.)

(That's something new to me.) I've never heard anything like that from Tony sensei.

(The martial art that you are going to learn is based on that method itself. It's all about how you control the mana inside and outside of your body. Mana isn't only used to cast spells. It can be used for a variety of other things. Like if you gather mana under your feet, you can walk on water.)

(And on Air?)

(That's a different thing. You can gather mana from the air and manipulate it to create invisible steps on air. That way, you can walk on air. Though wind manipulation or gravity manipulation is also a way, but that's too advanced for you. For now, try sensing and controlling the flow of mana. Then try destroying the rubber dolls without touching them.)

(That's too abrupt. Atleast tell me how to sense it.) And do tell me how to control mana from the surrounding too.

(Figure it on your own, boy. Good luck to you.) I've got to play game with sensei or he won't send me home.

(Haaaaa*inhale* Fuuuuu*exhale* Concentrate - concentrate - feel the flow - yes, that's it - gather it in front of my fist - now punch with it. Damn! Just a scratc-ouch. These shitty dolls!) Whatever, let's continue.



(Haha he's already got the technique, he's quite the fast learner.) Have you changed the settings? My player can't do some of the moves. That's cheating.

(There's much more to come. Anyways, yesterday I got a call from your sister. She wants to meet Neon.) I forgot to tell you bout' the new moves. That ain't cheating.

(All aside, you heard the news right? It's gonna happen very soon. I too wanted to attend!) I want to see how it feels to be present there.

(Too bad, no one below the level of Supreme Gods can attend it.)



(Tony should've introduced me to the kid. That's so selfish of him to keep such an interesting child all to himself.)

(Worry not, Lord Thunder Monarch, for you can ask about him in the upcoming event.)

(You're right, I also want to play that game with him again!)




*Notice, The head of Magic Research Institute wishes to speak with you. Accept / Decline.